飲んで運転することをそのままdrink and driveと表現できます。
例)Don't drink and drive! (飲んだら乗るな)
DUIは、Driving under the influenceの略です。(ディーユーアイと読みます)
例)He was arrested for DUI. (彼は飲酒運転で逮捕された)
drunk【形】〔酒に〕酔った、酔っぱらった◆【用法】通例、叙述用法でのみ用いられるが、限定用法のdrunk driverやdrunk drivingなどは正しい用法とされる。
★ 飲酒運転
飲酒運転は「drunk driving」や「drunken driving」といいます。「drink driving」はイギリスでよく使われます。
David was arrested for drunk driving on Aug. 21.→Davidは8月21日に飲酒運転で逮捕された。
(Hollywood Life-Aug 21, 2013)
He was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving.→男は飲酒運転の疑いで逮捕された。
(cleveland.com-Jul 1, 2016)
He was arrested for drink driving in 2001.→同氏は2001年にも飲酒運転の疑いで逮捕されている。
(BBC News-Jun 6, 2016)
1. In the United States, reckless driving is a major moving traffic violation. ... Reckless driving is often defined as a mental state in which the driver displays a wanton disregard for the rules of the road; the driver misjudges common driving procedures, often causing accidents and other damage.
2. North American term for drink-driving.
3. 'Driving while under the influence of alcohol.' This is the wording of a British offence. If found guilty, the offender faces automatic disqualification of their driving licence, a fine and possibly a jail sentence.
1. USでは無謀運転はメジャーな交通違反のひとつだ。無謀運転は、一般的な運転方法で判断ミスをおこすことで事故や損害をだしてしまうことも含め、交通ルールを無視する精神状態と定義されることがある。
2. 北アメリカの飲酒運転の言い方です。
3. 'Driving while under the influence of alcohol.' 酒気帯び運転。これはイギリスでは犯罪です。有罪となれば、被告は運転免許証の剥奪、罰金刑のみならず実刑まであります。
In the UK driving whilst drunk is against the law and can result in criminal charges. If you cause an accident whilst driving under the influence of drink you can be charged with dangerous driving, which may result in a prison sentence.
There are many informal slang expressions to describe driving whilst drunk.
In the UK 'Pissed' is one of the most common words used to describe someone who is drunk. Pissed at the wheel would mean he was drunk whilst driving, the wheel here means the steering wheel of the car.
イギリスでは'Pissed' (酔って)とはよく使われる言葉でお酒に酔っている、と言う意味になります。
"Pissed at the wheel"とは飲酒運転と言う意味になります。
"driving under the influence". This can mean drunk or intoxicated.
It also refers to being under the influence of any other drug or illegal substance.
"driving whilst drunk".
"drunk driving".
"drink driver".
"driving under the influence".
"driving whilst drunk" 、"drunk driving"、 "drink driver"とも言います。
The three sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express that a particular person drives while drunk. In the third sentence you will see the acronym DUI. This means driving under the influence. If a person receives a DUI it means they have to pay a fine and receive some kind of punishment for driving while under the influence of alcohol or another drug.
三番目の例では"DUI"という頭字語に気が付いたと思います。これは"driving under the influence"(飲酒や麻薬の影響下での運転)の頭文字を並べたものです。
"get a DUI"は、飲酒や麻薬の影響下で運転をして、それに対し罰金を支払い、何かしらの罰を受けなければならないことを表します。
While someone has drank any amount of alcohol it is considered driving under the influence. This can be very dangerous as it takes a toll on the person and the persons who have to drive on the same roads as this driver. When significant amounts of alcohol are consumed, the person's cognitive skills or thought processes are not functioning properly. This is more commonly referred to as drunk driving however, persons who have taken other forms of drugs before driving will experience similar effects.
When someone is driving while drunk, you can explain this in the following ways:
-Drunken driving
-Drunk driving
-Driving under the influence of alcohol/ DUI
To use these in a sentence, you can say in the following ways:
-Drunk driving is very dangerous, not only to yourself but to other road-users too.
-Driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous.
-Drunken driving
-Drunk driving
-Driving under the influence of alcohol/ DUI
-Drunk driving is very dangerous, not only to yourself but to other road-users too.
-Driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous.
"drinking and driving" / "drunk driving" / "driving while under the influence (of alcohol)"
"You can not drink and drive."
"I've done some terrible things while driving under the influence (of alcohol)."
"under the influence"だけで、「お酒の影響下で」という意味なので、"of alcohol"は付けても付けなくてもどちらでも構いません。
"DUI (Driving Under the Influence)" / "DWI (Driving While Intoxicated)" / "drunk driving charges"
"I got a DUI."
Drunk driving
Driving under the influence
Driving whilst over the limit
Drink driving
Driving whilst intoxicated
"Drunk driving"➔飲酒運転
"Driving under the influence"➔"under the influence(アルコールの影響がある)
"Driving whilst over the limit"➔"over the limit"(アルコール限度を超えた)
"Drink driving"➔飲酒運転
"DUI"➔Driving Under the Influenceの略
"Driving whilst intoxicated"➔"intoxicated"(お酒に酔った状態)