世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/04 17:44
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  • I went camping with a friend from college.

  • My friend from college and I went on a camping trip!

  • My friend from college and I have been camping.

Explanation: You can use the verb 'go' when talking about being on a camp. The following examples indicate that they have been engaged in the activity of camping. For example: He went camping last summer, She goes camping every year, They have gone camping and will return next week. 'We have been camping' suggests that they traveled somewhere so they could camp there.
説明: キャンプに行った話をするとき、動詞「go」を使うことができます。 次の文は、キャンプ活動に参加することを表現したいくつかの例文です。 例: He went camping last summer. (彼は去年の夏、キャンプに行きました) She goes camping every year. (彼女は毎年キャンプに行きます) They have gone camping and will return next week. (彼らはキャンプに行っていて、来週戻ってきます) 'We have been camping' は、キャンプしながら旅をしていることを示唆しています。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I went camping with my college friends.

  • I came back from camping with my old college friends.

キャンプに行くというのは”go camping” です。 Camp の前にto を付けたり、go campと 〜ing を付けないで利用することはできません。 *Go skiing, go golfing も同様で、〜に行くというときは必ずこのように使いましょう。
  • Happy campers!

  • We've been putting up tents!

  • Now for some fresh air!

Well, as a headline, or provocative post, you may just add short messages such as 'Happy campers!' for example. If you like, you may then add an explanation of where you are, who you are with, how long you will be thefre and what the weather's like etc. A picture tells a thousand stories, they say, so you may also like to post one or two photos showing what you have been getting up to.
奇抜で目を惹く投稿として、例えば、'Happy campers!' 「ハッピーキャンパー!」のような 短い見出しも良いかもしれません。 その後で、どこに誰とどのくらい行ったのか、天気はどうだったのか等の詳細を追加することもできます。 百聞は一見に如かずという言葉が示すように、キャンプの様子の写真を数枚載せるのもありだと思います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I went camping with my college friends.

  • I went camping with some old friends from college.

  • I went camping with some buddies from college.

You can express this in some of the following ways :- 1. I went camping with my college friends. 2. I went camping with some old friends from college. 3. I went camping with some buddies from college. (The word "buddies" is another word for friends)
以下の言い方で表すことができます。 1. I went camping with my college friends. 2. I went camping with some old friends from college. 3. I went camping with some buddies from college. ("buddies"という単語は、友だちという意味です。)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My college friends and I went on a camping trip.

  • I had a great camping weekend with my college friends.

>My college friends and I went on a camping trip. >I had a great camping weekend with my college friends. Both phrases can be used and both clearly indicates that you went on a camping trip with your college friends.
My college friends and I went on a camping trip. I had a great camping weekend with my college friends. 大学時代の友人とキャンプに行ったということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I went on a camping trip with college friends!

  • Went camping with college buddies!

  • I went camping with some college pals!

People go camping to spend quality time with one another. It is an activity that brings people together, no TV, no social media, just talking and having fun. You can use the following to express yourself: "I went on a camping trip with college friends!" "Went camping with college buddies!" "I went camping with some college pals!" "Buddies"and "Pals"are words that you use to describe friends.
人々は、他の人と上質な時間を過ごすためにキャンプにいきます。 活動によって、テレビ無し、ソーシャルメディアなしで楽いく会話するだけになります。 以下の表現を使うこともできます。 ""I went on a camping trip with college friends!"" 大学の友達とキャンプにいきました。 ""Went camping with college buddies!"" 大学の友達とキャンプにいきました。 ""I went camping with some college pals!"" 大学の友達とキャンプにいきました。 「Buddies」と「Pals」は友達を表現するために使う言葉です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I went camping with my friends from college

  • I went camping with my college friends

  • My college friends and I went camping

You can use the term 'friends from college' or 'college friends' these both explain that they are friends you made at college you could also say 'My college friends and I'
friends from college'または'college friends'というフレーズを使うことができます。これらはどちらも、大学にいた時にできた友達を表します。 また、'My college friends and I'(大学時代の友達と私)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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