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2016/11/13 19:24
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  • My sister gets sick during take off.

  • When my sister is on the plane, she gets sick during take off.

Take off 離陸 Land 着陸
  • My younger sister does not feel well when the plane takes off.

  • When the plane takes off, my younger sister gets sick.

  • My younger sister feels sick when the plane takes off and lands.

There are many different ways you can say it, but all three of these variations commonly describe someone as "not feeling well" as "sick", or "gets sick". You can interchange the use of "takes of" with when the plane lands as well, i.e. "When the plane lands, my sister gets sick."
いろんな言い回しがあるけど、この3つの言い回しは「具合が悪い」や「気分が悪い」などを一般的に表します。 takes offをの代わりに、landを使えば、着陸時も表せます。 例 When the plane lands, my sister gets sick. 飛行機が着陸するとき、妹は具合が悪くなる。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • My sister feels queasy during take off and landing.

In order to explain that your sister feels sick during take off and landing, you can say: My sister feels queasy during take off and landing. To feel - To have the sense of or feeling of something Queasy - informal adjective meaning to feel sick or dizzy. During - At the same time as, while. I hope that helps!
あなたの妹が離着陸時に体調がすぐれないと説明したいのなら、こう言えます。 My sister feels queasy during take off and landing. To feel - To have the sense of or feeling of something Queasy - informal adjective meaning to feel sick or dizzy. During - その間、その時、同時に I hope that helps!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • My younger sister is nervous when the airplane is taking off and when it is landing.

  • My younger sister is jittery when the airplane is taking off and when it is landing

If your younger sister does not feel well when the airplane is taking off and when it is landing, it means that she is nervous. I have used the adjective 'nervous' to mean 'anxious' or 'apprehensive'. The adjective 'anxious' itself means 'feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome, whereas the adjective 'apprehensive' means '.anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen'. These words are interchangeable. In the second line I have used the adjective 'jittery' to mean 'nervous or unable to relax'. Either of the two sentences will suffice. The adjectives 'nervous', 'anxious', 'apprehensive', and 'jittery' are synonymous and can be used interchangeably.
自分の妹が離着陸時に具合が悪いのなら、きっとナーバスなのでしょう。 nervousという形容詞を使い、anxious またはapprehensiveといった状態を表すことができます。 'anxious'は、不確定な結果への心配やナーバスさなどを表します。 'apprehensive'は '.anxious と同じく、何か悪いことが起きるのではと不安になることです。 どちらも同じような意味です。. 二つ目の文では、jitteryという言葉を使いました。 これはナーバスで、リラックスできないという意味です。 二つの文はどちらでも大丈夫です。 'nervous', 'anxious', 'apprehensive', そして'jittery' は類義語でどれを使っても大丈夫です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Flying doesn't agree with my sister

  • My sister always feels ill on take offs and landings

You could just speak generally. Take offs and landings are essential parts of flying. If someone doesn't enjoy these two parts of flying, they probably don't enjoy flying in general. So you could just say: "Flying doesn't agree with my sister," meaning that she has a bad reaction to flying. If you say: "My sister always feels ill on take offs and landings," you are giving all the details of your sister's condition.
一般的な言い方をすることができます。離陸と着陸は、飛行の際に不可欠です。もしこの二つを楽しめない人であれば、恐らく飛行全般を楽しめないでしょう。そのため、単に以下のように言うといいでしょう。 "Flying doesn't agree with my sister," (飛行は私の妹に合わない。) 彼女が飛行に対して悪い反応を示すという意味です。 "My sister always feels ill on take offs and landings"(私の妹は、離陸と着陸のときにいつも体調が悪くなります。) と言うと、彼女の状態の詳細を話していることになります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My sister always doesn't feel well during take off and landing of a flight

  • Whenever an airplane takes off and lands, my sister starts feeling a bit sick.

When you want to explain that your younger sister doesn't feel well when an airplane is taking off and landing; then you can explain it in the following ways: -My sister always doesn't feel well during take off and landing of a flight -Whenever an airplane takes off and lands, my sister starts feeling a bit sick.
「妹は飛行機の離陸と着陸の時に気分が悪くなる」は、次のように言えます。 -My sister always doesn't feel well during take off and landing of a flight(妹は飛行機の離着陸の時にいつも気分が悪くなる) -Whenever an airplane takes off and lands, my sister starts feeling a bit sick.(妹は飛行機の離着陸の時にいつも気分が悪くなる)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • my sister experiences travel sickness.

  • my sister doesn't fly well.

"my sister experiences travel sickness." To 'experience travel sickness' is to get sick/ill/feel unwell while travelling. To 'experience' is to get/to feel. "my sister doesn't fly well." The term 'doesn't fly well' is describing flying/travelling, in this context the sister doesn't fly in an airplane well, describing she gets sick/unwell.
"my sister experiences travel sickness."(妹は乗り物酔いします) 'experience travel sickness' は「乗り物酔いをする」という意味です。 'experience' は「~になる/感じる」という意味です。 "my sister doesn't fly well."(妹は飛行機酔いします) 'doesn't fly well' はここでは、妹が飛行機に酔うことを表しています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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