日本に外国人観光客の間では、日本ならではということで Say sushi!「寿司〜」のフレーズも隠れた定番です。他にも韓国人グループなら「キムチ〜」も。どちらもcheese同様、最後に「イー[-ee]」とニッコリ笑顔になる音であることがポイントです。他の国でも[-ee]で終わる単語があれば使えるかもしれませんね。
' Say cheese!'This is now a real cliche and something quite rarely said due to it's previous overuse.
The more modern way is to try to get the subject of the photo to laugh by saying something funny...and the result is hence - a more natural expression of joy.
The following is an excerpt from a photography question about what to say to meke people laugh:
'Personally, I prefer to tell them to say "sex"... it usually gets a laugh that's nice and spontaneous... BUT!! That doesn't work on everyone...'
' Say cheese!'は、本当によく使い古された表現で逆に使われなくなった言葉です。
'Personally, I prefer to tell them to say "sex"... it usually gets a laugh that's nice and spontaneous... BUT!! That doesn't work on everyone...'個人的にsexというのが好きなんです。すぐに笑ってくれますからね。けど、みんながみんな笑ってくれるわけでもないのですが。
The equivalent in English is of course: SAY CHEESE!
To force the mouth shape into a smile...
(But there is always one who looks sad!)
A cue to set up the perfect photo moment:-))
Say Cheese' is a very common expression you say to people when you are taking their photo and you want them to smile. It gets people smiling big as they say the word cheese and then people feel good.
'1,2,3 SAY CHEESE!'
Say Cheese' は、写真を撮る際「カメラに向かって笑顔を見せて」という意味で、よく使われます。これは 'cheese' と言うと口角が上がって笑顔になるからです。
'1,2,3 SAY CHEESE!'(1、2、3、はい、チーズ)
"Say cheese!" is one of the most famous ways of getting someone to smile for the camera. It is very international. You can hear this in practically every country that speaks English.
"Smile for the camera!" is, of course, a very self-explanatory phrase. Although it can be used without "for the camera", so simply "smile" works.It is hard for children to stay still when they are getting their photo taken so sometimes you must use a toy to catch their attention!
"Say cheese!" は「カメラに向かって笑って」という意味の最も有名な表現です。英語圏のあらゆる国で使われています。
"Smile for the camera!"(カメラに向かって笑って)は、とても分かりやすいですね。"for the camera" はなくても大丈夫です。単に、"Smile" とも言えます。
The translation or similar meaning of this in English is, "Say cheese," and at that same moment the photographer takes the photo once everyone starts saying the word. We can actually change out this word, "cheese," to many other words to have the same effect or to cause natural laughter from the people in the photo.
We say cheese as well to be honest. I can't think of any other thing, unless you are at an event or during a certain occasion, then another word may be used, one which is more relatable to the event and occasion.
I hope it helps.
Have a great day.