世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/05 20:39
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  • I understand what people say but it is still hard for me to respond in English.

「返事をする」は「何かを言われて(言葉で)反応する」ということなので、"respond" を使うのが良いでしょう。 訳)人が話していることは分かるのですが、それに英語で応答するのは私にはまだ難しい
  • 1. I can understand English better than I can speak it

  • 2. I am more comfortable with understanding English than speaking in English

Both sentences here mean that you can understand when people speak in English but have difficulty when responding back in English
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • I can understand English better than I can speak it.

  • I find it easier to understand English than speaking it.

  • I find it difficult to express myself in English

"Understand better than I can speak it." Means you can understand what they say but find it difficult to reply. "easier to understand than speaking it." also means you can understand what they say but find it difficult to reply. "I find it difficult to express myself in English." means you find it hard to explain what you want to say in English.
"Understand better than I can speak it." 言いたいことはわかるけど、応答するのが難しいという言いたいときに使います。 "easier to understand than speaking it." これも上と同じです。 "I find it difficult to express myself in English." 自分の言いたいことを英語で言うのが難しいという表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I understand what you are saying, but I find it difficult to express what I want to say in English.

1. I understand what you are saying, but I find it difficult to express what I want to say in English. The phrase "difficult to express what I want to say in English" means that it is not easy to say what I want to say in English.
1. I understand what you are saying, but I find it difficult to express what I want to say in English. (あなたが何を言っているかわかるけど、英語で言いたいことを言うのはとても難しいです) この"difficult to express what I want to say in English"と言うフレーズは英語で言いたいことを言うのはとても難しい、と言う意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My undersatanding is better than my speaking ability

  • I understand more than I can say

  • My verbal expression is weaker than my aural comprehension.

This is quite normal and not something to worry about. When a baby learns a first language it spends almost a year before feeling confident enough to try its first words!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I understand you, I'm just struggling to find the right words to reply

  • I understand english better than I can express myself in english

"I understand you, I'm just struggling to find the right words to reply" is a saying you could use in a specific conversation where you are "struggling"- (finding it difficult) to say way you feel or really want to. "I understand english better than I can express myself in english" Is a more general statement you can say about your english skills over all. You understand better than "express" (say what you feel or think) in english.
"I understand you, I'm just struggling to find the right words to reply" あなたの言っていることを理解できるけれど、返事をするのにちょうどいい言葉を見つけるのに苦戦しています。 これは、自分の感じていることや本当にしたいことを言うのが難しいということを会話で使うことのできる言い方です。   "I understand english better than I can express myself in english" 英語で伝えるよりも理解する方が得意です。 これは、あなたの英語の能力について伝えるのにより一般的なフレーズです。英語で自分が感じたり思ったりしていることを伝えるよりも理解するほうが得意だということを意味します。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • I understand what you are saying but I can't find the right words to respond.

  • I do understand what you are saying but I am trying to find the correct way to say what I want to say to you.

Sometimes it can be difficult to respond to what someone is saying to you, especially if you are not conversant with the English language. Even native English speakers have to use the correct words and expressions. One cannot just respond haphazardly without logically arranging one's sentences. So, in your case, the problem is finding the correct vocabulary or expressions and sentence construction. So, you may say: I understand what you are saying but I can't find the right words to respond. or I do understand what you are saying but I am trying to find the correct way to say what I wan to say to you.
言われたことにうまく答えられないことはありますね、英語があまり得意でない人は特にそうだと思います。ネイティブスピーカーであっても正しい単語、表現を使わなければなりません。論理的に文章を組み立てず思いついたままに答えられる人などいません。あなたの場合、正しい語句や表現、文章構造を見つけられないことが問題だと思います。 以下のように言うことができます: I understand what you are saying but I can't find the right words to respond. 〔訳〕言っていることは理解できるのですが、適切な言葉が見つかりません または、 I do understand what you are saying but I am trying to find the correct way to say what I want to say to you. 〔訳〕言っていることはわかります、今どんな風に答えたらいいか考えています
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I can understand English, but it’s hard for me to reply.

