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2016/09/13 20:43
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  • School holiday

  • Day off

  • Holiday

[学校](のみですが英語では School holiday 学校が休み となりますので Today was a school holiday 今日は学校が休みでした [祝日](の場合は We had a national holiday もしくはすごく簡単にカジュアルの場合 No school I have no school tomorrow 明日は学校ない そして理由を聞かれたら答えるかたちです 他の例文: I had no school today 今日は学校なかった I had the day off 今日は学校なかった
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • Today is a school holiday.

  • We had today off since we had to go to school on a Saturday.

  • Today was a substitute holiday.

英訳1:「今日は[学校](の[休日](です」 英訳2:「土曜日に学校に行かなければならなかったので、今日は休みでした」 英訳3:「今日は振替休日でした」 substituteは「代わりの」という意味です。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I don't have school today because it's a school holiday.

  • It's a day off today.

  • It's school holidays.

These are the most common ways to say it. After this you could state why.
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • I did not have school today.

  • I did not go to school today. I had the day off.

  • School was closed today.

"I did not have school today" - This is a very straight-forward manner to get your message across. "I did not go to school today. I had the day off" - In saying "the day off" could mean that you did not go to school for various reasons. It could mean that you may have been sick or it might have been a public holiday, etc Example: I was not feeling well this morning so I did not go to school today. I had the day off. "School was closed today" You are saying that you did not go to school, not because of personal reasons but because it was on account of the school that was closed. Schools can be closed for a day for reasons such a bad weather. Example: There was a terrible snow storm, because of that school was closed today.
"I did not have school today" - とてもストレートな言い方です。 "I did not go to school today. I had the day off" - "the day off" と言っても、いろいろな理由(病気、祝日など)で学校を休んだと伝えられます。 例: I was not feeling well this morning so I did not go to school today. I had the day off. (今朝体調が良くなかったから、今日学校は行かなかった、休んだよ) "School was closed today" - 個人的な理由ではなく学校側の事情で登校しなかったことを表します。 学校が「closed(休み)」になる理由には、例えば悪天候などがあります。 例: There was a terrible snowstorm, because of that school was closed today. (ひどい吹雪だったので、今日は学校が休校になった)
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • No school

  • School was closed

"I did not have school, today!" "I had an off day from school." "I do not have school on the weekends." "The school was closed today, so I had a day off."
"""I did not have school, today!"" 今日は学校ないよ! ""I had an off day from school."" 今日は学校休みさ! ""I do not have school on the weekends."" 週末は学校ないよ! ""The school was closed today, so I had a day off.""" 学校は今日ないよ。今日は休みさ。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I am not going to school today because I am not feeling well.

Since you are normally in school during the week, it will be polite to state the reason why you are not in school on that day if you are comfortable sharing the reason.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Today is my day off.

  • I stayed away from school today.

  • Today is a school holiday.

1. Today is my day off. 私は今日お休みです。 A day off is a day that you stay away from school or work. 2. I stayed away from school today. 私は今日学校から離れていました。 This statement means that you did not go to school today. 3. Today is a school holiday. 今日は学校の休日です。 A holiday is a break or rest from your normal schedule of attendance.
1. Today is my day off. (私は今日お休みです) "day off"とはお仕事や学校がお休みの日の事です。 2. I stayed away from school today. (私は今日学校をお休みしました) この表現は今日は学校を休んだという意味になります。 3. Today is a school holiday. (学校は今日お休みです) "holiday"とは休日、お休みと言う意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't have school today.

  • There was no school today.

  • I had a day off! / I took the day off.

I didn't have school today.' - this implies that the school was closed or you did not have any classes/lectures. 'I had a day off!' - You can use this if the school was closed, you were sick and didn't go, you had a holiday... Example: Q:Did you have school today? A: No, I had the day off.
I didn't have school today.' - 学校が休みだった、または授業、講義がなかったというニュアンスです。 'I had a day off!' - 学校が休みだった時、病気で行けなかった時、祝日だった時などに使えます。 例: Q:Did you have school today?(今日学校あったの?) A: No, I had the day off.(今日は休みだった)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I had the day off from school today.

  • I did not have to go to school today.

  • The school is closed today for a holiday.

All of these sentences indicate that there is no school on said day.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • No, I don't have school today (because..)

  • I didn't go to school today (because..)

  • I'm not at school today (because..)

We can use the above sentences to explain that we didn't go to school. If we want to give a reason why didn't attend school we can use the word 'because'. ..because I was not feeling well this morning ..because we are on holiday ..because my school is closed
学校が休みだったことは上記のように表せます。 学校に行かなかった理由を説明したかったら、'because' という語が使えます。 ..because I was not feeling well this morning(今朝気分が悪かったから) ..because we are on holiday(休みだから) ..because my school is closed(学校が休みだから)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I do not have school today

  • Today is not a school day for me.

I do not have school today because I was sick I do not have school today because it is a national holiday.
”I do not have school today"(今日は休校です。) 理由として、例えば、”I am sick"(体調が悪いからです)と付け加えたりします。 ”I do not have school today because it is a national holiday" (今日は祝日なので、休校です。)
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
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