過労死はdeath from overwork/death by overworkと言うようです。
People who commit suicide due to mental stress (from the workplace) are called "karōjisatsu (過労自殺)."
Suicide resulted from overwork;
Overwork and heavy stress from the workplace should be strictly observed by the labour ministry.
You could also say: "He topped himself." (Informal)
To commit suicide = to kill yourself
Due to pressure at work = stress at work. It could be too many hours; it could be another reason.
To take one's own life = to commit suicide.
"Where's Dave today?"
"He's in the crematorium. He topped himself due to pressure at work."
"He topped himself." (カジュアル)こういうこともできます。
To commit suicide = 自殺する
Due to pressure at work = 仕事でのストレス。長時間労働かもしれないし、そのほかの理由かもしれません。
To take one's own life = 自殺する。
"Where's Dave today?"
"He's in the crematorium. He topped himself due to pressure at work."
Other expressions used to talk about working too hard :
To run yourself ragged
To wear yourself out
To bite off more than what you can chew
Other expressions used to talk about working too hard :
To run yourself ragged
To wear yourself out
To bite off more than what you can chew
①Work yourself to an early grave→早死にするまで働く。
②Drive yourself to the grave→墓場まで追いやる。③Run into the ground→限界まで働く。
Run yourself ragged→ボロボロになるまで走る。
Wear yourself out→無理をする。
Bite off more than what you can chew→無理をする(限界を超えている)
Example sentences-
1. She recently committed suicide by working to much.
2. Working yourself into an early grave is becoming a common thing ever since the recession.
3. I looked at myself in the mirror and said " You are working yourself to death".
1. She recently committed suicide by working to much.
2. Working yourself into an early grave is becoming a common thing ever since the recession.
3. I looked at myself in the mirror and said " You are working yourself to death".
She committed suicide because her life consisted of all work and no play.
Unethical obligatory overtime work caused the women to take her own life.
To express that a woman committed suicide because she was overworked you may make use of any of the above examples.
overworked-Saying that someone is overworked means that they are under a lot of stress, overburdened and worn out with too much work.
All work and no play-It means that without time off from work, a person becomes both bored and unhappy.
overworked-「誰々 is overworked」は、その人が、大きなストレスを抱え、仕事に追われ疲れ切っていることを表します。
All work and no play-仕事ばかりしていると退屈で不幸になる、という意味です。