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自分にも友達にも励ますために 辛い時こそ頑張りどきと言いたいです。
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2016/06/21 00:46
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  • In tough times, that is when you have to give it all you got.

  • When things are hard that is when you put your full effort.

・In tough times, that is when you have to give it all you got. しんどい時こそ頑張りどき。 In tough times = つらい時 that is when you have to = それはあなたがやらなくてはならない・それはその時あなたがしなくてはならない give it all you got = 自分のすべてをささげる 一つの文にまとめるとIn tough times, that is when you have to give it all you got. = つらい時こそ自分の全てをささげる時だ。 give it all you gotはスポーツの監督が選手に言うとき使います。悔いなくやれよ、とも同じです。 ・When things are hard that is when you put your full effort. しんどい時こそ頑張りどき。 When things are hard = 物事がつらい時 that is when you put your full effort = その時が自分の最大の頑張りを出すとき・その時が自分のマックスの実力を出すとき Things were hard in my days = 自分の時代の時はつらかった。これはよく老人や年上の人が年下の人に言う事です。自分から言わしてもらうと戦争があろうと無かろうとどの時代もつらいと思いますが。まー老人になったら自分は言わないよう頑張ります full effort = 最大の頑張り・最大の実力, full ~ は英語でmax (maximum) ~と似た使い方をします。
DMM Eikaiwa A DMM英会話
  • When you feel like quitting, that's when you've almost made it.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 {英訳例} When you feel like quitting, that's when you've almost made it. ↓ When you feel like quitting 諦めたくなるとき that's when you've almost made it それはあと少しでやり遂げられるとき ------------------------------ 【解説】 Dayle Maloney さんという方の言葉を引用させていただきました。 feel like doing は「~したい気分である」、 quit は「(途中で)やめる」、 make it は「やり遂げる」という意味です。 that's when ... の that は、when you feel like quitting を指します。 全体で「諦めたくなったら、成功まであと一歩だ」となります。 「成功まであと一歩のとこで諦めたくなるもの。もうひと頑張りしよう」ということです。 ありがとうございました。
  • Stressful times

  • Difficult times

  • Hard times

"I am going through a very difficult time, at the moment."Don't give up, you have friends to support you.. "I am at a very stressful time in my life." I understand, but you are strong, you will make it. "We all go through hard times, but our troubles makes us stronger and we learn from them."
"I am going through a very difficult time, at the moment. (今すごく難しい時期にさしかかっているんだ。) "諦めちゃだめです、支えてくれる友達がきっといるから。 "I am at a very stressful time in my life. (今人生で最もストレスのある時期なんだ。) "わかるけど、人は自分が思っている以上に強いものです。きっとどうにかできますよ。 "We all go through hard times, but our troubles makes us stronger and we learn from them." (みんな苦しいときはあります。けど、それを糧にして強くなっていくんです。)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

  • You need to step up during hard times.

  • Take the bull by the horns.

'When the going gets tough, the tough get going.' This is a famous phrase from a song used in the film 'The Jewel Of The Nile' 1985 starring Michael Douglas and sung by Billy Ocean. 'Take the bull by the horns' means to directly face whatever problem is in front with you and deal with it.
'When the going gets tough, the tough get going.' マイケルダグラスのThe Jewel Of The Nileという1985年の映画で、ビリーオーシャンが歌った有名な曲のフレーズです。 'Take the bull by the horns' 問題に真正面から向き合う、という意味で使われます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is good to endure through the hard times.

To endure means to survive and stay strong through the hard times.. For example: "Our love will endure forever".
"To endureとは、つらい時期を、何とか強く切り抜ける、生き残るという意味です。 例えば: ""Our love will endure forever."" 私たちの愛は永遠に耐え抜けるわ。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I think you should persevere.

  • Try and see it through to the end.

  • don't give up

Persevere - this means try very hard even hough it is not easy - don;t give up e.g. She did not have a lot of money while she was at university, but she persevered and got a part time job. Don't give up - I give this advice to my friends and family all the time. TYhings are very difficult and they think their lives will be easier if they give up. If you want them to stay focused and on track - tell them to not give up or - try and see it through to the end. Hope this helps Jane :)
Persevere:これは難しいことにも果敢に挑戦することを言います。:don't give upなど 例 She did not have a lot of money while she was at university, but she persevered and got a part time job. 大学時代彼女はお金をあまりもっていなかった。しかし彼女はがんばってパートタイムで働いた。 Don't give up: これは友達や家族に私がするアドバイスです。物事が難しくなってギブアップすれば楽な人生を歩めるかもしれない、そんなときにしっかりとあきらめずに目の前の物事に対処して欲しい、そんなときに諦めないで、と伝えたり、最後までやってみようっていうんです。 参考になれば Jane:)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • keep your chin up

  • stay positive

  • throw yourself into your work

examples "i like to keep my chin up when things get tough" or "it's important to stay positive when life gets tough". or "when it's tough, i throw myself into my work"
例 "I like to keep my chin up when things get tough"(辛いときには元気を出すようにしています。) "It's important to stay positive when life gets tough".(しんどい時こそポジティブでいることが大切です。) "When it's tough, I throw myself into my work"(いろいろ問題があるきには仕事に集中します。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • It's important to try hard during tough times.

  • It's important to try hard during difficult times.

  • It's important to make an effort during tough times.

Firstly we can either use the adjectives, "tough," or, "difficult," when talking about hard times where we feel more challenged by life. We can also use the verbs, "to try hard," or, "to make an effort," to talk about how hard we need to work during a time that is more tough or difficult.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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