世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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  • If you don't like it, I think you had better go.

  • There's no use in staying if you're unhappy.

  • It is better to go if you're not happy.

In this situation you want to tell the person that it is better to leave rather than complain. It is good to speak in a polite way as possible by saying: If you don't like it, I think you had better go. In this following statements the focus is placed on the person's unhappiness which prompts them to take the right action: There's no use staying if you're unhappy It is better to go if you're not happy. All the best!
このような状況では、不満を言うくらいなら帰った方がよいと相手に伝えたいのだと思います。 できるだけ礼儀正しい方法で話すといいですよ。 If you don't like it, I think you had better go. 次のセリフでは、相手の不満に焦点を当てて、どのようにするのが適切な行動か、示唆しています。 There's no use staying if you're unhappy It is better to go if you're not happy. がんばってくださいね!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't enjoy it here, then it might be best for you to leave.

  • If this place isn't for you, then you might enjoy it somewhere else.

  • You don't have to force yourself to stay here.

Hello! These expressions can be used for acquaintances or friends. If speaking to close friends or family, you could say something like "If you want to complain then complain somewhere else!" in a teasing or playful way. You can also say "If you want to go, then go!" "might be best" = It would be the best situation for the person. "If this place isn't for you" = If the person does not enjoy the place. "force yourself to stay here" = Make yourself stay here. I hope this helps! Good luck! ✰✰
こんにちは。 これらの表現は、知人や友人のために使用することができます。 近しい友達や家族に話すのであれば、「If you want to complain then complain somewhere else!」とからかうようにふざけた感じで言うことができます。 また、「If you want to go, then go!」とも言うことができます。 「might be best」 とは、その人にとってもっともよい状況です。 「If this place isn't for you」とは、その場所を楽しむことができないならという意味です。 「force yourself to stay here」とは、無理にここにいるということです。
Juno DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't like it here, then leave!

  • Don't be here if you don't want to be.

「嫌ならここにいなければいいのに!」という意味があるのほかに使える言い方を紹介したいと思います: (1) If you don't like it here, then leave! 「ここにいるのが嫌なら、出て行きなさい!」 この文の最後のthen leave!は強く言っているかんじです。 (2) Don't be here if you don't want to be. 「ここに居たくなければ居ないほうがいいよ」 これは(1)よりそこまで強くないニュアンスです。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • If you don't like it then why are you here?

  • If you don't like it here, there's the door!

Both of these can be said but be careful how you say them, unless you're not concerned about coming off strong. Both of these expressions are strong and condescending. Also "there's the door!" means something like "get out!" because the door is where you exit of course.
関係性が強くならない限り、気をつけて言わなければならない表現です。 どちらの表現も強く脅迫的です。 「there's the door!」は、当然ドアは出口の方にあるので、「get out(出て行け)」ということを意味する表現です。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • If you arent happy here you should leave.

  • If you dont like it here then leave.

"Arent happy" doesn't like it or complains about it. "Then you should leave." then you should go.
「Arent happy」とは、気にいっておらず、不平を言うということです。 「Then you should leave.」とは去るべきということです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't like it, you can leave.

  • If you are not happy then maybe you should go home.

  • If you don't like it, there's the door.

These phrases are all good for what you would like to say. The third phrase 'If you don't like it, there's the door.' is most effective if you point towards the nearest exit while you say it.
この3つの表現すべてを言うことができます。 3番目の表現の「If you don't like it, there's the door.」は出口を指しながら言うとより効果があります。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • 1. If you don't like it, please leave. You are creating a disturbance.

  • 2. I'm afraid I will have to ask you to leave if you continue like this.

  • 3. If you don't leave immediately I will call the police!

1. You tell the customer if he is unhappy, he should leave. You say he is creating a bad atmosphere. 2. If the customer continues with complaining, you warn that you will ask that they leave. 3. You lose patience and give the customer an ultimatum.
1.嫌かどうかを顧客にきき、それならば離れてもらうべきです。迷惑になっていることを言います。 2.顧客が不平を良い続けるのなら、離れるよう要求することで警告する言い方です。 3.我慢ができなかったら、最後通牒を渡しましょう。そんな表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't like here, it's no use complaining, quit!

  • You have complained for too long, please just leave.

  • I see that you don't like it here, please vamoose!

If someone has been complaining a lot about a particular place and yet he/she still sticks around, then it is better to tell him/her that they better go. In this case, it would be better to tell the person to quit The verb to 'quit' in this context means to leave a place permanently. The second order is quite straightforward. You politely ordered him/her to leave. In the last order, you used the verb to 'vamoose' which in this context means 'leave and hurry up!' So, you may say: If you don't like here, it's no use complaining, quit! or You have complained for too long, please just leave. or I see that you don't like it here, please vamoose!
もし、ある場所のことをすごく不満に言っている人がいて、そこに居座り続けるなら、どこかへ行った方がいいと伝えるといいでしょう。この場合、その人にそこから去るように伝えたらいいと思います。quitとは、この場合、その場所から去るという意味です。 二つ目の表現はかなりストレートです。   最後の表現は、 'vamoose'という、この場合、急いで立ち退くという意味の動詞を使いました。  例: If you don't like here, it's no use complaining, quit! ここが好きじゃないのなら、口ばっかりいってないで、出てって!   You have complained for too long, please just leave. もうずっと長いこと文句をいっているから、出て行ってください。   I see that you don't like it here, please vamoose! あなたここが気に入っていないみたいだから、急いで出て行ってください。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Stop whinging (whingeing) or leave...

  • You are driving everyone crazy with complaints! Stop whinging (whingeing) or leave...

Whinging (whingeing) is when someone moans and complains over nothing of consequence...It is the perfect word in this scenario in my opinion :-) "You are driving everyone crazy with complaints! Stop whinging (whingeing) or leave"
Whinging (whingeing) とは、大したことでもないのに、ブツブツ文句をいうことを意味します。この場合、ぴったりの単語だと思います。 "You are driving everyone crazy with complaints! Stop whinging (whingeing) or leave" あなたの愚痴でみんなイライラさせているよ。グチグチ言うのをやめるか、どこか行って!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • If you are not happy here then you should leave.

  • If it is that bad here, why don't you leave?

If someone complains often they may not be happy about the situation. So to make themselves happy they should leave. If your life is so bad here, get away from here. I would like to help you be happy so leave and all is well.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • If you are unhappy here, you are free to go!

  • If you feel like you shouldn't be here, there's the door.

  • If this isn't for you, please stop complaining and leave.

You can use the above statements to express your annoyance towards someone's behavior. If you feel like you shouldn't be here, there's the door. It's a figurative speech, a door is used to enter/exit a place. Hence if you tell someone that "there's is the door", it does not refer to the actual door but refers to the act of leaving.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • if you do not like it, then why don't you leave.

  • there is no point in staying if you are unhappy

quite often people will feel like they have to stay somewhere that they are unhappy, like a job or a relationship. if you want to talk to somebody about this you can say to them "there is no point in staying if your unhappy."
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't like it, leave.

  • well, there's the door.

these phrases are used when someone may be complaining and you think it is best they should leave / go somewhere else. these sentences are not rude but 'to the point', meaning no extra words are used nor wasted which saves time.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • You don't have to stay if you're not happy

  • If you are really bothered, you'd better go

When you want to express that if someone is unhappy about a situation should go/leave it; then you may use the following phrases: -You don't have to stay if you're not happy -If you are really bothered, you'd better go
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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