ーThere was a man standing right in front of me with his hand on his chest. It looked like he was in pain all of a sudden.
in pain で「痛くて」というのと「苦しんで」という意味があります。
all of a sudden で「突然・急に」
ーI saw a lady at the train station holding her chest. Out of nowhere, it looked like she was really suffering.
out of nowhere で「いきなり」
suffer で「苦しむ」
ーShe looked like she was having a heart attack.
have a heart attack 「心臓発作を起こす」
ーSuddenly I was having trouble breathing the other morning and it was quite uncomfortable.
suddenly で「突然に・不意に」
have trouble breathing「呼吸が苦しくなる・息が詰まる」
ーAll of the sudden, I was short of breath last night and it was very distressing.
short of breath で「息切れして」
distressing で「苦しい・辛い」
seem to~=「~のようだ」
be in agony=「苦しむ」
A man seemed to be in agony, clutching his chest.
He started agonizing, clutching his chest.
Have trouble~ing=「~するのに苦労する」
The man seemed to have trouble breathing.