世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/04/12 03:27
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  • Why is it acceptable to A in public but B isn’t?

  • Why do people not accept B but A is okay?

You are comparing two things in one sentence. You can replace acceptable with, allow/permit/are okay with/don’t mind- do mind. To make the opposite sentence just simply switch it around. “Why don’t people allow B but do accept A”. If you don’t want to ask the question but are confused about it, you can word it like this – “I don’t understand why A is okay and B isn’t”. “I don’t understand why we can’t do B but it’s acceptable to do A”.
"これは二つのものを比べる比較文です。acceptableを allow/permit/areと、またokayを don’t mind- do mindと置き換えることができます。 文の句を置き換えても同じ意味の文が作れます。 “Why don’t people allow B but do accept A” (人々はなぜBを受け入れないで、Aは受け入れるの) 疑問に思っているがハッキリと質問できないときは、 こんな言い方もあります。 “I don’t understand why A is okay and B isn’t”. (なぜAが大丈夫でB、がダメなのか分からないな。) “I don’t understand why we can’t do B but it’s acceptable to do A”. (私はなぜBをすることができないのか分からないな。Aをすることはできるのに。)"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • A is ok but B isn't?

Jin 絶対英語感覚 主催者
  • Why's it ok to kiss on the train but not on the bus?

  • How come it's OK to kiss on the train but not on the bus?

How come...? said when asking how or why something happened or is the case. "How come you never married, Jimmy?" Why's it OK...? We use this form when asking about the reason why something happened, and perhaps we do not understand something. "Why's it OK for Jimmy to go to the cinema, but not me?"
How come...?は、 どのように何かが起きたのか、または、なぜ起きたのかを尋ねるときに使います。 例:"How come you never married, Jimmy?" (ジミー、どうして結婚しなかったの?) Why's it OK...? 何かが起こった事の理由を尋ねるときにこの表現を使用します。 おそらくなぜそうなったのか理解/納得できない気持ちが含まれます。 例:"Why's it OK for Jimmy to go to the cinema, but not me?" (ジミーは映画を見に行っても良いのになぜ私はダメなの?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How is it that A is allowed, but B is not?

  • Why is A acceptable to do/say, but B isn't allowed?

These questions are used to compare one thing to another. For example a parent may give a child a rule to follow in the house but sometimes the child might find it unfair. The child may say "Why is my sister allowed to play but it's not ok for me?" or "Why can't I play outside, but my friends get to play?"
これらの質問は、2つのことを比べるときに使います。例えば、ある親が子どもに家で従うべきルールを教えることがあると思いますが、ときおりその子どもはフェアでないと感じることがあるかもしれません。 その子どもはこのように言うでしょう。 "Why is my sister allowed to play but it's not ok for me?" 「どうしてお姉ちゃんはいいのに、私はダメなの?」 または "Why can't I play outside, but my friends get to play?" 「どうして友達は遊べるのに私は外で遊んではいけないの?」
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • How come A is acceptable but B is not

  • Why is A okay but B isn't.

"How come A is acceptable but B is not?" If something is acceptable then it is okay. "Why is A okay but B isn't. " This asks why one is fine but the other is not.
"How come A is acceptable but B is not?" 「なんでAが大丈夫で、Bがダメなの?」 acceptableは大丈夫、という意味です。 "Why is A okay but B isn't. " 「なんでAは良くてBがダメなの?」
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Why is it okay for A but not for B?

  • Why is it not okay for B but A is acceptable.

>Why is it okay for A but not for B? *This is asking why it is fine for one but not the other one. ................... >Why is it not okay for B but A is acceptable. *This is asking why B is not acceptable but A is fine. ...................................***................ *Both the above phrases are adequate to be used in the situation. ................***.................................................
Why is it okay for A but not for B? 片方はよくて一方はよくないということを意味する表現です。 Why is it not okay for B but A is acceptable. Aは良いがBは良くないということを意味する表現です。 どちらもこの状況で適切に使える表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Why is one considered acceptable but the other one is not?

  • How come A is ok, but B isn't?

  • A is ok, but B isn't?

In the US, we occasionally use the expression "how come". This is to ask why something is the case. So when you are asking why something is the case, or why it is happening, you can say, "How come A is ok, but B isn't? You can also use the term "one". One in this case is not referring to the number, rather to a single thing or situation. You could say, "Why is one ok, but not the other one"? Or, "Why is one considered acceptable, but the other is not"?
アメリカ合衆国では、"how come"(どうして?)というフレーズを使うことがあります。何故そのようなことが起きたかについて理由を尋ねるときに使います。 例:"How come A is ok, but B isn't?" (Aは良いのに、何故Bはダメなの?) "One"を使って表すことも出来ます。この場合、数字の1という意味ではなく、一つの事、という意味として使います。 例:"Why is one OK, but not the other one?" (何故一つの方はOKなのに、もう一つの方はダメなの?) 例: "Why is one considered acceptable, but the other is not?" (何故一つの方は受け入れられるのに、もう一つの方はダメなの?)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • A is acceptable, but B isn't?

  • Why is A acceptable/permissible but B is not?

  • Why is kissing on trains permissible but talking about sex is not?

When you want ask why one thing is acceptable/permissible but the other isn't; you must ask in the following ways: -A is acceptable, but B isn't? -Why is A acceptable/permissible but B is not? -Why is kissing on trains permissible but talking about sex is not? Other synonyms for "acceptable" are "permissible", "appropriate", etc. So you can use them interchangeably.
一つの事が受け入れられて、もう一つの事が受け入れられない理由を尋ねる時は、次のように聞きます。 【例文】 -A is acceptable, but B isn't? (Aはよくて、なんでBはだめなの?) -Why is A acceptable/permissible but B is not? (なんでAは受け入れられて、Bはだめなの?) -Why is kissing on trains permissible but talking about sex is not? (なんで電車の中でのキスはよくて、セクシャルな話をするのはだめなの?) "acceptable"(受け入れられる)の同意語には、"permissible"(許容できる)、"appropriate"(ふさわしい/適切)などがあります。これらは置き換えて使うことが出来ます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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