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"子供が産まれる前に比べて、自分の自由な時間が持てなくなった" と言いたい時です。

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2017/07/11 15:23
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  • Compared to before the baby was born, I can't get much time for myself.

  • Compared to before I had children, I have less free time.

時間を持つ = make time for, have time for

Tim Young 主催
  • My life revolves around my baby now.

  • I have less free time since I had the baby.

My life revolves around my baby now – MEANING – you no longer have time for yourself, you have to put the baby first.
“Revolves around” – the most important thing in your life right now.

I have less free time since I had the baby – MEANING – less free time – no time for yourself to relax or do hobbies,
etc. – since – you used to have free time but the baby has taken up that free time.

My life revolves around my baby now

“Revolves around”

I have less free time since I had the baby
意味 –less free time – リラックスしたり、趣味などをする時間がありません。

- 以前、あなたは自由な時間を過ごしていましたが、赤ちゃんにより自由な時間は無くなりました。

Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • 1.I had more time to myself, before my baby came along.

  • 2.s Since my baby came I have had less time to myself because he needs a lot of attention.

  • 3. Before my baby came I had loads of time to myself.

1.You are saying that before you had your baby you had more time to yourself.
2.Explaining that babies need a lot of attention.
We use 'since' to talk about what happened starting from a fixed point in the past.
3.Saying that you had lots of time to yourself before the baby came.
loads of time = lots of time (informal)

2.子供には手がかかるという説明です。 sinceを使って何がどの時点から起こっているのか、を述べることができます。
loads of time = lots of time (カジュアルな言い方)

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Now that I have a baby, I have less time for myself.

  • I have less time for myself now that I have a baby.

  • Looking after my baby takes us most of my free time.

In order to explain that you have less time since having a baby (or giving birth if you are the mother), you can say:
Now that I have a baby, I have less time for myself.
Now - At this present moment.
This is a comparative sentence, revealing the current state of affairs. It implies that before having a
baby, you had a lot more time for yourself.

The sentence can also be rearranged:
I have less time for myself now that I have a baby.
This places more emphasis on yourself than the baby.

The same meaning is implied when you say:
Looking after my baby takes us most of my free time.
It implies that now you have little free time because you are looking after a baby.

I hope that helps!

Now that I have a baby, I have less time for myself.
Now- 今

I have less time for myself now that I have a baby.

Looking after my baby takes us most of my free time.


Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I used to have a lot of free time before I had a baby.

  • Before my baby was born I had a lot of time for myself.

  • Having a baby means that I no longer have much time for myself.

These are all appropriate to take about the change that took place after you had a baby.You could say:
-Free time doesn't exist now that I have a baby.
-My baby takes up most of my time now.
-I don't really have free time anymore.
-Free time?What's that?(In a joking manner)

-Free time doesn't exist now that I have a baby.子供が生まれてから自由な時間はもう存在しないわ。
-My baby takes up most of my time now.赤ちゃんが私のほとんどの時間を使ってしまうわ
-I don't really have free time anymore.もう自由な時間はあまりないわね。
-Free time?What's that?(In a joking manner)自由な時間?なにそれ?(冗談ぽ言い方)

Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I have less time for myself now I have a baby

  • Now I have a baby I have less time for myself

  • I don't tend to have much free time now I have my baby

When having a baby it takes up alot of your time looking after them so you don't have much free time or time to yourself to enjoy it
'I have less time for myself now i have a baby' is a great way to describe this


'I have less time for myself now I have a baby'(子どもが産まれる前に比べると、時間が持てなくなった)は、それについて表す素晴らしい言い方です。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Before I had a child I had more free time.

  • After having a baby my free time has become more limited.

Before I had a child I had more free time. - here you are informing the person that prior to having a baby you had more time for your self. This is referred to as "free time."
After having a baby my free time has become more limited. - here you are saying that after giving brith to a baby, your free time is less than before the baby's arrival.

Before I had a child I had more free time.(子どもを産む前はもっと自由な時間があった)
- ここでは、「子どもを産む前はもっと自由な時間があった」と伝えています。自由な時間は "free time" といいます。

After having a baby my free time has become more limited.(子どもができてから、自由な時間があまり持てなくなった)
- ここでは、「子どもができてから自由な時間が減った」と伝えています。

Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I have less time to myself now after having a baby.

To explain that you have less time for yourself now compared to before you had a baby, you can say:
"I have less time to myself now after having a baby."


"I have less time to myself now after having a baby."(子どもが生まれる前に比べると自分の時間が持てなくなった)

Allex H DMM英会話講師
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