世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/04 18:10
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  • Please clear the table, as we need to have a meal.

  • Clean up the table, we are going to have a meal/dinner.

テーブルを片付けるは、clear a table, といいます。 綺麗にする、という意味では、clean up the table, といいます。
  • Could someone spruce up the table please before we eat?

Of course, you could say, "Please clean the table so we can eat," but it is a pleasant variation to use the term, 'spruce up.' To spruce up - to make someone or something cleaner and tidier or to improve his, her, or its appearance generally: "I thought I'd have a shave and generally spruce myself up for the interview." "They've employed an advertising agency to spruce up the company image"
もちろん "Please clean the table so we can eat"と言うことができますが、'spruce up'という言葉を使うことで快い変化をもたらすことができます。 To spruce up - 人や物をきれいに整えたり、姿や外観を全般的に改善すること。 【例文】 "I thought I'd have a shave and generally spruce myself up for the interview."(面接に向けて髭を剃って、全体的に良く見せようと思った) "They've employed an advertising agency to spruce up the company image"(企業のイメージを改善するために彼らは広告代理店を雇った)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is dinner time, clear table please.

  • Can someone clear the table, it is time to eat.

▪ It is dinner time, clear table please. This is telling the people that it is time to have dinner and the table needs to be cleaned. ▪ Can someone clear the table, it is time to eat. This is asking anyone that is around you to clear the table. And you are also telling them it is time for dinner/lunch.
▪ It is dinner time, clear table please. 夕食時なのでテーブルの上を片付けるよう伝える表現です。 ▪ Can someone clear the table, it is time to eat. あなたの周りにいる人にテーブルの上を片付けるよう頼む表現です。夕食または昼食の時間であることも伝えています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can someone clear the table, please.

  • Jane,can you please clear the table for me please so that I can start preparing the table.

*Can someone clear the table, please. This is not directed to anyone but anyone who would like to help. Also adding "please" is a polite way of asking. *Jane,can you please clear the table for me please so that I can start preparing the table. This is directed to a specific person and you would like them to help you.
*Can someone clear the table, please. 特定の人に向けられた言葉ではありませんが、手伝ってほしいことを伝える表現です。"please"を付け加えると、丁寧な頼み方になります。 *Jane,can you please clear the table for me please so that I can start preparing the table. これは特定の人に向けられており、その人に手伝ってもらいたいことを伝える表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could someone clear the table?

  • Please clear the table ready for dinner/food

  • Could someone clear the table so we can eat

When talking about cleaning the dining table ready for dinner we call this to 'clear' or 'clean' the table Please clear - is asking someone nicely to clean/clear the table Could someone clear - is asking someone if they could clear/clean the table
食事をするためにテーブルをきれいにすることは、'clear the table' あるいは 'clean the table' といいます。 'Please clear -' は、丁寧にテーブルを片付けるようお願いしています。 'Could someone clear -' は、テーブルを片付けてくれる人がいるかどうか尋ねています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Could you clear the table?

  • Can you get everything off the table so we can eat?

  • Do you mind clearing the table for dinner?

All three of these sentences are asking the same thing. "Could you", "can you", and "do you mind" are pretty interchangeable, with "do you mind" being the most polite. "Clear the table" simply means get everything off of the table so that there is a space to put down the dinner.
3例とも同じことをお願いしています。 "could you" と "can you" "do you mind" は、置き換えてもさほど意味は変わりません。"do you mind" が最も丁寧です。 "clear the table" は、料理が置けるようにテーブルの上の物を全て取り除くという意味です。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • We're about to have dinner so please clear the table.

  • Please prepare the table for dinner

  • Could you prepare the table for dinner please?

We're about to have dinner so please clear the table. - This is a polite way to tell someone to clear the table from possible obstructions on the dinner table. Please prepare the table for dinner. -This could be used to instruct someone to not only clear the table from any obstructions but also could suggest placing plates or cutlery (Knives, Forks, Spoons) on the table. Could you prepare the table for dinner please? - This is another way to get someone to clear the table and place plates, cups, cutlery etc. at the dinner table in a question form.
We're about to have dinner so please clear the table.(食事をするので、テーブルの上を片付けてください) - これは、テーブルの上を片付けるよう伝える丁寧な言い方です。 Please prepare the table for dinner.(食事をするので、テーブルを整えてください) - これは、テーブルの上を片付けるよう伝えるときに使えますが、テーブルにお皿やカトラリー(ナイフ・フォーク・スプーン)を置くというニュアンスもあります。 Could you prepare the table for dinner please?(食事をするので、テーブルを整えてもらえますか) - これは、テーブルの上を片付けお皿・カップ・カトラリーなどを置くよう質問の形で伝えています。
William J DMM英語講師
  • Can you please clear the table?

  • Clear the table please, I'd like to prepare for a meal.

If you would like to tell your family to clear the table so you can prepare for a meal, you can say: "Can you please clear the table?" "Clear the table please, I'd like to prepare for a meal."
家族に食事ができるようにテーブルを片付けてもらいたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Can you please clear the table?"(テーブルを片付けてくれる?) "Clear the table please, I'd like to prepare for a meal."(食事の準備をするから、テーブルを片付けて)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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