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  • You don't have to say sorry (for that).

直訳で 謝ることないですよ。 または You don't need to feel sorry (for that). あなたが謝ることではないですよ。 文頭にit's okay. をつけると 表現が柔らかくなります。 またthat muchを文尾に入れ、 It's okay, you don't have to say sorry that much. とすれば、 大丈夫です、そんなに謝ることないですよ というニュアンスも伝えることができます。
  • No apology necessary.

  • There is no need to apologize.

  • You do not need to apologize to me.

As always there are many ways to express certain thoughts or ideas, any of the three listed above are sufficient.
自分の考えやアイディアを表現する方法はたくさんあります。 上記の言い方はどれも十分でしょう。
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • No worries! There's no need to apologize.

  • Don't worry, you don't have to apologize so much.

  • It's no bit deal, so there's no need to be sorry for that.

No worries! There's no need to apologize. This is a common and informal way to say that there is no need to apologize. Person: "I'm so sorry I stepped on your shoe!" You: "No worries! There's no need to apologize." Don't worry, you don't have to apologize so much. This is a semi-formal expression letting the person know that they do not need to apologize so much. Person: "I'm so, so sorry I was late. Again, I'm so very sorry." You: "Don't worry, you don't have to apologize so much." It's no big deal, so there's no need to be sorry for that. This is a more formal way to tell someone that they do not have to be sorry for something. You can also modify this expression and say, "It's no big deal, so there's no need to apologize so much." Person: I am so sorry! I didn't mean to spill my drink on your shirt!" You: "It's no big deal, so there's no need to be sorry for that." OR Person: I am so sorry! I didn't mean to spill my drink on your shirt!" You: "It's no big deal, so there's no need to apologize so much."
No worries! There's no need to apologize. これはよく使われる謝る必要はないよ、という表現ですね。 例 Person: "I'm so sorry I stepped on your shoe!" You: "No worries! There's no need to apologize." Don't worry, you don't have to apologize so much. これはセミフォーマルな表現で、そんなに謝る必要はない、という表現です。 例 Person: "I'm so, so sorry I was late. Again, I'm so very sorry." You: "Don't worry, you don't have to apologize so much." It's no big deal, so there's no need to be sorry for that. これはもっとフォーマルな表現ですね。相手に謝る必要がないということを伝える表現です。 例 Person: I am so sorry! I didn't mean to spill my drink on your shirt!" すいません。シャツに飲み物をこぼすつもりはなかったのですが。 You: "It's no big deal, so there's no need to be sorry for that." 大丈夫です。謝る必要はありませんよ。 または Person: I am so sorry! I didn't mean to spill my drink on your shirt!" すいません。シャツに飲み物をこぼすつもりはなかったのですが。 You: "It's no big deal, so there's no need to apologize so much." 大丈夫です。謝る必要はありませんよ。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • It's not a big deal so you don't have to say sorry for that.

基本的にはdon't have toやdon't need toという「~する必要はない」という表現を使えばいいと思いますが、it's not a big deal「大したことじゃない」というのも付け加えてあげると、意図がより伝わるように思います。don't have toはshouldn't「~するべきではない」と混同してしまう人も多いので注意してください。
Masaki Suzuki バイリンガルTOEIC、英会話講師
  • No need to apologise!

  • It's OK, don't apologise!

It may be a slightly British trait that we apologise very quickly and maybe too frequently - sometimes even when it is not our fault! However, profuse and repeated apologies when there is little reason to apologise, may appear strange and unnecessary. "I'm really sorry about..." "Really, it's not a problem. There's no need to apologise!" Or, "Oh dear, my Skype has a bad connection. I'm so sorry about that." "It's OK, don't apologise!"
すぐに謝ったり、謝る頻度がすごく多いのはちょっとイギリス人の特徴だったりします。 時として、自分のせいじゃないのに謝ったりします。 しかし、仰々しく、何度もあやまるのはおかしいですし、不必要ですね。 会話の例 "I'm really sorry about..." (…について、本当にごめんね…) "Really, it's not a problem. There's no need to apologise!" (全然問題じゃないよ。謝る必要ないよ!) または "Oh dear, my Skype has a bad connection. I'm so sorry about that." (ああ、スカイプの通信状況が悪いね。本当にすみません。) "It's OK, don't apologise!" (大丈夫です、謝らないで!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There is no need to apologize.

