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2016/09/29 09:57
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  • "Work" first, "Love" secondary.

  • I will work hard on my job rather than romance now!

  • Now I work harder on my job than romance!

  • I will do my best to put work before my love life!

work hard on my jobは「仕事を頑張る」 A rather than B は「BよりA」 romanceは「恋愛」 do my best「がんばる」 put A before Bは「BよりAを優先させる」 my love life 大枠で「恋愛」って感じですね こんな感じです!
Bryce 英語勉強法.jp 編集長、名古屋英語専門塾 代表、英語本評論家、英語講師
  • I'm focusing on my professional life right now instead of my love life.

You will want to use the present progressive tense (-ing) because this is something that you are doing right now and for the foreseeable future. "Instead" shows the contrast of your focus. I hope that this helps. :)
これは今現在行っていて、この先しばらくの間続けるということですね。でしたら、現在進行形を使います。 "Instead" を使って、自分の関心があることと、ないことを対照させています。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm prioritizing my job before my love life at the moment.

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 上の文脈を英語にするには、下記の表現ではいかがでしょうか。 I'm prioritizing my job before my love life at the moment. 今は、恋愛より、自分の仕事を優先しています。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I'm putting my work first

  • I am going to prioritise my work

  • Work first, play and romantic second

Here we are talking about priorities, more specifically we are talking about what you want to prioritise and how to convey/express this. 'Putting something first' means this thing is the priority. so you can say 'I'm putting my work first'. You can be more direct by just saying "I am going to prioritise my work'. Lastly, you can be clear as to what you are prioritising your work over, which is your love life. "I I am going to prioritise my work over my love life" or a slightly humorous phrase 'Work first, play and romantic second'.
ここでは、優先順位について言っていますね。より正確には、何を優先したいかそしてそれをどう伝えるかです。 'Putting something first' は「~を最優先する」という意味です。 ですから、 'I'm putting my work first'(仕事を最優先しています) と言えます。 より直接的に次のように言うこともできます。 'I am going to prioritise my work'(仕事を優先するつもりです) 最後に、何を仕事よりも優先しているのか明確に伝えることもできます。つまり「恋愛」です。 "I am going to prioritise my work over my love life"(恋愛よりも仕事を優先するつもりです) あるいは、少しユーモラスに: 'Work first, play and romantic second'(仕事が一番、遊びと恋愛はその次です)
Ben Mo DMM英会話講師
  • I am career oriented.

  • I am focusing on my career.

  • My career is more important that romance.

"Career Oriented" is the most common phrase for describing this sentiment. It means that you are mostly focused on your career and have little time for anything else. The phrase you have provided is also viable. I have provided some variations on it to give you some variety. Career focused, or a path to success.
"Career Oriented" がこの気持ちを表す最も一般的なフレーズです。これはほとんどの時間を自分の職業に注いでいることを表します。 あなたの考えたフレーズも使えます。私はそれに少し変化を加えたものをお示ししました。キャリアに集中か、あるいは成功への道か。
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • Work above all else

  • The most important thing in life right now, is my career.

Both of these phrases/sentences express the same meaning, that there is nothing more important to you than work. When we say "work above all else" It means that there is NOTHING more important in your life than work at the moment. This let's people know that you have no other primary concerns. You could use it in a sentence like: Right now, it's work above all else. This leaves the door open for something else later, but assures the person that there is nothing that can stand in the way of your career currently. Not even love or romance.
これらどちらのフレーズ/文も同じ意味です、「仕事以上に大切なものはない」ということ。 "work above all else" は「今は仕事以上に大切なものはない」という意味です。仕事が最優先であると伝えます。 文の中では、次のように使えます。 Right now, it's work above all else.(今は仕事が最優先です) これは、将来については別のことに可能性を残していますが、今現在は仕事以上に優先するものはないと言い切っています。たとえ、愛や恋愛であっても。
Malik P DMM英会話講師
  • The priority for me at the moment is my work

  • Work is my number one priority these days

Right now, you want to make you job/working your priority, not your love life. You want to explain that. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Work before love.

  • My work is my number one priority and my love life second.

When wanting to explain to people that your work life comes before your personal or love life you could use any of the two above sentences. If its something you firmly believe in I would then most likely go for the first sentence.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • My job is my priority right now. I have no time for love!

  • I have to focus on my professional life before my social life first!

Everybody needs some love in their life, but unfortunately, our working life can be really busy and therefore we don't have time for anything else other than work. Even at the weekends, we may plan to go out, but by the end of the day we feel really tired and end up doing nothing, just maybe watching a movie and drinking a few beers. A "priority" is something that is very important that must be done first, before anything else. Our main priority is to have a job and money so we are able to pay for our food and rent. "Social life" is your life outside of work doing enjoyable things. It can be meeting friends for drinks, going to the movies or simply having a coffee
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I will be focusing on my work life for now and not my love life.

  • Right now I am focusing more on my work life than my love life.

If you would like to explain to someone that you will be prioritizing your work life rather than your love life, you can say something like "I will be focusing on my work life for now and not my love life." or "Right now I am focusing more on my work life than my love life.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I want to focus on my career, not my love life

  • Building my career is my top priority right now

In both sentences you are explaining your focus or your priority, which in this context are synonyms. "To build a career"means to work on your professional achievements, work towards getting promoted, assuming more responsibilities and creating a financial and professional stability for yourself.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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