You play with your smartphone all the time.
You mess around with your iPad(tablet) 24-7.
「[いじる](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/83702/)」というのはplay withやmess around withです。
「四六時中」は英語のでall the time([いつも](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/32890/))となります。
また、24-7 (読み方はtwenty four seven)という表現を使って強調にできます。
You never leave your smartphone out of your sight.
You are a nonstop smartphone user.
You are a smartphone junkie.
1)You never leave your smartphone out of your sight.
Out of sight =目の届かないところ
これを「ever leave =決して[置き去り](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36880/)にしない」とつなげて、「スマホを決して見えないところに置かない」となります。
2)You are a nonstop smartphone user.
Nonstop +名詞で覚えましょう。
例:A nonstop bus =直行バス
3)You are a smartphone junkie.
例:コーヒー好き=Coffee junkie: I am a coffee junkie
I hope it helps :)
You are playing with your smartphone all the time.
You are fiddling with your device 24/7.
①You are always on your smartphone.
②You are playing with your smartphone all the time.
③You are fiddling with your device 24/7.
1. play with ~
2. fiddle with ~
3. be on ~
今回の「四六時中スマホいじってる」という文脈では on が使えます。
onは「べたっとくっついている(=接触)」ことを示す表現ですので, on your smartphoneといえば, 「スマホにべったり」→「スマホをいつもいじってばかりいる」という意味になります。
4. use ~
5. be obsessed with ~
1. always
…neverの反対語, つまり, 100%の頻度。
なお, 〇〇 is always doing(〇〇はいつも〜してばかりいる)というと, 不満の意味を表すことができます。
She is always complaining about something.
2. all the time
3. 24/7
… "twenty-four seven" って読みます。twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week (1日24時間, 1週間7日間)がもととなる表現です。一瞬, 夜0時〜朝7時と勘違いしてしまいそうですが, 年中無休ということですね。ジムの名前に, workout(ジムでのexercise)と組み合わせて24/7 が使われていることが多いです。
●スマホ, タブレット
・スマホ smartphone
・タブレット tablet
… 具体的に, iPhone や iPadと言ってもよいですね。
・端末 device
… スマホやタブレット, マウス, プリンターなどのPC周辺機器は, まとめてdevice(機器)といいますので, ひっくるめてdeviceと言ってもよいでしょう。
The last sentence suggestion is something that you can say to a person in jest, meaning, in a joking manner. You can use this term as a euphemism to express how much the person spends on their phone. If you want to be direct, you may simply state, "You are always on your phone!".
“You are always on your phone!” (いつも携帯をいじっていますね!)
It can be very irritating when someone is always on their phone. It makes conversation difficult and even for this person to hear you at all may be impossible as they concentrate so intensely on their phone. You may exclaim: "You're addicted to your phone!" or, more sarcastically, "Hello! Hello! Anyone there?" as they continue to ignore you.
"You're addicted to your phone!"
"Hello! Hello! Anyone there?"
Please can you pay attention you are always on your phone
I find it very rude that you are always sitting on your phone when I am trying to get your attention
People become addicted to their phones and always have them in their hands. When someone is distracted by their phone you can tell them that they are 'always on their phone'!
You can then let them know how this makes you feel!
Hope this helps
Teacher Jemxii
“You are always on your phone!”
The most clear way to make your point is "You are always on your phone."
But, if they are specifically playing games or some kind of entertainment, you can say that they are "always playing on their phone".
To be addicted is to not be able to survive without something, such as cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, technology, etc.
If you wanted to tell someone that they are always on their smartphone, you could say any of the following to express this: "You're always on your phone", "Do you ever come off your phone?" or "You go on your phone too much".
・「You're always scrolling through your phone.」
(例文)You're always scrolling through your phone.// I know. I'm addicted to it.
phone 携帯、電話