世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/28 16:24
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  • If I were you, I'd walk rather than take a taxi.

  • I would suggest walking rather than taking a taxi.

If I were you, I'd walk rather than take a taxi. 「私ならタクシーに乗るより歩きます。」 If I were you...は「私があなただったら」という仮定の文です。「地元に住む私なら歩きますよ」というアドバイスになります。 I would suggest walking rather than taking a taxi. 「タクシーに乗るより歩くのをお勧めします。」 こちらも"I would..".と言うことによりよりフォーマルな文になります。 上記文に加えて、どうして歩くのを勧めるのか理由を付け加えるといいですね。 例文) A taxi ride will cost at least 2000yen. 「タクシー代は少なくとも2000円はかかりますよ。」 It will be just a 5 minute walk to get there. 「そこ(目的地)まで歩いて5分程度ですよ。」
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • It is very expensive to take a taxi. It is better if you walk.

  • I think it is better to walk than taking a taxi.

Since you are suggesting that they walk it means that it is a walking distance. If it is a walking distance it means the person can walk there without feeling very tired.
歩いて行くのを進めていることから、そこが歩いて行ける距離ということですよね。これをwalking distanceといい、歩いて行くのに疲れない程度の距離、を表します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's cheaper to walk it.

  • It's faster to walk it.

  • It's better to walk it.

If it isn't very far, and traffic could be a problem, then the second option is good.
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • You are "Better Off" Walking!

  • Going" on foot" is a lot cheaper than a taxi ;-)

In the modern world...we sometimes ignore the reality that WALKING is really very good for us. Many of us prefer to "take a Taxi" even for shorter / walkable distances... Telling someone they should go on foot ...or that they are better off walking ... is a good and healthy thing to suggest ;-))
現代では...歩くことの大切さが無視されることがあります。 歩いて行ける所(walkable distances)でもタクシーを使う(take a taxi)人が多いですね... 「歩いていったほうがいいよ」...健康にとってもいい提案です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Keep your money in your pocket and enjoy the walk!

  • It's not worth paying for a taxi. It's easier to walk.

  • Rather than investing in a costly taxi ride, just walk down that road for a few minutes and you'll be there!

Well, assuming the distance to this site is not far, it may well be worth advising anyone that a breath of fresh air and a short walk is a better option than calling a taxi. However, that would depend on the age and physical condition of the person you are speaking to. Assuming, it's a young, fit and healthy individual, you may say: "Keep your money in your pocket and enjoy the walk!" Or, "Rather than investing in a costly taxi ride, just walk down that road for a few minutes and you'll be there!"
その場所までの距離がそんなに遠くないと思えるのであれば、その人に、フレッシュな空気を吸って、歩くのがタクシーを呼ぶより良いですよ、とアドバイスする価値があるでしょう。 しかし、それはあなたが話しかけている人の年齢や体調の状況次第でしょう。 若そうで、健康そうであれば、以下のように言えます: "Keep your money in your pocket and enjoy the walk!" ーお金を節約して、歩くのを楽しんで! または、 "Rather than investing in a costly taxi ride, just walk down that road for a few minutes and you'll be there!" ーお金がかかるタクシーを使うのはやめて、数分あるけばつくよ!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How long does it take to get to ___ by taxi?

  • Is it better to travel by car or by foot to ___?

  • It is easier and cheaper for you to walk to the ___.

For example, "In my opinion, it is easier and cheaper to walk to ___". Or you could say, "The taxis are expensive and walking is cheaper".
例えば、 "In my opinion, it is easier and cheaper to walk to ___". 個人的には、...には歩いて行った方が早いし安いと思う。 または "The taxis are expensive and walking is cheaper". タクシーは高いけど、歩いていけば安いよ。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • It would be cheaper to walk there than go by taxi.

  • It's better to walk there rather than take a taxi.

  • Rather than take a taxi, I think it would be better for you to walk there.

"It's better to walk there rather than take a taxi." encourages a person to walk somewhere instead of taking a taxi because of distance or high price.
"It's better to walk there rather than take a taxi." タクシーに乗るよりも、そこまで歩いて行った方がいいですよ。 これは、相手に距離や値段が高いことからタクシーに乗らずに、歩いていくように勧める表現です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • It's better to walk.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・It's better to walk. 歩いたほうがいいですよ。 シンプルに上記のように英語で表現することができます。 better to ... で「〜のほうが良い」を英語で表現できます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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