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2016/12/09 19:30
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  • I laugh a lot.

I laugh a lot. Laugh :(動詞)笑う 声を出して笑うニュアンスとなります。それに対して、Smileは微笑むような笑い方です。 また、今回の文は現在形を使っていますが、現在形は、日常的に繰り返されることを表すことが出来ます。 今回は性格についてなので、日常的な動作であると考えました。 例文 1. "I laugh a lot, especially when I'm with my friends." (私はよく笑います、特に友達といるときはね。) 2. "People say I laugh a lot, but that's just who I am." (人は私がよく笑うと言いますが、それが私の性格なんです。) ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I am a big laugher.

  • I love to laugh.

  • I am prone to laughter.

I am a big laugher. 「私は笑い上戸です。」 laugherは「笑う人」です。「たくさん笑う人」からこのような意味になりました。 I love to laugh. 「私は笑うことが大好きです。」 「何に対しても笑顔でいる」→「いつもよく笑っている」となります。 I am prone to laughter. 「私はよく笑いがちです。」 be prone to doで「〜しがちな、〜する傾向がある」という意味です。しかしここでは"laughter (笑うこと、笑い)"と名詞が来ているので、「〜でありやすい、〜でありがちである」となります。
  • I enjoy laughing.

  • I basically laugh for anything.

  • I am always happy and laughing.

● ▪I enjoy laughing. ▪I basically laugh for anything. ▪I am always happy and laughing. ● Enjoy-take delight Basically-in the most essential respects Always-at all times
● ▪I enjoy laughing. ▪I basically laugh for anything. ▪I am always happy and laughing. ● Enjoy-たのしむ。 Basically-基本的に Always-いつも、常に
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I am the kind of the person who likes to laugh a lot.

  • I am always laughing at everything.

  • I have a very jolly spirit.

In the sentence suggestions, I provided various ways of expressing your lighthearted and jovial nature. You can always simply express that you "love to laugh". For example: "I love to laugh!" It is simple and to the point. If you want to be more poetic of expressive, you can state that you have a very jovial personality. Jovial is very cheerful and friendly. Most people who are jovial tend to laugh a lot!
例文には、あなたがよく笑い、愉快な性格であることを表現する文をいくつか書きました。「笑うことが大好き」ということを常に伝えるといいかもしれません。例えば、I love to laugh!という文は、シンプルだけれども的を得ています。もっと詩人のような表現をしたいなら、jovialという言葉を使うこともできます。jovialとは、とても元気でフレンドリーなという意味です。jovialな人は、たくさん笑う傾向にあると思います。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I always look at the bright side of life.

  • I'm an optimist.

  • You will always catch me laughing

In order to explain that you have a very positive and happy personality and always laugh a lot, you can say: I always look at the bright side of life. To look at the bright side of life means to always look at the positive and to be happy and smiley all the time. You can also say: Nothing gets me down. This means nothing makes you sad or depressed. Another phrase for this is: I'm an optimist This is the opposite of a pessimist. You will always catch me laughing To always catch someone doing something means that they are always doing it. I hope that helps!
いつもよく笑う、ハッピーな性格だと説明するには、このように言うことができます。 I always look at the bright side of life. To look at the bright side of life とは、物事の良い側面を見ていつも幸せでにこにこしているという意味です。 またこのようにも言えます Nothing gets me down. これは何事にも悲しくなったり、失望したりしないという意味です。 また別の表現としては、 I'm an optimist これは悲観主義者の逆の意味です。 You will always catch me laughing always catch someone doingとは、いつもそれをしている、という意味で使われます 参考になれば!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • "I laugh a lot, I enjoy my life"

  • "I laugh a lot"

  • "I really love to laugh, I have a big personality"

If you wanted to explain your personality and say that you laugh a lot, you could say any of the following to express this: "I laugh a lot, I enjoy my life", "I laugh a lot" or "I really love to laugh, I have a big personality".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy laughing.

  • She has a good sense of humor.

