They yelled at him so loudly that it seemed to echo through the entire floor, and he became unable to move.
- They yelled at him so loudly that it seemed to echo through the entire floor, and he became unable to move.
petrify を使いたければ
- He was petrified when they yelled at him so loudly it seemed to echo throughout the entire floor.
He was petrified by the sound of his extremely loud yelling, which seemed to shake the entire floor.
「フロア全体に響くような」=「seemed to shake the entire floor」
「大声で怒鳴られ」=「extremely loud yelling」
「彼は動けなくなった」=「he was petrified」
このような状況では「he was petrified」が「動けなくなった」と言うニュアンスがします。だけど、ちょっと長いですが、「he was petrified by and couldn't move from」と言っても大丈夫です。
She yelled at him so loudly, everyone on the floor could hear her voice. He just stood there petrified.
ーShe yelled at him so loudly, everyone on the floor could hear her. He just stood there petrified.
He just stood there petrified. - このように言うとより自然ですよ。