To mic (pronounced mike) something means to put it in the microwave for a short time in order to heat it up. These days, that would be the most efficient and best way to reheat a plate of food. In the olden days people would have to reheat the meat and vegetables separately in a hot pan.
To mic (発音は mike)とは、レンジで何かを暖めるという意味の短い表現です。 近頃は、レンジは食べ物を暖め直すのにもっとも効率的な方法になっています。昔は、肉や野菜を分けて、フライパンで温め直したものです。
Excuse me, my food has gone cold. Can I get it reheated please?
Could you reheat this for me please?
To reheat something means to heat it up again.
It was hot, it has gone cold and now it is hot again. - I reheated it.
If your food has gone cold, or if it was cold when it came out then you can ask the waiter/waitress to ''reheat'' it.
熱かったけど、冷めてしまって、また今熱い - I reheated it.(温め直した)
My food is a bit cold. Could you reheat it for me, please?
Would you mind reheating this for me. It's gotten cold.
Is it possible to reheat this for me because it has gotten cold.
To make a polite request you can use expressions such as "Would you mind....?", "Is it possible...?", "Could you.../Would you...?" along with "please" and your request.
ex. "Could you reheat it for me, please?"
丁寧に何かをお願いする場合、「please」とともに「Would you mind....?」「Is it possible...?」「Could you.../Would you...?」などの表現が使えます。
Could you reheat it for me, please?"
The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your food server to reheat your meal. In the first sentence you will see the term warm something up. We use this term when we want to reheat something or if we are very cold and we want to feel warm. For example if we are cold and we order hot tea we can say 'I hope this tea warms me up!'. I hope this explanation and these two sentences help you out!
最初の例文には、warm something upという表現があります。これは、何かを温め直して欲しいとき、あるいはとても寒くて温まりたいときに使います。
'I hope this tea warms me up!'
To warm up' something means the same as reheating it is just another way of saying it
By saying 'could you microwave this for me please' you are telling them how to reheat it for you (in the microwave)
warm up'は'reheat'(温め直す)と同じ意味です。単純に別な言い方というだけです。
'Could you microwave this for me please'(これをレンジで温めていただけますか?)
When your food has gotten cold and you want to politely ask the wait-staff to warm your food up again, then you may ask in the following ways:
-Could you please warm this up for me?
-If you don't mind; please warm this up for me.
-Could you please reheat this for me?
-Could you please warm this up for me?
-If you don't mind; please warm this up for me.
-Could you please reheat this for me?
Could you please warm this up again?
Could I have this reheated, please?
warm up は「温める」なので、warm up again で「もう一度温める」となります。
reheat も同じく「もう一度温める」という意味の英語表現です。