世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2015/12/11 13:13
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  • ① It's gonna rain all day today so I don't think I can take the dog for a walk

「今日は一日中雨だから犬をお散歩に連れて行けない」は英語にすると「① It's gonna rain all day today so I don't think I can take the dog for a walk」と言います。

一日中は基本的に「all day」と言います。


Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • We won't be able to go for a walk today because it'll be raining all day


I'm sorry darling
I'm sorry babe

因に豪雨の時に使う言葉で"It's raining cats and dogs"と言うのがあります。



  • Unfortunately we can't go for our walk today because it is going to be raining today.

  • It is going to be raining today so no walk for you today.

1.Unfortunately we can't go for our walk today because it is going to be raining today.
- unfortunately means that you are disappointed that you can't go for the walk because of the rain.

2.It is going to be raining today so no walk for you today.
- This is a fun way to talk to your dog.

1.Unfortunately we can't go for our walk today because it is going to be raining today.- unfortunately は、残念だね、という意味で、この場合、雨で散歩に行けないのが残念だねというときに使います。
2.It is going to be raining today so no walk for you today.- これは、犬に語りかける楽しい言い方です。.

Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The forcast is rain all day so walking is out!

  • You'll have to do it on your own today!

If something is "Out" it means that it is not going to happen, is not on the itinerary, is off the timetable. This activity has been 'ruled out' which means deleted from the activity list.
"John has been ruled out of playing fottball tomorrow due to a leg injury.."
If you are 'on your own' it means nobody will help you with this activity.

何かが"Out"ならば、それは起こらないことを意味し、旅程上や時刻表から外れてしまったという意味です。このアクティビティは 'ruled out'とは、アクティビティリストから削除されています。
'on your own'とは、誰もあなたにこの活動を手伝ってくれることを意味しません。

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Im sorry but its raining so no walks today.

  • Its going to rain all day so we will be staying inside.

"I'm sorry but its raining so no walks today." This explains that it is raining so you cant go for a walk.

"It's going to rain all day so we will be staying inside." This explains that your staying in inside because its raining

"I'm sorry but it's raining so no walks today."


"It's going to rain all day so we will be staying inside."

Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • It's gonna rain all day. Sorry We won't be able to go for a walk.

Weather forecast are a good way of predicting the weather. You can simply say that it looks like or the forecast said that it'll rain today, all day. For that reason, you can tell your dog that there will be no walking today.

"It looks like it's going to rain today."(今日雨みたい)
"The forecast said it'll rain today."(天気予報で今日雨だって)

Yash DMM英会話講師
  • Not today boy, it's raining

  • It's raining.

Not to day boy, it's raining.
It's raining, so I can't walk you today.
No walk today because of the rain.

  • Dogs need walking every day regardless of the weather. If you don't want to go out in all weathers, don't get a dog.

Not today boy, it's raining.

It's raining, so I can't walk you today.

No walk today because of the rain.


Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • It's going to rain today, so I'm not taking my dog for a walk.

  • I can't walk my dog today because it is going to rain

When you want to explain that you cannot walk your dog today because it is going to rain, then you can say it in the following ways:
-It's going to rain today, so I'm not taking my dog for a walk.
-I can't walk my dog today because it is going to rain


It's going to rain today, so I'm not taking my dog for a walk.
I can't walk my dog today because it is going to rain

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry buddy. It's going to be raining all day.

  • We won't be able to go for our walk today. It's going to be a rainy day.

I'm sorry but I don't think we can go for our walk today. It's suppose to be rainy all day.
It's suppose to be a rainy day today, so I don't think we will be able to go for a walk.

I'm sorry but I don't think we can go for our walk today. It's suppose to be rainy all day.

It's suppose to be a rainy day today, so I don't think we will be able to go for a walk.

Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • It's not likely we'll be able to go for a walk because it's raining.

  • It's suppose to rain all day so we probably won't go for a walk today.

The two sentences you see are great ways to let your dog know you will not be going for a walk because of the rain. In the first sentence you will see the word likely. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means probable. This is a word we use in both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary!



Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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