My ears pop from the air presser when i'm on an airplane.
The drop in air pressure causes our ears to pop.
"My ears pop from the air presser when i'm on an airplane." This is a more casual phrase. We call that feeling "our ears popping"
"The drop in air pressure causes our ears to pop." This is a more formal way of describing what happens to our ears when we are on an airplane.
"My ears pop from the air pressure when I'm on an airplane." (飛行機に乗ると、気圧で耳がおかしくなるんです。) 耳がおかしくなるという感覚を "our ears popping"と表現しています。 飛行機に乗ると発生する耳の異常についてよりフォーマルに表現すると、下記のようになります。 "The drop in air pressure causes our ears to pop." (気圧の変動により耳がおかしくなります。)
Whenever I go on an airplane, my ears hurt due to the air pressure.
・「Whenever I go on an airplane, my ears hurt due to the air pressure. 」
<例文>Whenever I go on an airplane, my ears hurt due to the air pressure. That's why I don't really like airplanes.