相手に先を越されたとしても、Nice to see you again! の気持ちは伝えたいですね。とはいえ、同じ言葉は避けたいし。その場合、「[私も](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/114791/)です」と言う方法があります。
英訳1:You too! は、Nice to see you again too! の(Nice to see と again が取れた)短縮形です。日本人がつい口に出してしまう Me too! にならないよう気をつけて。
A: Nice to see you again!
B: You too!
英訳2:I feel the same way.「同じように感じます/[同じ気持ち](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/74875/)です」と言ってもOKですが、Same here!「私も!」は簡単だし、とてもネイティブっぽい。ぜひ試してください。
A: Nice to see you again!
B: You too!
というのも、英語は同じ単語や表現でも発音によって日本語に変換する訳が全く変わってしまうことがよくあります。そこで、もし相手に 「Nice to see you again!」 と言われたら、恐らく発音的には 「Nice to SEE you again!」(大文字の部分が強調)と言われていることだと思いますので、返す時は、「Nice to see YOU (again)!!」 と言うのが最も簡単で自然な表現になりますね。 最初の "see" を強調して言った時は「[また会えて嬉しい](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/8087/)」という意味になるのに対し、”you" を強調した返しの場合は、「[私も全く同じ](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/37697/)で~す!」というような意味。これはどんな表現にも適応されますので発音さえマスターすれば新たに別の表現を覚えなくても済むということなんですね~!!
次の例、”It's GREAT in seeing you again!!" 、もちろん、これは ”It's great to see you again!" と言っても同じですが、”to (動詞の原型)” = ”○○○するのに”、 で、”in (動詞の進行形=動名詞)” にすると、”○○○することに” というニュアンスになります。つまり要はどっちでもOKということですね。
相手が ”nice" という形容詞を使ってきたらその上の意味合いを持つ ”great" を使えばさらに喜びの気持ちを返すことができます。その上で、上記で記載したように強調する、もう最強ですね~!!
他には ”I couldn't wait to be here with you again!" (訳:またここで会えるのが[待ち遠しかった](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/47815/)~!) な~んて返すのも素敵っ!! でもこうなったら返し方は無限に様々なパターンがあるかもしれませんね。 ちょっとカスタマイズしたネイティブ表現の一つを紹介してみちゃいました。
You can use any of these expressions to express that you are happy to see someone again.
1. Likewise
The word "likewise" means in the same way or manner. When someone gives you a compliment and you say "likewise" you are returning the compliment to them.
2. Same here!
This expression means that you have the same experience as the other person.
1. Likewise
2. Same here!
Me too = something you say to mean that you are also in the same situation. Traditionally, this phrase was used just to agree with a statement:
"I love apples!"
"Me too!"
However, these days, its use seems to be somewhat expanded to include
the meaning of 'it's mutual.'
"I enjoy going to the cinema with you."
"Me too."
Snap is a card game where one player says, "Snap!" when two identical cards appear side by side. So, in this context, "Snap!" simply mirrors the speaker's statement. This is quite informal.
"Likewise," is a little more formal.
Me too = あなたも同じ状況にあることを意味して言います。
"I love apples!"(私はりんごが大好き!)
"Me too!"(私も!)
"I enjoy going to the cinema with you."(あなたと映画に行くのは楽しい)
"Me too."(私も)
Snapは、2枚の同じカードが並んで現れた際に一人のプレーヤーが "Snap!"と言うカードゲームです。ですので、この状況での "Snap!"は、単純に誰かの話したことを反映しています。これはかなりカジュアルな表現です。
There are many ways to respond to this comment.
You could say,
"It is nice to see you as well!"
"I agree!"
"It was a pleasure to see you too!"
"I am happy to see you again!"
It all depends on who you are speaking to, if it is a co-worker, friend, relative, etc. You want to be more formal if you are speaking to a business person, but you can be more familiar if it is a friend, etc.
"It is nice to see you as well!"
"I agree!"
"It was a pleasure to see you too!"
"I am happy to see you again!"
*likewise means "same to you". Generally used in response to another person when given a compliment or criticized.
For example:
You: It is nice to see you again.
*The feeling is mutual.
