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お休みの日のことです。 一般的には土日が休みの学校・会社が多いです。 「休日は家でのんびりするのが好き」と言いたいです。
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2018/01/28 20:38
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  • day off

  • vacation

  • holiday

US English is a bit different from UK English. A holiday in the US is usually a day where there is no work and no school due to a celebration of some kind; the Christmas holiday, the Easter holiday etc. The weekend is not a holiday. If you don't work, then we refer to it as your days off. I have Saturday and Sunday off. Saturday and Sunday are my days off. I work on the weekends so and I get 1 day off a week, my day off is Wednesday. I have Wednesdays off. "Off" refers to "off from work" but now we just say "off". Vacations are usually planned and bigger than just your days off. Saturday and Sunday is not vacation time nor holiday (in the USA) they are your days off.
アメリカ英語はイギリス英語とは少し違います。アメリカのholiday(休日)は、通常何かの祝祭で仕事や学校がない日を言います。例えば: the Christmas holiday(クリスマス[ホリデー]( the Easter holiday(イースターホリデー) [週末](はholidayではありません。仕事がない日のことは、day offと表現します。 例文 I have Saturday and Sunday off.(土曜日と日曜日は仕事がありません) Saturday and Sunday are my days off. (土日は仕事が休みです) I work on the weekends so I get 1 day off a week, my day off is Wednesday.(週末は仕事があるので、週中に休日が1日あり、私の休日は水曜日です) I have Wednesdays off.(毎週水曜日が休みです。) このoffはoff from workを表していますが、offとだけ言います。 vacationは普通、計画されたもので、day offより長いです。アメリカでは、土日はvacationでもholidayでもなく、day offです。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
2018/01/30 16:59
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  • day(s) off

「休日」はday offと表現できます。 On my days off, I like to stay at home and relax.(休日は家で[のんびり](するのが好き) I'm taking a couple days off to visit my parents.(両親に会うために2日間[休みをとります](
  • Day off

  • Closed

1)Day off アメリカだとday off or days offって言うかな What’s your days off? 「休日はいつですか」 Tuesday and Wednesday are my days off. 「火曜と水曜がお休みです」 2)Closed お店だと What days are you closed? 「定休日はいつですか」 We’re closed Sunday, Monday. 「日曜日と月曜日が定休日です」
  • This is my day off.

  • This is my free day.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express that you do not have to go to work or school on a particular day. In the first sentence you will see the term day off. In the second sentence you will see the term free day. Both mean that you do not have to work and you are free to do what you want. I hope you enjoy your next free day and I hope these two sentences and explanation help you out!
どちらも、その日仕事または学校がないことを表す言い方です。 一つ目の文には「day off」、二つ目の文には「free day」が使われています。どちらも、仕事がなく、やりたいことができることを表します。 次の休日を楽しんでください! 例文と説明がお役に立てばと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • day off

「休日」は「day off」などで表せます。 「day off」は「休日」という意味の名詞です。 この複数形は「days off」です。 【例】 You've got the day off today? I'm jealous! →今日休みなの?羨ましい。 What do you do on your day off? →休日にはどんなことをしますか。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM Eikaiwa F DMM英会話
  • Day off

  • Holiday

  • Long weekend

"Day off" This states that you are "Off" work for a specific day. "Sunday is usually my day off." "Holiday" This is commonly used to explain when you have more than one day off. "I have booked my holiday's in July." "Long weekend" This is more specific to have a Friday and or a Monday off in addition to the normal weekend. "It's a national holiday on Monday so we all have a long weekend to look forward to."
"Day off" 特定の日に仕事がないことを言っています。 例文 "Sunday is usually my day off." (日曜日は通常休みです) "Holiday" 通常2日以上の休日があることを説明する時に一般的に使われます。 例文 "I have booked my holiday's in July." (7月に休日を取っておいた) "Long weekend" 通常の週末に加えて、金曜日又は月曜日が休日であることをより具体的に言っています。 例文 "It's a national holiday on Monday so we all have a long weekend to look forward to." (月曜日は祝日なので、私達はみんな長めの週末休暇を楽しみにしている)
Arran DMM英会話講師
  • day off

休日は英語で day offと言います。 例) 休日は家でのんびりするのが好き I like to relax on my day off 休日は月曜日と木曜日 My days off are Mondays and Thursdays ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • day off

  • days off

特別でない単発のお休みのことを英語で「day off」と言います。 例文:I've got a day off tomorrow. 訳 :私は明日お休みです。 例文:I'll ask my boss if I can have a day off. 訳 :休みが取れるかどうか上司に尋ねてみます。 例文:I am having a day off. (I am off today.) 訳 :今日はお休みです。 例文:I like to stay at home and do nothing on my days off. 訳 :休日は家でのんびりして、特に何もしないのが好きです。
  • Holiday

  • Vacation

  • Chill Day

Normally in the UK, we would say 'holiday' and this can either be a day off literally from work or actually going travelling Vacation is more commonly said in America.for the same reasons but just said differently. Chill day is just a day that literally means chill, like a day of rest.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • I'm off today

  • John is off tomorrow

  • to be off

You would like to know what you call a day that you do not have to go to work/school/etc. Well, in that case, you would probably call it either 'a day off' or 'a day's holiday'. Or you could just name the day - for example: "John was off on Saturday." The verb is 'to be off' - or 'to be off work'.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • holiday

