世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/14 02:17
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  • Please tell me whether you are going or not by tomorrow.

  • Please let me know by tomorrow.

  • Let me know before tomorrow.

"Please let me know." This expression is casual and polite. Because you are talking about the trip with your friends you can just say "let me know." without having to specify what you what them to tell you. "Please let me know by tomorrow." you can say this when you want them to tell you before the end of tomorrow. "Let me know before tomorrow. " you can say this when you want to know before the end of the day. By not using "please" you add urgency to your request. Meaning it's important to tell you as soon as possible.
"Please let me know." (考えておいて、教えてね。) この表現はカジュアルでありつつ丁寧です。 友達と一緒に旅行の話をしているのであれば何を教えてほしいのかを特定せずにただ "let me know."と言えるでしょう。 "Please let me know by tomorrow." (明日中に教えてください。) 翌日の終わりまでには答えが欲しい際にはこのようにお願いできるでしょう。 "Let me know before tomorrow. " (明日の前までに教えてください。) 当日中に答えが知りたい場合にはこのように言えます。 Please をつけないことでお願いにおいての緊急感を伝えています。できるだけ早く知ることが大切だという意味です。
Christian D DMM英会話講師
  • You have until tomorrow to decide

  • Please will you decide as the deadline is tomorrow?

  • Are you coming or not? I'm tired of waiting for your reply!

Well, there are a few options here. You can ask your friend nicely and mention there is a deadline for their answer. Why there would be a deadline may be because the organisers need to know the final numbers of people attending, for example. Or, if you are simply tired of your friend's procrastination, you could be a little more aggressive and say, "Are you coming or not? I'm tired of waiting for your reply!" Finally, you may take control of this situation and give your friend an ultimatum: "You have until tomorrow to decide. After that, you will not be accepted onto the trip."
さて、いくつかのオプションがあります。 友達に丁寧に尋ねて、返答には期日があることも伝えます。 例えば、主催者側が最終的に参加する人数を確認する必要があるので、返答には期限があります。 又は、友達が先延ばしにする事へあなたが飽き飽きしているなら、率直に少し強引に尋ねることも出来ます。 "Are you coming or not? I'm tired of waiting for your reply!" (来るの来ないの?あなたの返事待つのに疲れちゃったんだよね) 最後に、状況をコントロールするために最終通告を言い渡すことが出来ます。 "You have until tomorrow to decide. After that, you will not be accepted onto the trip." (明日までに決めてください。それ以降はこの旅に参加するこできません)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Tomorrow is the last day that you can decide if you are coming or not.

  • We need to finalize the arrangements and you only have until tomorrow to decide if you are joining.

▪Tomorrow is the last day that you can decide if you are coming or not. This indicates that his/her cut-off to decide is tomorrow. ▪We need to finalize the arrangements and you only have until tomorrow to decide if you are joining. This is telling the person that he/she is delaying the process to complete the arrangements for the trip and that he/she only have until tomorrow to finally make a decision.
▪Tomorrow is the last day that you can decide if you are coming or not. (明日があなたが来るか来ないかを決断できる最後の日です) これは彼または彼女の決断の締め切りが次の日であることを示します。 ▪We need to finalize the arrangements and you only have until tomorrow to decide if you are joining. (私たちは予定を確定する必要があるため参加するかどうかを決めることができるのは明日までです) これはその人に旅行の予定を確定する過程を彼または彼女が遅らせていることと、決断をすることができるのは明日までであることを知らせています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Could you let me know if you're coming by tomorrow please

  • Could you decide if you are coming by tomorrow please

  • Please let me know if you are coming by tomorrow

If you are asking your friend if they are coming on a trip then you could simply say 'if your coming as they will know what you are talking about so you don't need to explain. So any of the above sentences would be fine and would tell your friend you need to know by tomorrow if they are coming with you
友人に旅行に来るのかどうかを尋ねているのであれば、シンプルに'if you're coming'(来るかどうか)と言えます。これで、何についての話か伝わります。 ですから、上記の文どれを使っても、一緒に来るなら明日までに知らせて欲しいということが伝わると思います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know by tomorrow if you can come or not.

  • Please tell me by tomorrow if you are able to come or not.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to someone that you need to know by the next day if they can come with you or not on a trip. In the first sentence you will notice the phrase let someone know. This means to inform someone. This is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの文は、旅行に来られるかどうか明日までに教えて欲しいと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 最初の文に"let someone know"というフレーズがあります。これは「~に伝える」という意味です。このフレーズは日常会話でよく使われますので、覚えておくと良いでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I need you to let me know by tomorrow if you're going or not.

  • You have to tell me about your decision regarding the trip by tomorrow.

  • I have to know by tomorrow if you're going.

The first way is probably the most polite way to let your friend know that you need to have their answer by tomorrow. The second way is to tell them that they "have to tell you" regarding their decision. The third way is to make it even shorter and to tell them that you must know by tomorrow, and to leave off the phrase, "or not," as it's implied.
一つ目の例文がたぶん、明日までに返事が欲しいと伝える最も丁寧な言い方です。 二つ目の例では、判断について伝えなければならないと言っています。 三つ目の例ではさらに短く言っています。「明日までに伝えてもらわなければならない」という意味です。最後の「or not」は省略されています。
Amy H English teacher
  • Please make your decision by tomorrow

  • Can you please decide by tomorrow?

  • I'd appreciate it if you could make your decision by (noon) tomorrow

When you have a trip planned with a friend but they have not made their decision about going; then you can ask them to make their decision by the next day in the following ways: -Please make your decision by tomorrow -Can you please decide by tomorrow? -I'd appreciate it if you could make your decision by (noon) tomorrow
旅行に行くかどうかまだ決めていない友人に、明日までに判断して欲しいと伝える言い方です: 【例文】 -Please make your decision by tomorrow [訳]明日までに決めてください -Can you please decide by tomorrow? [訳]明日までに決めてくれますか? -I'd appreciate it if you could make your decision by (noon) tomorrow [訳]明日(のお昼)までに決めてくれるとありがたいです
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Think about it and let me know by tomorrow.

Think about it and let me know by tomorrow. 考えてみて明日までに私にどうするか教えて。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 let me know は「教えて」「連絡して」という意味の英語表現です。 by tomorrow は「明日までに」です。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでも質問してください。
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