I think suicide does not solve anything. I'm against it.
I'm against suicide because I don't think ending your life solves anything.
When you want to explain that you're anti-suicide, then you can say the following:
-I oppose suicide.
-I am anti-suicide
-I think suicide does not solve anything. I'm against it.
-I'm against suicide because I don't think ending your life solves anything.
I oppose suicide.
I am anti-suicide.
I think suicide does not solve anything. I'm against it.
I'm against suicide because I don't think ending your life solves anything.
To me, suicide is never the answer as it doesn't solve anything
I don't agree with suicide as I don't think it solves anything
"To me, suicide is never the answer as it doesn't solve anything" - To me is another way of saying I am and indicates that you are aware of other opinions but have your own.
"I don't agree with suicide as I don't think it solves anything" - I don't agree will let people know that you are opposed to suicide
"To me, suicide is never the answer as it doesn't solve anything"(自殺をしても何も解決することはないので、絶対にするべきではないと思います)
'To me' は 'I am' の別の言い方です。これは、話し手が異なる意見があることを承知の上でその意見を持っていることを表します。
"I don't agree with suicide as I don't think it solves anything"(自殺は何の解決にもならないと思うので私は反対です)
'I don't agree' で、自殺に反対していることが伝わります。
"I am not for suicide"
To be 'for' or 'against' something is to think one thing is a good idea (for) or opposed, it is a bad idea (against).
"Suicide is not the answer" This phrase is stating the suicide is not good and shouldn't be set out to do, If it is not the 'answer' this is usually described as something that should not be done, In someones opinion.
"I am not for suicide"(自殺には反対です)
= 'for' はその考えに賛成であること、'against' はその考えに反対であることをそれぞれ表します。
"Suicide is not the answer"(自殺は解決にはならない)
= 自殺をしてはならないという意味です。'not the answer' は普通、あることをするべきではないという話し手の意見を表します。
I am against suicide.
be against ~で「~に反対だ」の意味です。
You shouldn't commit suicide.
You shouldn't kill yourself.
If you disagree with something or don't think it is right then then you can say your 'against' it another way of saying this is 'opposed' to it
a common term is to say that it is not the answer meaning it does not solve anything
何かに反対であることやそれを正しくないと思うことは、'against' で表せます。'opposed' も同じ意味を表します。
'something is not the answer' は「~は何の解決にもならない」という意味の一般的な表現です。