世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 23:16
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  • Can you tell me what the local speciality is?

  • What souvenir would you recommend?

local speciality: (その[地方](の)特産品・名産 souvenir: [お土産]( 特産品や名産がひとつではないことの方が多いので、複数形にして聞くのもいいです。 Can you tell me what the local specialities are?
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • What is the speciality here?

ここの[名物](はなんですか? と尋ねる簡単な文です。 例 What is the speciality here in (地名)? ここ(地名)の名産はなんですか?
  • What's the specialty here in this area?

  • What is this area well known for?

  • Special souvenirs, to this city or country

When buying souvenirs for friends and family, we want to buy something that will remind them of my trip to that place. "What souvenirs are special to your country?" "I am looking for something special, that I can only find here."
友達や家族にお土産をかうときに、何か自分が旅行にいったことを思い出してもらうものが欲しいものですよね。 例 "What souvenirs are special to your country?" あなたの国特有のお土産って何ですか? "I am looking for something special, that I can only find here." ここで見つけることのできない何かスペシャルなものを探しています。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • What are the most popular tourist attractions in the area?

  • What is this area known for?

  • Where do most people go when they visit this area?

"What are the most popular tourist attractions in the area?" and "Where do most people go when they visit this area?" is a way of asking where visitors go when the arrive in a certain area. "What is this area known for?" is a way of asking what an area is popular for. These places would be ideal for finding great souvenirs. I hope this helps.
"What are the most popular tourist attractions in the area?" (この地域でもっとも人気のある観光スポットはどこですか?) と "Where do most people go when they visit this area?" (この地域を訪れる人がよくいく場所はどこですか?) は、特定の場所に着いたときにどこを訪れるべきか聞く表現です。 "What is this area known for?"(この地域は何で知られていますか?)は、地域で何が有名なのか聞く方法です。 These places would be ideal for finding great souvenirs.(これらの場所は素晴らしいお土産を見つけるのに理想的です) お役に立てば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like something you can get only around here.

「名産品」「特産品」は「この辺でしか手に入らないもの」と言い換えることができます。 I'd like something you can get only around here. この辺りでしか手に入らないものが欲しいです。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • Are there any special mementos I can buy from this area?

  • I am interested in buying unique memorabilia from this are.Where can I get them?

"Are there any special mementos I can buy from this area?" You are asking if there are any famous/special trinkets you can buy from the area. memento = an object kept as a reminder of a person,place or event. "I am interested in buying unique memorabilia from this are.Where can I get them?" You are telling the other person what your desire is and asking where you can buy these souvenirs. memorabilia = These are any objects kept or collected because of their associations with memorable people or events.
"Are there any special mementos I can buy from this area?" You are asking if there are any famous/special trinkets you can buy from the area. memento = an object kept as a reminder of a person,place or event. 「この地域で買える特産・名産はありますか?」Momento=思い出の品。旅先で買える有名な、または、特別なものがあるかを尋ねています。 "I am interested in buying unique memorabilia from this are.Where can I get them?" You are telling the other person what your desire is and asking where you can buy these souvenirs. memorabilia = These are any objects kept or collected because of their associations with memorable people or events. 「ユニークなお土産を買いたいのですが、どこで買えますか?」memorabilia=記念品。あなたが求めている物が何かを伝え、どこで買えるかを聞いています。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a souvenir that symbolises this area?

  • What's the most appropriate souvenir for this city?

You could try asking for a souvenir that symbolises the area. For example, if it is a famous surfing resort, perhaps there is a souvenir featuring a surf board with the name of the resort written on the surfboard - something you could display somewhere...or maybe a similar-themed fridge magnet. An appropriate souvenir would be one that includes some feature of the area or town. "I love that tin of biscuits which looks like a London bus!"
そのエリアを象徴する名産特産が欲しいと言えばいいわけだね。サーフィンのリゾート地なら、サーフボード系のリゾート地の名産が置物であるだろうね。もしくは冷蔵庫マグネットとかかな。 その町の象徴となるような何かが入った名産がふさわしいでしょうね。 例:"I love that tin of biscuits which looks like a London bus!" ロンドンバスに似せたこのビスケット大好きだよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What are the specialties here?

  • What souvenirs can I get?

*A specialty of a particular place is a special food or product that is always very good there. *A souvenir is something which you buy or keep to remind you of a holiday, place, or event. "What are the specialties here?" "What souvenirs can I get?" ------------------------------ A bakery whose specialty is pie. You will be wanting to keep that souvenir photo. When it comes to holiday souvenirs most people would stop at the T-shirt.
「A specialty of a particular place」とは、そこ独特のオススメの食べ物や商品です。 「A souvenir」は休暇でいった場所やその時のイベントを覚えているために買うものです。 What are the specialties here? 「ここのオススメは何ですか?」 What souvenirs can I get? 「どんなお土産を買いましたか?」 A bakery whose specialty is pie. 「パン屋のオススメはパイです。」 You will be wanting to keep that souvenir photo. 「お土産にその記念写真を待っていたいんでしょう。」 When it comes to holiday souvenirs most people would stop at the T-shirt. 「休暇のお土産に、多くの人々はTシャツを買います。」
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • What's a local specialty?

  • What is this area known for?

  • Are there any typical souvenirs to get in this area?

By asking "What's a local specialty?" or "What is this area known for" you might find out about local food or local handicraft which can be a good souvenir from the area you're visiting. "Are there any typical souvenirs to get in this area? " is a straight-forward question, directly asking for a souvenir recommendation.
"What's a local specialty?"(ここの特産は何ですか)や "What is this area known for?"(ここは何が有名ですか)と聞くと、土産によい地元の食べ物や工芸品を紹介してもらえるかもしれません。 "Are there any typical souvenirs to get in this area?"(ここの代表的なお土産は何ですか)はストレートな質問です。これは、おすすめのお土産を尋ねます。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What is famous in this area?

  • Can you recommend a good souvenir?

When asking a local what is famous in the area, you are asking what the customs are or what is famous/ popular in the area. For example if you are in The Netherlands, a local might tell you that tulip fields are famous in the area, therefore they might recommend you buying a souvenir of a tulip.
What is famous in this area?'(ここでは何が有名ですか)と地元の人に聞くと、その土地の習慣や名物を教えてくれると思います。例えばそれがオランダなら、「チューリップ畑が有名」と言って、チューリップのお土産を勧めてくれるかもしれません。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • What's this area well known for?

  • What's the specialty here?

When you want to ask what is famous in a certain area, you can say: "What's this area well known for?" "What's the specialty here?"
その土地の有名なものを知りたいなら、次のように言えます。 "What's this area well known for?"(ここは何が有名ですか) "What's the specialty here?"(ここの名産は何ですか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • What is this area widely known for?

  • What is this location famous for?

  • What is the national animal of this area?

When purchasing souvenirs, we look to buy things that are directly linked to that place, like popular things from that country, symbols or icons. For example, when visiting South Africa, you can get many Nelson Mandela souvenirs to remind you of your trip there. The word 'widely' explains that it is across a big area of the world. A national animal is an animal that is distinctly known to live in a certain area.
お土産を買うときは、その土地にゆかりのある品を探しますね。例えば、名産品やその土地を象徴するようなもの。 もし南アフリカに来るなら、ネルソン・マンデラにちなんだ土産品などがいいでしょう。 'widely' は「世界中で」という意味を表します。 'national animal' はその土地を代表する動物をいいます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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