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2016/06/21 21:39
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  • This area is for tourists so the store prices are higher.

This area is for tourists so the store prices are higher. この辺は観光客向けのお店ばかりだから値段高いよ。 さらに、上記の後に以下を加えるとより親切です: I would recommend going to ~. Their prices are more reasonable. 〜へ行くのをお勧めします。そちらの方が手ごろな価格です。 是非使ってみてください!
  • Prices are inflated for tourists in this area

  • Any tourist area shop takes advantage of its position

  • You are likely to get ripped off if you buy anything here!

To get ripped off = to cheat someone, especially by charging them too much money for something. "Tourists are worried they'll get ripped off." "This government is ripping off the country." To steal something, steal, walk off with, rob: "Cars get ripped off all the time round here." To take advantage of someone/something: to make use of for gain: to take advantage of an opportunity. to impose upon, especially unfairly, as by exploiting a weakness: to take advantage of someone. "Michelle always takes advantage men because she is an attractive woman."
To get ripped off = 人を騙すこと、特に彼らに何かについて多すぎるお金を請求すること 例: "Tourists are worried they'll get ripped off." ー観光客は彼らがぼったくられないか心配している。 "This government is ripping off the country." ーこの政府は国からぼったくっている。 To steal something, steal, walk off with, rob:盗む "Cars get ripped off all the time round here." ー車はいつもここで盗まれる。 To take advantage of someone/something: 得たものを利用する、機会を利用する 何かを押し付ける、特に不公平に、弱みを利用することによって。 "Michelle always takes advantage men because she is an attractive woman." ーミシェルはとても魅力的な女性なのでいつも男を利用している。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You will pay rip-off prices here

  • It will cost you an arm and a leg here

Ripp-off prices. This is a term used to describe prices that are grossly above normal prices e.g.‘designer label clothes are just expensive rip-offs’ So you can use this phrase to compare normal areas to tourist areas. 'Avoid these shops they charge rip-off prices' Cost an arm and a leg, this phrase is used to describe something that costs you a lot of money, logically thinking if you had to pay for something by cutting off your arm or your leg this would be a very big price to pay. ‘the coat had cost him an arm and a leg’ 'It will cost you an arm and a leg to shop here'.
Ripp-off prices. これは、通常の価格より高い価格に対して使われます。 例 ‘designer label clothes are just expensive rip-offs’ デザイナーの服は高すぎるよ。 このフレーズは、観光客価格と通常価格を比べるときにも使われます。 例 'Avoid these shops they charge rip-off prices' そこらへんの店で買い物するのはやめておきな。彼ら観光客価格でやってるよ。 Cost an arm and a leg, これは、大金がかかるものを表現するときに使います。論理的には、自分の腕や足というのは、大変価値のあるものなので、それを対価として支払うのは、大金がかかるのと同様という意味ですね。 例 ‘the coat had cost him an arm and a leg’ そのコートに彼は大金を払った。 'It will cost you an arm and a leg to shop here'. そこで買い物すると大金を払うことになるよ。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • shops round here are aimed at tourists, so they are very pricey!

  • This is" a tourist hot spot" so the shops are more expensive than normal

Many retailers" in tourist hot spots" adjust pricing to catch the flow of tourist dollars coming into the area...It is quite normal to find that "going off the beaten track" or "going native " will mean you will pay a lot less than in those shops "aimed at tourists"!
例:Shops round here are aimed at tourists, so they are very pricey! 「このあたりのお店は観光客向けだね。高いもんね!」 例:This is" a tourist hot spot" so the shops are more expensive than normal 「ここは観光地だから、お店も普通より高いね。」 観光地にある多くの小売店は観光客にあわせ、値段を変えています。 "going off the beaten track(直訳:よく知られていないところに行く)"や"going native(直訳:現地人のようにする)"は現地人と同じ額を払うことです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The shops and restaurants around here are expensive because they're meant for tourists

  • This is a touristy area, so everything's pricey

The shops and restaurants around here are expensive because they're meant for tourists =この辺のお店やレストランは観光客向けだから高いよ expensive = (値段が)高い tourist =観光客 因みに旅行者はtravellerです meant for 〜 = 〜向け、〜宛て 例: Is this envelope meant for me? =この封筒は私宛? This is a touristy area, so everything's pricey =ここは観光客向けな地区だから何もかも高いよ touristy =観光客が多い、観光客向け pricey =(値段が)高い expensiveと同じ意味です。
  • Things are bit pricey this side because it a tourist town.

  • This area usually attracts tourist in summer so you will see that things are a bit pricey.

1.Things are bit pricey this side because it a tourist town. -A tourist town is a town with a relatively small population that seems to grow during the summer due to tourists. It is usually located to many major places of interest.
1.Things are bit pricey this side because it a tourist town. "tourist town"観光街は夏の間、観光客のおかげで比較的人が増えますよね。 これは、観光の主要な場所の近くだったりします。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Because this is a tourist area, goods in these stores are very pricey.

  • Goods in these stores are very expensive because tourists are the target market.

In the first statement, you have started by mentioning the reason why the goods in the area are pricey, and that is because it is a tourist area. The adjective 'pricey' means 'expensive'. Sellers usually price their goods according to the 'target market', that is, the buyers that they intend to sell to. In this case, the prices are intended for tourists, because they have the money to buy goods to take home to their countries or wherever they come from within the country. So, you may say: Because this is a tourist area, goods in these stores are very pricey. or Goods in these stores are very expensive because tourists are the target market.
最初の文では、この地域の商品の値段が高い理由を初めに言い、それは観光地だからと言っています。priceyという形容詞は、値段が高いと言う意味です。売り手は、通常ターゲット市場、つまり販売する買い手に合わせて商品に値段をつけています。 この場合は、価格は観光客向けです、というのも観光客は、自分の国又は国内のどこから来ていたとしても、商品を買うお金を持っているからです。ですからこう言うことが出来ます。 例文 Because this is a tourist area, goods in these stores are very pricey. ここは観光地だから、これらの店の商品の値段は高い Goods in these stores are very expensive because tourists are the target market. 観光客がターゲット市場だから、これらの店の商品の値段はとても高い
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The prices are higher here because of tourists.

  • They raised the prices here for tourists.

  • Prices are inflated for tourists.

We can say that the prices are higher, "because of tourists," or that the merchants, "raised the prices for tourists." Lastly we can say that the prices are, "inflated," which means they are higher than normal.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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