This melon is anything but ripe. Instead, it seems to be overripe.
This melon isn't ripe. On the contrary, it is too ripe.
文脈による、「~どころか」は英語で訳すと "far from," "not at all," や "anything but" になります。
「むしろ〜」は "rather," "instead" に訳します。
「食べごろ」は英語で "ripe," "good for eating," "ripe enough to eat" になります。
「熟れすぎ」は英語で "overripe" か "too ripe" に訳します。
This melon isn't ripe. On the contrary, it is too ripe.
This melon is anything but ripe. Instead, it seems to be overripe.
ちなみに、「腐っている」は "rotten"になります。
Look at the melon! We waited to long to eat it, it's rotten now.
このメロン見て! もう時間が経ち過ぎてもう腐って来た。
We need to eat this melon before it starts to rot.
This melon may be overripe rather than perfectly ripe. We should eat it now before it's too late.
This melon is too ripe to eat.と言うと、「熟れ過ぎだね」と言い切る感じになりますが、almostを入れることで、「熟れ過ぎに近い」くらいのニュアンスにすることができます。
rotは「腐る」という意味です。go badと言い換え可。
overripeは「熟れ過ぎな」、rather than ...は「…というよりむしろ」という意味です。