世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




先日、日本語に対応していないアメリカの会社のカスタマーセンターに電話をしました。質問の回答を頂いた後に、"Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you?" と聞かれました。
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2017/01/20 16:16
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  • That's all. Thank you.

  • That's everything I wanted to know. Thank you.

  • I'm done. Thank you.

「以上です」というときは That's all. ということができます。 これは例えば、学校の授業が終わるときに先生が、 That's all for today(今日はこれまでです)と言ったりします。 その後に、ありがとうという場合は、Thank youをつけるといいですね。 ほかにも、 - That's everything I wanted to know. 私の知りたかったことはこれですべてです。 - I'm good 私は大丈夫です。 - I'm satisfied. 私は満足です。(大丈夫です) と言ってもいいと思います。 参考になるとうれしいです^^
  • That would be all, thank you.

  • I am good now, thanks for your help.

▪That would be all, thank you. This indicates that you have asked all the questions that you wanted to ask. ▪I am good now, thanks for your help. This means that you are happy with the help that you got and that you have nothing else to ask. Example 1 Agent: Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you?" You:That would be all, thank you. Example 2 Agent: Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you?" You:I am good now, thanks for your help.
▪That would be all, thank you. (以上です、ありがとうございました) これはあなたが質問したかったことすべてを尋ね終えたことを示します。 ▪I am good now, thanks for your help. (もう大丈夫です、ありがとうございました) これはあなたが得た助けに満足していて他に質問することがないという意味です。 例1 代理人: Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you?" (他に何かご用件はございますか?) あなた: That would be all, thank you. (以上です、ありがとうございました) 例2 代理人: Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you?" (他に何かご用件はございますか?) あなた: I am good now, thanks for your help. (もう大丈夫です、ありがとうございました)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Nothing else thanks!

  • Thanks so much for your help! That's all I need to know.

Usually such conversations are kept short and businesslike, but customer service staff are always very appreciative when someone is polite and also, of course, when their enquiry has been satisfactorily resolved. "Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you?" "Thanks so much for your help! That's all I need to know.!"
通常その様な会話は短くて事務的に行われますが、カスタマーサービスのスタッフはいつも丁寧で礼儀正しいです。 もちろん、質問に満足するように答えてくれます。 "Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you?" (何かご質問がありましたら遠慮なく聞いてください) "Thanks so much for your help! That's all I need to know!" (ありがとうございます。聞きたかったことは以上です)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • That's all, thanks! Have a nice day.

  • That's all for today. Thanks for your help.

That's all, thanks! Have a nice day.- This is a good way of saying that you don't need anymore help. That's all = that is all (I need) or in other words, 'I don't need anymore assistance'. it is always polite to end the conversation with a phrase like, 'Have a nice day.' or 'Have a great weekend' That's all for today. Thanks for your help.- I don't need anymore assistance for today means that you have all the help you need today. You could end the conversation with a 'thank you' or 'thanks for your help.' This shows that you are happy with the help you have received today.
That's all, thanks! Have a nice day. (以上です、ありがとうございます。よい1日を!) これは、もう必要はないですよと伝えるよい表現です。 That's all = 以上で終わりです。 又は言い換えると'I don't need anymore assistance'(もうこれ以上手伝いは必要ありません)という意味になります。 'Have a nice day.' や 'Have a great weekend'などのフレーズでいつも会話を終わると礼儀正しいです。 That's all for today. Thanks for your help. (今日はこれで終わりです。お手伝い有難うございました) 今日は十分お手伝いしていただいたので、もうこれ以上必要ないです、と言う意味になります。 'thank you'や'thanks for your help.'などで会話を終わることが出来ます。 これは、今日受けた手伝いに感謝します、と言う事を表しています。
Silvanat DMM英会話講師
  • That is all. Thank you

  • No, thank you. You've been very helpful

  • I don't think there's anything else. Thank you

When you want to let a customer service agent know that you don't have anything else to ask; then you can say: -That is all. Thank you. -No, thank you. You've been very helpful. -I don't think there's anything else. Thank you.
カスタマーサービスに他に尋ねたいことはないと言いたいとき、以下のように言えます: -That is all. Thank you. -No, thank you. You've been very helpful. -I don't think there's anything else. Thank you. (大丈夫です。ありがとうございます。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Everything was satisfactory. Thank you.

  • I don't have any more questions, thank you.

  • Everything is fine. Thank you for your help today.

Thank you for your help today. I need no further assistance. Thanks a lot for your help. I think you've answered all my questions. That is all. Thank you. I think that's it. Thank you for helping me. Thank you. That's all. Take care. I like to say: I don't think I need any more help today. You've done a really great job helping me. Is there any link I could have so I could give you a good rating for your service? I feel like I can make a difference for this person to have a better life and let their manager know they have a good worker.
【例文】 Thank you for your help today. I need no further assistance. (今日はお手伝い有難うございます、これ以上はもう必要ないです) Thanks a lot for your help. I think you've answered all my questions. (お手伝いありがとうございます、全ての質問に回答していただいたと思います) That is all. Thank you. (以上です、ありがとう) I think that's it. Thank you for helping me. (以上だと思います、お手伝い有難うございます) Thank you. That's all. Take care. (ありがとうございます、以上です、さようなら) 次のように言いたいです。 I don't think I need any more help today. You've done a really great job helping me. (今日はもう手伝いは必要ありません、あなたは大変よく私を手伝ってくれました) Is there any link I could have so I could give you a good rating for your service? (あなたのしてくれたことを評価できる、リンクのようなものはありますか? ) 相手に何か、上司にその人が働き者だということ伝えたり、プラスになるようなことが出来る気がします。
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • That's all, thank you

  • The information you gave me will suffice, thank you

  • Nothing else, thanks

Is there anything else I can do for you? No, I'm good, thank you. It is very common to hear from a customer service representative "please let me know if I can help you with anything else"They have to say it, it's part of their job. There are many ways to say "I'm fine". You can say "No. nothing else" or "that's perfect" or "that's all" or "great". The most polite and formal way would be something like, "the information you gave me will do just fine, thank you"or "your information was sufficient, thanks". "sufficient" or "will suffice" means it's enough or it will be enough. I personally always say "thanks for your help"
Is there anything else I can do for you?(何か他にありますか?) No, I'm good, thank you.(いいえ、大丈夫です。) カスタマーサービスの人はよく、 Please let me know if I can help you with anything else. (他に何かあればお知らせください。) と言います。これは彼らの仕事の一部なので、言わなければなりません。答え方としては色々あります。 I'm fine. No. nothing else. That's perfect. That's all. Great. 最も丁寧でフォーマルな言い方は、 The information you gave me will do just fine, thank you. Your information was sufficient, thanks. (十分情報をいただけました。ありがとう。) 「sufficient」または「will suffice」は、十分であることを表します。個人的にはいつも「thanks for your help」と言います。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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