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2016/10/19 12:30
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  • Overwork suicide

  • Suicide from overwork

過労死はdeath from overwork/death by overworkと言うようです。 Wikipediaの過労死(英語版)のページに過労自殺についても一文あります。 People who commit suicide due to mental stress (from the workplace) are called "karōjisatsu (過労自殺)." (職場からの)精神的ストレスによって自殺してしまう人を過労自殺という。 Suicide resulted from overwork; 過労の結果としての自殺 関連 Overwork and heavy stress from the workplace should be strictly observed by the labour ministry. 労働省が過労と職場のストレスを厳しく監視すべきだ。
  • suicide from stressful work environment

work environment: 職場環境 "stressful work environment” で「ストレスのある職場環境」となります。
  • 1. He committed suicide due to overwork

  • 2. He killed himself due to pressure at work

  • 3. He took his own life because he was overworked

You could also say: "He topped himself." (Informal) To commit suicide = to kill yourself Due to pressure at work = stress at work. It could be too many hours; it could be another reason. To take one's own life = to commit suicide. "Where's Dave today?" "He's in the crematorium. He topped himself due to pressure at work."
"He topped himself." (カジュアル)こういうこともできます。 To commit suicide = 自殺する Due to pressure at work = 仕事でのストレス。長時間労働かもしれないし、そのほかの理由かもしれません。 To take one's own life = 自殺する。 例 "Where's Dave today?" "He's in the crematorium. He topped himself due to pressure at work."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • To work yourself into an early grave.

  • To drive yourself to the grave

  • Run into the ground

Other expressions used to talk about working too hard : To run yourself ragged To wear yourself out To bite off more than what you can chew
Other expressions used to talk about working too hard : To run yourself ragged To wear yourself out To bite off more than what you can chew ①Work yourself to an early grave→早死にするまで働く。 ②Drive yourself to the grave→墓場まで追いやる。③Run into the ground→限界まで働く。 上記例文以外に、 Run yourself ragged→ボロボロになるまで走る。 Wear yourself out→無理をする。 Bite off more than what you can chew→無理をする(限界を超えている) という表現があります。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • He drove himself into the ground with work and committed suicide.

  • Worked his fingers to the bone and committed suicide.

-->drive (too hard) -->Other ways of saying he worked to hard: --* wear oneself to a shadow --*sweat blood, work day and night,
drive (too hard):酷使する(とても一生懸命に) 彼がとても働いたと言う他の言い方: - wear oneself to a shadow (あくせく働く) - sweat blood(汗水たらして働く)、work day and night(朝から晩まで働く)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Suicide by working to much.

  • Working yourself into an early grave.

  • working yourself to death.

Example sentences- 1. She recently committed suicide by working to much. 2. Working yourself into an early grave is becoming a common thing ever since the recession. 3. I looked at myself in the mirror and said " You are working yourself to death".
例文- 1. She recently committed suicide by working to much. (彼女は最近過労で自殺しました) 2. Working yourself into an early grave is becoming a common thing ever since the recession. (景気後退後は、過労死が増えている) 3. I looked at myself in the mirror and said " You are working yourself to death". (鏡に映った自分を見て「働き過ぎだ」と言いました)
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • She committed suicide because she was overworked.

  • She committed suicide because her life consisted of all work and no play.

  • Unethical obligatory overtime work caused the women to take her own life.

To express that a woman committed suicide because she was overworked you may make use of any of the above examples. keywords: overworked-Saying that someone is overworked means that they are under a lot of stress, overburdened and worn out with too much work. All work and no play-It means that without time off from work, a person becomes both bored and unhappy.
上記は、女性が過重労働で自殺したことを表す言い方です。 キーワード: overworked-「誰々 is overworked」は、その人が、大きなストレスを抱え、仕事に追われ疲れ切っていることを表します。 All work and no play-仕事ばかりしていると退屈で不幸になる、という意味です。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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