世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/14 08:43
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  • You shouldn't laugh at someone else's misfortune!

In terms of society, laughing at another's unintentional errors or mistakes or unfortunate situations is a very bad character trait. In order to affirm this to a child or delinquent adult, you may start your explanation: " You shouldn't...." so as to underline that this is unacceptable.
社会の点から、誰かの意図的でない間違いや不運な状況を笑うことは非常に悪いこととされています。子供や怠慢な大人にこのことを教えるには、 適切でないことを強調するために、" You shouldn't...." (~するべきではない)と切り出すといいでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's (It is) not good to laugh at other's mistakes.

  • It is not good to make fun of other's mistakes.

例えば、 「人を笑う」を英語で、 'To make fun of somebody' 'To laugh at somebody' 'To ridicule somebody' といいます。例文も見てみましょう。 困っている人を笑うな例文帳に追加 困っているときは、人を笑わないでくれーPlease do not laugh at a person who is already in trouble. 助けてあげるべきなのに、人を笑うなんて酷くないーMaking fun of others when you should be helping them out is so insane. 人の間違いを笑う前に自分の間違いを笑ったらどうーHow about first laughing at your mistakes than ridiculing others. 以上は「人や人の間違いを笑う」に関する英語の表現でした。 どうぞご参考までに。
  • It doesn't show compassion to laugh at others' mistakes

Compassion and empathy are words used to describe caring and feeling for other people, especially when they need help or find themselves in a difficult situation.
compassion=思いやり empathy=共感、感情移入 どちらも、相手のことを思いやり、大切に思う気持ちのことを表し、手伝いが必要な状況や相手が困っている時に使います。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • It isn't nice to laugh at other people's mistakes.

Especially when speaking with children, it is important for them to use empathy. This statement by saying that it isn't nice will make the child pause and consider how they would feel if they were to be in the same situation. It should make them reconsider doing so again in the future. I hope this helps :)
特に子供に話す時には、相手の気持ちを理解させることが重要です。 この文では「It isn't nice(親切じゃない)」と言って、子供に立ち止まってもし自分が同じ立場だったらどのように感じるかを考えさせます。これは、将来同じことが起きた時にも立ち止まらせることができると思います。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • It isn't nice to laugh at someone's mistakes.

  • You shouldn't laugh at the mistakes of others.

If your child laughs at another person's mistake, you can explain to them that this is not good by saying: "It isn't nice to laugh at someone's mistakes." "You shouldn't laugh at the mistakes of others."
子どもが他人の失敗を笑ったら、次のように、「それはしてはいけない」と説明できます。 "It isn't nice to laugh at someone's mistakes."(人の失敗を笑うのは良くない) "You shouldn't laugh at the mistakes of others."(人の失敗を笑ってはいけない)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Never laugh at other people's mistakes. It's not nice.

In many religions there is something called "the golden rule." It says: Do to others as you would have others do to you. This is a perfect example. With compassion, we can easily understand that we should not rudely laugh at another's mistakes. This is true even if they are not there to hear the laughter. Everyone has challenges and struggles in their lives. We shouldn't laugh at them.
多くの宗教で、"the golden rule" と呼ばれるものがあります。 それは "Do to others as you would have others do to you."(自分がされて嫌なことは人にもするな)です。 人を思いやる気持ちがあれば、他人の失敗を笑ってはいけないというのはすぐに分かります。これは「その場に当事者がいなくても」です。 人生では誰しも困難や課題に直面しますから、それを笑うべきではありませんね。
Robert D DMM英会話講師
  • You shouldn't laugh at that

  • It's impolite to laugh

These expressions are explaining that when someone is laughing at something inappropriate, such as someones mistake or accident, it is impolite and rude to laugh and that they shouldn't do so. "It's rude to laugh at someones mistake" "It is impolite to laugh at someones having an accident"
これらの表現では、他人の失敗やアクシデントを笑っている人に「笑うのは失礼。笑うべきでない」と伝えています。 "It's rude to laugh at someones mistake"(人の失敗を笑うのは失礼です) "It is impolite to laugh at someones having an accident"(人のアクシデントを笑うのは失礼です)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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