休日は holiday とも言います。 A: Don't forget, tomorrow is a holiday. B: Thank you for reminding me, I almost forgot. A: 明日お休みだってことは忘れずに。 B: 教えてくれてありがとう。忘れてました。 Since today is a holiday, I bet it’s going to be crowed wherever we go. 今日は休日だからどこへ行っても混んでるはず Even though it was a holiday, she still went to work. 休日なのに彼女は仕事に出かけた
  • day off

休日 day (days) off 「休日は家でのんびりするのが好き」 I like staying at my home and relax on my days off. 何曜日がお休みですか? What day is your day off? 土日が休みです。 My days off are Saturday and Sunday. / I am off on weekends. 来週3日間休みます。 I will take 3 days off next week. 参考にしてください。:)
Saori M 英語講師
  • Day off

  • Holiday

  • Weekend

In some cases, jobs will give employees the day off from work or close the business for a day. Other times that you don't go to work are holidays and weekends.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • day off

  • holiday

In America, a day that you do not have to school or work is called a "day off". However, in the UK it is called a "holiday" instead. Example: "I took a day off today because I am sick."
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • day off

ご質問ありがとうございます。 休日 は英語で day off と訳出します。 例えば 休日は家でのんびりするのが好き I like to relax at home on my days off. ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • day off

  • holiday

会社が休みという意味の「休日」はday off を使います。 A: Are you working tomorrow? (明日は仕事?) B: No, Tomorrow is my day off.(いや、明日は休みなんだ) holidayはvacationと同様、連休や休暇という意味合いが強くなると思います。holidayは仕事だけでなく学校がお休みという場合にも使えます。 I am going to Mexico on vacation.(私は休暇中メキシコに行く予定だ) Where are you going for your holidays this year?(今年のお休みは、どこへ行く予定なの?) 以上、ご参考になれば幸いです。
Saeko T 英語講師
  • Day off

  • Free day

  • Bank holiday

In Ireland, we call a day that we don't have to go to work or school a day off. We can also call it a free day. A bank holiday is what we call a public or statutory holiday. In the UK it also has the same name. So, for example, Christmas day is a bank holiday. We have many bank holidays during the year. St Patrick's Day is, of course, a bank holiday! "Tomorrow is a bank holiday. I don't have to work" "I have a free day tomorrow. It's Saturday!" "My free day this week is Friday"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • An off day.

  • Holiday

An off day means; - When you have a day off from work/school. This means that you do not have to go in to work or get up for school. You have this day to relax and do whatever you want to do. Examples in a sentence: - I have an off day tomorrow. - My 3 day holiday is staring soon.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • How do you say "holiday" in English?

Holiday, free time, time off, time off work, spare time. Holiday, a period of time where you don't have to work or go to school. Examples: "During my holiday I traveled to Australia". "Last week I had time off work so I went to the beach".
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • "day off"

  • "holiday"

  • "Vacation"

A day that you do not have to go to work/school/etc in English is most commonly referred to as any of the following: "day off", "holiday" or "Vacation". Example sentence: It is my day off from work today.
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Time off

  • Day off

1. “Time off” refers to free time off given to you by your boss for working longer than your normal hours. “Time off” can refer to a few hours or can be as long as a day. Example: My boss gave me time off because I had put in many extra hours to complete the Dawson Project. 2. “Day off” refers to an entire free working day off from work that has been given to you by your boss for overtime that you had put in to meet a deadline. Example: My boss gave me the day off because I had come in over the weekend to complete the reports for him.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Day off

  • Vacation

  • Holiday

休日は色んな言葉があります。 - Day off - Vacation - Holiday 明日休日なんだ Tomorrow I have a day Tomorrow I have a vacation Tomorrow I’m on holiday 休日の日は普段何する What do you usually do on your day off?
  • Day off.

  • Holiday.

  • Vacation.

If you would like to know what to call a day that you do not have to go to work/school, you can call it a "day off" or a "vacation" or a "holiday". You can use it in a sentence by saying something along the lines of "Tomorrow I will have a day off from work after a really long time.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • day off

  • closed

「休日は家でのんびりするのが好き」と言いたい時、 英語で I like to relax at home on my days off やI like to spend my days off lying around at home と言います。 休日の話でlying aroundはよく使う表現です。ゴロゴロする、のんびりするという意味です。 店の休日ならclosedと言います。 例えば、 Closed on Wednesdays 水曜日は定休日です ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Day off.

Man, I have been working so hard recently. I can see that. I have been working seven days a week. That is too much. I know, I need a day off. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Day off

When you have a day that you don't go to work either because of a holiday, a sickness, or any other reason, we would call this a, "day off." Example sentences : - I have two day's off this month. - I haven't had a day off in 3 months!
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • holiday

  • day off

「休日」は英語で holiday や day off と言います。 ニュアンスの問題ですが、holiday は二日以上の休みの時に使うことが多いです。 I’m a freelance, so I can choose my days off myself. 私はフリーランスで仕事をしているので、休みの日を自分で選べる。 What do you do on your holiday? 休みの日は何をされていますか。
  • day off

1. day off 「休日」は英語で day off のように表現することができます。 例: What do you do on your days off? 「休日は何をしていますか?」 holiday のように言うこともできますが、こちらは「祝日」の意味もあります。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • day off

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: day off 休日 例: What do you like to do on your days off? あなたは、休日の日は何をするのが好きですか? ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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