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2016/08/11 09:55
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  • The cold medicine doesn't contain any ingredients that will make you drowsy.

こんばんは。 ご質問ありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介させていただきますね。 《英訳例》 The cold medicine doesn't contain ...→この風邪薬は...を含まない ingredients that will make you drowsy→眠くなる成分 make someone drowsy→人を眠くする 《語句の確認》 【英辞郎】 medicine 【名】薬、医薬、薬剤、薬物 cold medicine 風邪薬 contain 【他動】〔容器などが~を全体的に〕含む、包含する sleepy 【形】眠い、眠気を催す 【スーパー・アンカー英和辞典】 ingredient 【名】成分;(料理の)材料;原料 ★ drug、medicine、medication の違いについて スーパー・アンカー英和辞典では、 drug→一般語だがときに「麻薬」を意味する。 medicine→「麻薬」の意味はない。 medication→medicine の堅い言い方。 としています。 ★ drowsy 薬のパッケージなどに「Non-Drowsy」と記されていることがあります。これは「眠くなる成分を含まない」という意味です。 drowsy は「(人が)眠い」(スーパー・アンカー英和辞典)という意味です。「sleepy」と同義ですが、「薬により眠くなる」場合には「drowsy」が使われることが多いです。 お役に立てば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
  • It's non drowsy cold medicine. You can still drive after you take this.

これは眠気が起きない風邪薬です。飲んだ後でも運転できます。 Non drowsy; 眠くならない Sleep inducing food; 眠気を催す食べ物
  • drowsy

"Drowsy" is the medical term for a substance that makes you feel very sleepy. It's also okay to use the word "sleepy" because your listener will understand what you mean. I hope that this helps. :)
"drowsy" は眠気を引き起こす物質について使われる医学用語です。 ほかに "sleepy" を使うこともできます。同じ意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • This medicine will not make you drowsy!

  • This is not sleep inducing medicine!

This medicine will not make you drowsy! "drowsy" this is a synonym for sleepy This is not sleep-inducing medicine! "sleep-inducing" inducing, this will not make you fall asleep
This medicine will not make you drowsy!(この薬を飲んでも眠くなりません) "drowsy" これは "sleepy"(眠い)の同義語です。 ---- This is not sleep-inducing medicine!(この薬を飲んでも眠くなりません) "sleep-inducing" 眠くならないということです。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • This medication will not make you feel lethargic nor drowsy.

  • You will not feel sleepy if you take this medication now.

Lethargy' has effects of being slow, sluggish and lifeless. It accompanies drowsiness. Drowsy is the medical term for sleepy: when your body shuts down and induces a state of wanting to sleep.
Lethargy' は不活発・無気力などの症状をいいます。これには 'Drowsiness'(眠気)も伴います 'Drowsy' は 'Sleepy'(眠い)の医学用語です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • The medication will not make you feel drowsy

  • The medication will not make you want to fall asleep.

Drowsy' is another way of saying 'sleepy'. It is less commonly used than sleepy. Sleepy is a general term used to describe how tired you feel. However, drowsiness is more specific to the effects of taking medicine, and you may see this vocabulary used on medicine instructions. The word 'asleep' is used to describe someone who is sleeping.
Drowsy' は 'Sleepy' の別の言い方です。'Drowsy' は 'Sleepy' ほど一般的ではありませんが、これは特に薬の副作用を表します。薬の説明書で目にすることもあるかもしれません。 'Asleep' は眠っている状態を表します。
Tom Ott DMM英会話講師
  • Non-drowsy

  • This medicine is non-drowsy.

  • This medication will not make your tired.

"Non-Drowsy" is the most commonly used medical term for saying that the medication will not make you tired. Drowsy - sleepy and lethargic; half asleep. "the wine had made her drowsy" When you ad "non" to the front it becomes the opposite.
"Non-Drowsy" は、それが眠くならない薬であることを表すときに最も一般的に使われる医療用語です。 Drowsy - 眠くてだるい / うとうとして "The wine had made her drowsy"(彼女はワインを飲んで眠くなっていた) "Non" を頭に付けると、反対の意味になります。
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • This medicine shouldn't make you drowsy

  • Don't worry this medicine shouldn't make you drowsy

  • This medicine doesn't contain anything that could make you drowsy

Here you want to politely assure the individual that what they are or will be taking won't make them 'drowsy'. This is the technical term for 'sleepy'. You can of course use the word 'sleepy if they don't understand the meaning of drowsy'. Assuring and letting them know that the medicine has nothing in that will make them 'sleepy' or 'drowsy' can be done by saying: This medicine doesn't contain anything that could make you drowsy or simply, this medicine shouldn't make you drowsy.
ここでは、その薬には眠くなる成分が入っていないと丁寧に伝えて相手を安心させないといけません。 'drowsy' は 'sleepy'(眠い)の専門用語です。もし 'drowsy' の意味が相手に伝わらなかったら、もちろん 'sleepy' が使えます。 その薬に眠くなる成分が入っていないことは、次のように伝えることができます。 This medicine doesn't contain anything that could make you drowsy(この薬には眠くなる成分は入っていません) あるいはシンプルに、 This medicine shouldn't make you drowsy.(この薬を飲んで眠くなることはないはずです)
Ben Mo DMM英会話講師
  • This medicine will not make you drowsy

  • Feeling sleepy is not a side effect of this medicine

When talking about a certain medicine (for cold), you want to say that the medicine won't make you sleepy. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This medicine does not contain any sedatives.

  • This is a non drowsy cough mixture.

You could use any of the above two phrases when telling customers that it will not make them sleepy when taking it. - Many people get sick often and they opt to take flu medication to help them get better. As most medication makes you drowsy or contains sedatives it makes it difficult to focus in school or work. Therefore if people would still like to go to school or work while sick and while on medication, you offer to sell them the 'non-drowsy' medication.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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