世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/15 08:14
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  • What kind of souvenir here will stay fresh a long time?

  • Will these biscuits stay fresh a long time?

You could ask a very open question about the souvenirs on display in this outlet: "What kind of souvenir here will stay fresh a long time?" "Well, I would recommend the locally made toffees - they have a sell by date 2 years away." "Many thanks!" Or you could ask specifically about one product: "Will these biscuits stay fresh a long time?" "Approximately six months." "Oh."
アウトレットに並んだお土産に対して質問する場合、このように尋ねられます。 "What kind of souvenir here will stay fresh a long time?" どんなお土産が日持ちしますか? "Well, I would recommend the locally made toffees - they have a sell by date 2 years away." んー、地元で作られたタフィーをお勧めするよ。賞味期限も2年はもつよ。 "Many thanks!"ありがとう または一つの商品に限って尋ねてもいいですね。 "Will these biscuits stay fresh a long time?"このビスケットはどれくらい日持ちするのかな? "Approximately six months." だいたい6か月かな。 "Oh."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any non perishable souvenirs?

  • Are there any long lasting souvenirs?

  • Are there any durable souvenirs?

If you want a souvenir that will last for a long time, you can say: Are there any non perishable souvenirs? Non perishable - These normally refer to non food items. Items that will not perish, go off or disintegrate. You can also ask: Do you have any long lasting souvenirs? Long lasting - to last for a long time. Are there any durable souvenirs? Durable - long lasting, strong, able to endure. I hope that helps!
日持ちするお土産が欲しければ、このように聞くことができます。 Are there any non perishable souvenirs? non perishable - これらは通常、食べ物以外の商品を指します。ダメになったり、腐ったり、壊れてしまわないもののことです。 また、このように聞くこともできます。 Do you have any long lasting souvenirs? long lasting - 長く日持ちする Are there any durable souvenirs? durable - 長持ちする、強い、長く堪えることができる 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any good souvenir which will stay fresh for a long period of time.

英訳例 "Do you have any good souvenir which will stay fresh for a long period of time. 『何か日持ちの良いお土産はありますか。』 お土産ショップでのシチュエーションを想像致しました。 stay fresh で新鮮なままでいる、つまり日持ちがすると解釈しました。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Which long lasting souvenir in this store can you recommend to me?

  • Which souvenirs in this store will last a long time without deteriorating in quality?

  • Which souvenirs in this store will maintain their quality after a long time?

Souvenir stores often sell goods that a person can take home and put on a shelf or hang on a wall, to remind him/her of a particular place that he/she has been to or a person that he/she admires or would like to remember. Usually, souvenirs have to be durable (last a long time without deteriorating in quality or be easily damaged), because, they have to remind the holder for the rest of his/her life. So, you may ask the shopkeeper: Which long lasting souvenir in this store can you recommend to me? or Which souvenirs in this store will last a long time without deteriorating in quality? or Which souvenirs in this store will maintain their quality after a long time?
土産屋には家に持って帰り棚や壁に記念として飾っておくためのものを売っている場合も多いです。通常お土産は持ち主の人生の思い出としてとどまらなければならないのでdurable(長持ちする)であるはずです。(品質が下がったり、簡単に壊れたりしないで長期間保存できるということ) 以上を踏まえて店員に下記のとおり質問できます。 Which long lasting souvenir in this store can you recommend to me? (長持ちするお土産でお勧めのものは何ですか?) Which souvenirs in this store will last a long time without deteriorating in quality? (このお店のどのお土産が品質が下がらずに長持ちしますか?) Which souvenirs in this store will maintain their quality after a long time? (このお店のどのお土産が品質を長期間を保てますか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What kind of souvenirs do you have?

  • Do you have any souvenirs that will stay fresh?

  • I would like a non-perishable souvenir.

There are many different types of souvenirs. Some of these are specific food stuffs that you can send. It is always best to check that you can send food through the mail as some countries (Australia for example) have very strict quarantine laws and will not allow some food into the country. If you want to send a specific item you could ask for a 'non-perishable' item, which is something that would last for an extended period of time. Non-perishables also tend not to be food items or canned food which has been preserved.
お土産には沢山の種類があります。中には、特産物もあります。海外へ食べ物を送る前に、その国の検疫法を確認することをおすすめします。例えば、オーストラリアの検疫法は非常に厳しいので、食べ物に寄っては送れないものもあります。 何か特別なものを送るときは、缶詰など、”non-perishable"(保存できる食料品)があるかどうか聞いてみると良いでしょう。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any souvenirs that don't go bad?

  • I'm looking for a souvenir that stays fresh

When you want to ask a store assistant if they have souvenirs which don't go off/bad, then you can ask in the following ways: -Do you have any souvenirs that don't go bad? -I'm looking for a souvenir that stays fresh
店員に日持ちする日持ちするお土産があるか尋ねたいなら、以下のように言えます: -Do you have any souvenirs that don't go bad? (日持ちするお土産はありますか) -I'm looking for a souvenir that stays fresh (日持ちするお土産を探しています)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Which one can be stored for a long time?

  • Which one has a long shelf life?

・Which one can be stored for a long time?  長く保管できるものはどれですか?  "store"には「お店」という意味以外にも「保管」という意味もあります。 ・Which one has a long shelf life?  ”shelf life”は保存期間を指します。  shelf は「棚」、lifeは「命」ですので、棚に陳列できる命が長いもの=保存期間が  長いもの、と覚えるといいと思います。
  • non perishable

  • long lasting

Non perishable means that an item is not easily susceptible to spoilage. We also use the term spoil. Spoil means food has become unfit for eating. A more common and informal term used is "go bad". To "go bad" means food has lost its freshness. "Do you have any souvenirs that do not spoil easily?" "Do you have any non perishable souvenirs"? "Do have any souvenirs that won't go bad easily"?
"Non perishable"は、簡単に腐敗しないものを表します。 また"spoil"という単語も使います。"spoil"は、食べ物が腐ることを表します。もっと一般的でカジュアルな言い方は"go bad"です。"go bad"は「(食べ物が)腐る」という意味です。 (例文) "Do you have any souvenirs that do not spoil easily?" 簡単には腐らない (長持ちする)お土産はありますか? "Do you have any non perishable souvenirs"? 日持ちするお土産はありますか? "Do have any souvenirs that won't go bad easily"? 日持ちするお土産はありますか?
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any souvenirs that will stay fresh for a long time?

  • Do you have any non perishable souvenirs?

If you want to ask if a store has any souvenirs that will stay fresh for a while, you can say: "Do you have any souvenirs that will stay fresh for a long time?" "Do you have any non perishable souvenirs?"
日持ちするお土産があるかどうか店に確認するなら、次のように言えます。 "Do you have any souvenirs that will stay fresh for a long time?"(何か日持ちするお土産はありますか) "Do you have any non perishable souvenirs?"(何か日持ちするお土産はありますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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