世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/20 06:36
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  • Why are you so fluent in English?

  • How did you become so proficient in English?

伝えたいニュアンスによって二つ作ってみました。 「なんでそんなに英語が流暢なの?」が前者でそのまま直訳となりますが「どうやって英語がそんなに上手になったの?」とご友人にお聞きしたい場合は後者になります。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Why's your English so good?

  • How come you speak English so well?

  • How did you acquire such fluency in English?

Any of these questions is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How did you get so good at English?

  • How did you become an expert in English?

  • How did you master the English language?

How did you become an expert in English? Expert – adjective – in this context – to describe someone who has a great knowledge of English and is fluent like native. How did you become so skilled in English? Skilled – they have acquired great skills to become almost like a native speaker. How did you master the English language? Master – adjective – a person can show great skill and proficiency of something. If you have mastered the English language, it means you have a complete understanding of it.
How did you become an expert in English? Expert – 形容詞– この文章では、英語の知識が豊富で、ネイティブのように流暢である人を示します。 How did you become so skilled in English? Skilled – ネイティブスピーカーのようになるための素晴らしいスキルを身につけています。 How did you master the English language?  Master – 形容詞 - 何かに卓越したスキルと素晴らしい英語力を持った人を示します。 you have mastered the English language, - 英語を習得していれば、あなたが英語を完全取得し理解していることを意味します。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Your English is very good. Where did you learn it?

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介します。 {英訳例} Your English is very good. Where did you learn it? 英語すごくうまいね。どこで覚えたの。 ↓ Your English is very good. あなたは英語がすごくうまい。 Where did you learn it? (それを)どこで覚えたの。 {解説} 「上手」はいろいろな言い方ができますが、very good が無難だと思います。 excellent も「すごく良い」という意味ですが、主観が入ります。 {例} 【出典:The Sensualist by Barbara Hodgson】 ’Your English is very good. Where did you learn it?’ ’In America. I lived there as a teenager.’ 「英語上手ですね。どこで覚えたの」。「アメリカ。10代の頃に住んでたの」。 ~~~~~~~~~ お役に立てばと思います。 どうもありがとうございました。
  • How did you become so proficient?

  • How did you become so eloquent at speaking English?

  • How did you become so articulate at communicating in English?

"How did you become so proficient?" proficient = competent or skilled in doing or using something. e.g "I was proficient at my job" "How did you become so eloquent at speaking English?" eloquent = to be fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing,especially in a specific language. e.g "An eloquent speech" "How did you become so articulate at communicating in English?" articulate = having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently in a specific language e.g "She was not very articulate"
“How did you become so proficient?” proficient = なにかをすること、使うことに秀でている、スキルがある 例 I was proficient at my job. (私は仕事で優秀だった。) “How did you become so eloquent at speaking English?” eloquent = 特定の言語で話すことや書くことが流暢である、またはうまく相手に伝えることができる 例 An eloquent speech (説得力のあるスピーチ) “How did you become so articulate at communicating in English?” articulate = 流暢に理路整然と特定の言語を話す能力があること、またはその能力を示すこと 例 She was not very articulate. (彼女はあまり明確に話さなかった。)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • How did you get to be so good at English?

  • Your so fluent in English! How did you get to be so good?

How come? is often used to praphrase: "How did you come to be so good at?" We can also ask simply: " Why is your English you so good?" Or... If you want to find out the exact location/source of this skillset... "Where did you acquire your excellent English skills?"
How come?とは、しばしば  "How did you come to be so good at?"「どうしてそんなに上手なの?」と言い換えることもできます。 または単に、" Why is your English you so good?"「どうしてあなたの英語はそんなに上手なの?」 もしくは、どこで、どんなふうに学んだかを詳しく聞きたい場合は、  "Where did you acquire your excellent English skills?"「そのすごく上手な英語、どこで学んだの?」と聞くこともできます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "How did you become so fluent in English?"

  • "Your English is great, how did you learn to speak so fluently?"

If you are talking to someone and notice that they unexpectedly speak very fluent English and you want to know how they acquired these skills, you could ask either of the following: "How did you become so fluent in English?" or "Your English is great, how did you learn to speak so fluently?".
意外に英語がうまかった人に「どこで英語を習ったの?」と聞きたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "How did you become so fluent in English?"(何でそんなに英語が流ちょうなの?) "Your English is great, how did you learn to speak so fluently?"(英語上手ですね、そんな流ちょうな英語どこで習ったんですか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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