  • You don't have to be sorry.

  • Don't worry, it's okay.

To tell your teacher that they don't have to apologize so much, you can say: "There is no need to apologize." "You don't have to be sorry." "Don't worry, it's okay."
「そんなに謝らなくていいですよ」と先生に伝えたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "There is no need to apologize."(謝らなくていいです) "You don't have to be sorry."(謝らなくていいです) "Don't worry, it's okay."(心配しないでください、大丈夫です)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • No need to apologize

  • These things happen sometimes, there's no need to apologize.

If you want your teacher to know that he/she does not need to apologize that much, you can say the following to him/her. 1. No need to apologize. 2. These things happen sometimes, there's no need to apologize. Hope this helps!
「そんなに謝らなくていいです」と先生に伝えたいということですね。でしたら、次の表現が使えます。 1. No need to apologize.(謝らなくていいです) 2. These things happen sometimes, there's no need to apologize.(こういうことはありますから、謝らなくていいです) 参考になれば幸いです!
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you very much but there are really no reasons to apologizes

  • I appreciate it but you don't have to do it

Even though you may don't like it but try to be nice towards your teacher and stress that you understand their position and then say that you don't like it
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • That is not necessary.

  • You do not have to apologize.

"That is not necessary." This means that you are telling the teacher that it is not important for them to keep on apologizing.
"That is not necessary." これは、先生に謝り続ける"必要はないですよ"と言う表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Don't worry. There's no need to say you're sorry.

  • It's okay, you don't have to apologize.

"Don't worry. There's no need to say you're sorry." - In this sentence you are saying "Don't worry. " When using this phrase you are putting your teacher at ease. You are telling him/her not to stress about what she has said or done. "There's no need to say you're sorry" - When making this statement you are telling your teacher that he/she does not have to say he/she is sorry about the certain situation. It's okay, you don't have to apologize. - Using the phrase "It's okay" means you are telling your teacher that whatever he/she has said or done, that its okay with you. She has no reason to worry because he/she has not offended you. " don't have to apologize." - In saying this you are telling your teacher that he/she does not need to say sorry for anything because he/she has not offended you.
Don't worry. There's no need to say you're sorry. この文章で、「Don't worry.」と言っています。このフレーズを使えば先生を安心させます。 彼女が言ったことにストレスを感じないように言います。 There's no need to say you're sorry その状況に対して、謝る必要がないというこを先生にいうときのこの表現を使います。 It's okay, you don't have to apologize. 「It's okay」というフレーズを使うことは、彼/彼女が言ったことが自分にとっては大丈夫だということを先生にいうことを意味します。 彼/彼女が非難しないので心配する必要はありません。 don't have to apologize. これを言うことで、彼/彼女は非難しないので、謝る必要がないということを先生に伝えます。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • You can relax. It's really not a big deal.

  • It's not needful to apologize because it doesn't bother me.

Many times if one is not so familiar with the preferences of a person who is not a close acquaintance, apologies can imply one is worried about offending the other person. Telling the person who is apologizing so much to relax may help to decrease the worry, and he/she may not continue to apologize so frequently. Another term meaning not required or necessary is "not needful."
よく知らない人に謝るときは、相手に不快な思いをさせたのではないかという不安から謝っていることが多いですね。"You can relax"(大丈夫です)と言ってあげると、相手は気持ちが落ち着いて、謝ることが少なくなるかもしれません。 「必要ない」は "not needful" と表すこともできます。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Relax teacher, you don't have to apologize so much.

  • I understand, you don't have to apologize.

  • Don't worry about it.

Some good advice I once received is to rather say 'thank you' instead of sorry too many times, for example; "Thank you for your patience, I was late because I was stuck in traffic." not "Sorry I was late because Iw as stuck in traffic." "Thank you for understanding" not "Sorry about that."
これは私が以前ある人からいただいたアドバイスですが、「何度も『ごめんなさい』と謝るよりも『ありがとう』と伝えた方がいい」。 例えば: "Sorry I was late because I was stuck in traffic."(遅れてごめんなさい、渋滞にはまってしまって) ではなく "Thank you for your patience, I was late because I was stuck in traffic."(待っていただいてありがとうございます。渋滞にはまって遅れてしまいました) "Sorry about that."(ごめんなさい) ではなく "Thank you for understanding"(ご理解ください)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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