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2016/09/07 13:05
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  • It's been a while since I cried watching a movie

  • I usually never cry watching movies, but this one got me

It's been a while since I cried watching a movie=しばらく映画を観て泣いていない It's been a whileとは「しばらく」や「久しく」と言う意味です。「久しぶり」って言いたい時に「It's been a while」と言う事もあります。 I usually never cry watching movies, but this one got me=普段英語を観て泣く事ないんだけど、これにはやられたよ Got meとは「やられた」や「参った」と言う意味です。似たような意味で「Got to me」とも言えます、これは「影響された」、「影響されてしまった」と言う意味です。 因に私もあまり映画で泣かないのですが最近ズートピアを観てボロ泣きしました。
  • 1.I haven't cried at a movie for a long time.

  • 2.It's been a long time since I cried at a movie

久しぶりに=「for a long time」 しばらく=「It's been a long time」 ○○していない=I haven't. 映画を見て泣く=英語でいうと「映画に対して泣く」というので、「cry at a movie」と言います。 1.I haven't cried at a movie for a long time. 「長い間、映画を観て泣いていない」 2.It's been a long time since I cried at a movie. 「私が映画を観て泣いて以来、長い時間が経っている」
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • The movie was so touching that it actually made me cry.

>The movie was so touching that it actually made me cry. *This sentence explains both things, that you cried and that you not use to crying. _By saying it "actually" made you crying is indicating that you do not normally cry for movies but this movie was touching and you cried. ..................***..............***
The movie was so touching that it actually made me cry. いつも泣かないのに泣いてしまったということを意味する表現です。 「actually」ということで、いつも映画で泣かないのに泣いてしまったということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • This is not me but I cried watching X movie.

This is not me but I cried watching X movie.- This means that you are not the kind of person who cries during movies but this movie made you cry.
This is not me but I cried watching X movie. これは、私は映画を観て泣くような人間じゃないけどこの映画を観て泣いてしまった、というような意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I don't usually cry during movies - but I did just then!

  • That film brought me to tears - that's so unusual for me!

  • Films don't touch me and I haven't cried in ages. But I did when I saw that film!

To be touched by something = to be affected by a particular quality or feeling such as sorrow, anger, humour, sentimentality, etc "He was suddenly touched by a strange sense of panic." To be brought/moved to tears = Overwhelmed by happy or grateful emotion, such that one feels like he or she will cry. "I was brought to tears by the tributes to my late father." "The lovely cards from my students had me moved to tears."
To be touched by something =悲しみ、怒り、ユーモア、または感傷的のようなある特定の感情に影響を受けること。 例:"He was suddenly touched by a strange sense of panic."  (彼は突然にパニックの感情に襲われた) To be brought/moved to tears =幸福感や感謝の気持ちで泣きそうになること。 例:"I was brought to tears by the tributes to my late father." (亡き父への賛辞に涙した) "The lovely cards from my students had me moved to tears." (生徒からの素敵なカードに涙が溢れました)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't often cry at movies but this one really got to me!

To say something 'got to me' is to say that it made you feel a strong negative emotion. You could use it in instances when you are angry or sad. For example: "He annoyed me, he really got to me!" "She upset me, her words really got to me!"
got to meとは、あなたを強くネガティブな感情にさせたという意味です。怒った時、悲しい時に、使えるでしょう。 例: He annoyed me, he really got to me! 彼は、私をいらだたせた。彼のせいで本当にイライラした! She upset me, her words really got to me! 彼女は私を怒らせた。彼女の言葉に本当にイライラした!
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I usually don't cry when watching movies, but this one got to me

  • I don't normally cry when watching a movie, but this movie made me cry.

When you want to explain that you cried when you watched a movie and that you don't usually cry when you're watching a movie; then you can say: -I usually don't cry when watching movies, but this one got to me -I don't normally cry when watching a movie, but this movie made me cry.
いつもは泣かないけれど、映画を見ていて泣いたことを言う表現です。  -I usually don't cry when watching movies, but this one got to me 映画を見るときはたいてい泣かないけど、これは泣けた。 -I don't normally cry when watching a movie, but this movie made me cry. いつもは映画を見ても泣かないけど、この映画は泣けた。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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