  • I’m better at understanding English than speaking it.

By saying “I’m better at.... than...” you can express that you are able to understand more than you can speak. Ex: A: I can understand English, but it’s hard for me to respond. B: I totally understand what you mean! -I’m better at understanding English than speaking it.
“I’m better at.... than...” で「話すより理解する方が得意」を表すことができます。 例: A: I can understand English, but it’s hard for me to respond.(英語を理解することはできますが、返事をするのは難しいです) B: I totally understand what you mean!(その気持ちすごく分かります) -I’m better at understanding English than speaking it.(英語は話すよりも理解する方が得意です)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • My listening skills are good, but my speaking skills are not as good.

  • I understand what you're saying, but I find it hard to think of a reply.

  • I can comprehend what you're saying, but cannot articulate an answer.

If we can understand or 'comprehend' what someone is saying to us, it means our English listening skills are very good. If we find it hard to express what we want to say back, it means our English speaking skills need some work. We can say that we find it difficult to think of a reply or that we cannot 'articulate' an answer. 'Articulate' is a verb meaning to say something clearly and fluently.
相手の言っていることが理解できる(understand / comprehend)なら、それは「"listening skills"(リスニング力)が高い」ということです。 言いたいことがうまく言えないなら、それは「"speaking skills" が足りない」ということです。 "I find it hard to think of a reply"(返事が浮かばない)または "I cannot articulate an answer"(うまく返事を伝えられない)と言えます。'articulate' は「明確に表現する」という意味です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I understand, but I don't know how to reply.

  • I understand, but I can't say what I want to say in English

I understand, but I don't know how to reply. It is a simple way to answer, and people will understand. I understand, but I can't say what I want to say in English. The same, simple, and to the point.
I understand, but I don't know how to reply.(言っていることは分かりますが、どう答えたらいいか分からない) →シンプルな返答ですが、伝わります。 I understand, but I can't say what I want to say in English.(言っていることは分かりますが、英語で言いたいことが言えません) →同じ意味です。シンプルで要点を押さえています。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I understand what you are saying but it is hard for me to respond in English.

  • I understand, but it's not easy to say what I want to say in English

I understand what you are saying but it is hard for me to respond in English. (あなたの言ってることは分かるんだけど、英語で返答するのは難しいです。) what you are saying=あなたの言っていること、あなたの話している内容 It's hard~=~するのは難しい I understand, but it's not easy to say what I want to say in English (理解できますが、英語で自分の言いたいことを言うのは容易ではないです) It's not easy= 簡単じゃない=難しい what I want to say =私の言いたいこと 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
  • I understand more than I can say

  • I can understand you very good but it's difficult for me to express myself

It's a very common situation when a person knows English enough to understand but have difficulties explaining his thoughts to others. The second sentence I wrote is more detailed and I would prefer to use it compared to the first one, although, they both mean the same.
「英語を理解することはできるが話すことができない」これはよくある状況です。 二つ目の例はより具体的です。私なら一つ目の例よりこちらを使います。意味はどちらも同じです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I can understand English but find it hard to express myself in English.

  • I don't always have the English words to explain myself.

  • I understand but can't respond in English.

Sometimes we can understand a language much better than we can express ourselves. This often happens as we are learning a new language. When you are speaking with someone you can always explain that - "I understand what you are saying, but don't have the words in English to reply." "I don't know the words to respond in English."
「話すより理解する方がずっと楽」。これは外国語を学んでいるときにはよくあります。 人と話しているなら、次のように説明できます。 "I understand what you are saying, but don't have the words in English to reply." (あなたの言っていることは分かりますが、英語でどう返答したらいいか分かりません) "I don't know the words to respond in English."(英語でどう返答したらいいか分かりません)
Christabel DMM英会話講師
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