If you say to someone "The feeling is mutual" you are telling that person that you agree with them .
For example:
Friend: I am very happy to see you.
You:The feeling is mutual.
This means that you are also happy to see them.
*likewiseは、"same to you"(同様に)という意味です。褒められたり、批判されたときに、返答して使われるのが一般的です。
あなた: It is nice to see you again.
*The feeling is mutual.
"The feeling is mutual"は、話し相手に同意しているという意味です。
友人: I am very happy to see you.
あなた:The feeling is mutual.
If you are agreeing to the other person's statement but would not like to repeat what he/she said exactly, you may just indicate that you share the sentiment expressed. Thoughts and feelings can be reciprocated or shared unconsciously and it's not always that the other person's statement can be verbally repeated.
So, if the other person says to you: Nice to see you again Joe!
You may briefly say:
Same here!
But, if you want to somehow repeat what the other person said, you may leave out the adverb 'again' and replace it with the adverb 'too' which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'also'.
So you may say:
It’s nice to see you too (also)
そのため、相手がNice to see you again Joe!(ジョー、また会えて嬉しいよ!)と言ってきたら、簡単に以下のように言うといいでしょう。
Same here!
It's nice to see you too (also)
"It's nice to see you as well" - The term "as well" indicates that you feel the same way. Using "Same to you" as mentioned in the second sentence above also means the same. You are happy to be seeing your teacher again. In addition, the word "Likewise" would also suffice. All these expressions indicate that you are just as happy to see your teacher as he/she is to see you again.
Teacher: It's nice to see you again Yusuke-san :)
Student: It's nice to see you as well, Teacher.
"It's nice to see you as well"(私もあなたにお会いできて嬉しいです)
- 用語"as well"はあなたは同じように感じていることを示します。
上記の2文目で言及されているように"Same to you"も同じ意味です。あなたも先生に再会することができて嬉しいということです。
先生: It's nice to see you again Yusuke-san :) (ユウスケさん、またお会いできて嬉しいです)
生徒: It's nice to see you as well, Teacher. (私も先生とお会いできて嬉しいです)
"You too!" and "It's nice to see you too!"
These are casual and commonly used expressions when replying to someone saying "Nice to see you again".
Often 'nice to see you' is the expression used when you had not seen someone like a friend or family member in a while, as it is polite and a nice opener to a conversation.
"You too!" や "It's nice to see you too!"は、 "Nice to see you again"(また会えてよかったよ。)に答えたいときに使えるカジュアルでよく使われているフレーズです。
'nice to see you' は、友達や家族などしばらく会っていなかった人に、丁寧で会話を始めるフレーズとして使うことができます。
It was wonderful seeing you again too. I hope to see you again soon!
"Nice to see you again too.", is a very common response used when someone says, "Nice to see you again.", such as when saying goodbye. It is used to state that you also feel that the time you spent together with that person was pleasant and enjoyable. It can be used in both informal and formal situations.
"I'm so glad I got to see you again too!", can be used in an informal setting, such as with a friend. It expresses that you are very happy that you had the opportunity to see and to spend a certain amount of time with someone you may not have seen or talked to for a while.
"It was wonderful seeing you again too. I hope to see you again soon!", can be used to again express that the time you spend with another person was very pleasant and enjoyable. "I hope to see you again soon!", reaffirms that you enjoyed the other person's company and that you would like to enjoy his/her company again sometime in the near future.
"Nice to see you again too."(私もまた会えてうれしかったよ。)は、さようならを言うときのように"Nice to see you again."(また会えてうれしかったよ。)に対する返事です。その人と過ごせて楽しかったことを伝えます。フォーマルな場でも、カジュアルな場でも使うことのできるフレーズです。
"I'm so glad I got to see you again too!"(私もまた会えてうれしかった。)は、 友達のようなカジュアルな場で使うことができます。しばらく会っていなかった人に会えてうれしかったことを表します。
"It was wonderful seeing you again too. I hope to see you again soon!"(また会えてうれしかったです。またすぐ会えるといいですね。)は、その人に会えたことがとてもうれしかったことを表します。"I hope to see you again soon!"は、その人に会えて楽しかったので、また近いうちに会いたいということです。