I think some people could get depressed because of all this hype about the Coronavirus.
The Coronavirus scare could lead to depression for some people.
ーI think some people could get depressed because of all this hype about the Coronavirus.
get depressed で「落ち込む・憂鬱になる」
hype で「大騒ぎ」
ーThe Coronavirus scare could lead to depression for some people.
The Coronavirus scare で「コロナウイルス騒ぎ」
lead to depression で「うつ病につながる」
- "I think some people might fall into depression because of this whole pandemic chaos."
- "This COVID panic might cause some people to become depressed."
- "I think some people might fall into depression because of this whole pandemic chaos."
- "This COVID panic might cause some people to become depressed."
このような表現では、'fall into depression'が「鬱に陥る」を、'pandemic chaos'が「パンデミックの大混乱」を、'COVID panic'が「COVIDによるパニック」を、そして 'cause to become depressed'が「鬱になる原因となる」を意味しています。