A person with a good sense of humor will enjoy jokes and funny things that happen, will see the humor in everyday life, and will understand when you are joking and when you are not. Such a person is more likely to tell jokes and relate funny stories as well.
a good sense of humorのある人間は、ジョークや楽しいことが起こることを楽しんだり、日々の生活に楽しみを考える人のことを言います。 そして、ジョークをするとき、しないときとを弁えている人のことを言います。 そういった人は、ジョークを楽しい話と一緒に話す人も多いです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I have a good sense of humour.

  • I love to laugh.

  • I enjoy laughing.

If you have a 'good sense of humour' as stated in the first statement, it means that you dont just appreciate a good joke, but you also enjoy laughing at anything that is amusing. Because you 'love to laugh', it means that you don't just smile because something amuses you, but you laugh out aloud. You 'enjoy laughing' aloud. If you laugh a lot, you must keep it up because according to research by doctors, laughter has a good number of health benefits. So you may say: I have a good sense of humour. or I love to laugh. or I enjoy laughing.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I love to laugh and tend to laugh a lot.

  • I laugh all the time.

If you would like to explain to someone that you are the kind of person who laughs a lot, you can say something like "I love to laugh and tend to laugh a lot." or "I laugh all the time.". This is a good way to explain to someone that you like to laugh a lot.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I like to laugh a lot.

  • I enjoy laughter.

Someone who enjoys humor or being humorous a lot, as a result laughing and/or making other people laugh. Examples: I love to laugh! It is so good for you! Laughter is the best medicine! It is not hard to make me laugh.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • laugh out loud

  • lol

  • have a good laugh

Laugh out loud, web chat variation lol, and have a good laugh are all ways to say "よく笑う" in English. The most popular expression to use in a web chat is "lol" or laugh out loud. The meaning of this term is that you think something someone wrote is funny or humorous when using web chat or even in daily conversation.
lindzee DMM英会話講師
  • I'm a laugh-a-minute kind of person

  • I'm always laughing

  • You can count on me to raise your mood!

When explaining your personality you want to say that you laugh a lot. In this case, one of the above suggestions may be appropriate. In every situation there are a number of ways of saying something and it depends on the circumstances, body language - and even the nationality of the listener, how you may choose to respond or communicate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I really enjoy laughing

  • I have a great sense of humour

Laughter is important. If we don't laugh then our life seems boring. When we meet friends we like to have a laugh and tell jokes. We can sometimes get into a fit of laughter which means we can't stop laughing. This is great but we must be careful not to bother other people around us, especially if we are in a very public place like a bar. A "sense of humour" is a trait that most people have that allows us to be able to laugh at things. Some people we meet may not have one and they seem so serious.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Giggly

  • Hysterical

These two words could be used to describe a person that tends to laugh a lot. Giggly refers more to small laughs made by a little girl, laughs made in a high pitch. When you are giggly, you usually can't take anything serious. Hysterical is a person that laughs without control. This can be confused with a crazy person. A person, like the Joker, could be described as hysterical.
Cristian C DMM英語講師
  • bubbly (adj)

  • jovial (adj)

  • I am a very jovial person.

To describe someone that laughs a lot and is very positive/happy, you can use the adjective 'jovial.' Jovial means always smiling/laughing with a positive energy. The same definition applies to the adjective 'bubbly.' This is a bit of a slang word though.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • I am easily excited.

  • I love laughing.

  • I am excitable.

People that enjoy laughing are very pleasant, enjoyable people to be around. Some people even have a contagious laugh, this means that when they laugh, the people around them are inspired to laugh too, this is a great trait. To express that you love to laugh use the sentences above. "She laughs so easily, I love that about her." "Whenever she is around you are bound to hear laughter." "She is such a happy baby, she laughs a lot." Bound to happen: unavoidable
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy laughing

  • I am prone to laughter

  • I am a happy person

"I am a happy person" means that you are forever smiling, full of life and finding joy in everything you do. "I am prone to laughter" means that I laugh very easily. "I enjoy laughing" means that you find joy in laughter.
Wiggins DMM英会話講師
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