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2017/08/11 00:13
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  • the station/stop after the next

次の次の[駅](は東京駅です。 The station after the next is Tokyo station. [次の次]( after the next 次の次の駅で降りてください。 You should get off at the station after the next. after は「後」という意味です。next が「次」です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • the stop after (the) next

「今いる[駅](の次の次の駅が横浜駅ですよ![あっています](!」 と答えたい場合 The stop after next is Yokohama station. (次の次が横浜駅ですよ。) This is the rigth train. (この電車で合ってますよ。) ご参考になさって下さいませ。
  • It's two stops from this one.

This is a clear way to explain in American English that two stops from the current stop is where that person wants to go. I hope that this helps :)
It's two stops from this one. (ここから2つ目です) これは、その人の行きたい駅は今いる駅から二つ目の駅だと伝える分かりやすい言い方です。 お役にたてれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • In two stops

  • The stop after this one coming up.

"In two stops" In this expression you are probably in a detailed conversation and you just added this expression to let the person know about the stop. You are letting them know that they must count from that stop that you just left, two stops. Very common expression in the U.S. "stop after this one coming up." This expression is almost the same as the one above with the exception that you are a bit more detailed in the stops.
"In two stops"(2つ目の駅です) この表現では、おそらく詳細な会話をしています。その中で、目的の駅について知らせるために、"In two stops"と加えます。そこから数えて二つ目の駅であると伝えています。アメリカでよく使われる表現です。 "stop after this one coming up."(次の駅の後の駅です。=次の次です。) この表現は上の例とほぼ同じですが、少しだけ詳しく伝えています。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • after next

  • The station after next

  • The station after the next one

"after next" is a way of referring to a number after the coming number. For example 3 is the number after 2, therefore when you are at point/number one, three is the number after the next (two). So first is 1, next is 2, after next is 3. Answer = Yakohoma is the station after next Full Answer = Yakohoma is the station after the next one.
"after next"は、次の次の数字を表します。 例えば、3は2の次の数字です。ですから、あなたが1の地点にいるときには、3が次の次の数字になります。つまり、"first"が1で、"next"が2、"after next"が3ということです。 答え = Yakohoma is the station after next(横浜駅は次の次の駅です) 完全な答え = Yakohoma is the station after the next one.(横浜駅は次の次の駅です)
Andiswa DMM英会話講師
  • It’s the station after the next one!

  • It’s the stop after the next one!

  • It’s in two stops!

「次の次の駅」という言い方はいろいろあります。 1) この次の駅になります。 2) この次の駅で停まります 3) あと2駅です
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • It is two stops away.

  • It's not the next stop, but the one after

In order to give the correct instructions to this person, it would be best to say "It's not the next stop, but the one after". This shows you are acknowledging that there is a stop before the one in which they desire to reach. This way you have given the person clear instructions.
的確に案内するなら、次の言い方がベストです。 "It's not the next stop, but the one after".(次の駅ではなく、その次の駅です) この文は、目的の駅の前にもう1つ駅があることを表します。このように言えば、分かりやすく伝えることができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • It's not the next stop, but the one after

If you wish to explain to someone how to get to a particular station, and you want to say it is the station afterthe next stop, you can use the above example sentence to explain exactly which station it is not, and which station it is. This is very clear!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The next next station

  • The station after the next

次 - next 次の次 - the next next, the 〜〜 after the next 駅 - station 次の次の駅はthe next next stationとthe station after the nextといいます。 Stationの代わりに“Stop”も言える。 Stopは止まって、降りるところ 横浜は次の次の駅ですよ Yokohama is the station after the next Yokohama is the next next station 次の次の駅で降りるよ You have to get off at the next next station
  • the station after the next one

  • two stations away

簡単でいうと、「次の次の駅」の英訳は"the station (もしくは stop) after the next one"です。 例文のケースでしたら、"two stations (もしくは stops) away"でも良いです。 Q: I want to go to Yokohama, but am I on the right train? 横浜駅に行きたいんだけどこの電車であってる? A: That's right! Yokohama is the station after the next one. (または:That's right! Yokohama is two stations away.) 今いる駅の次の次の駅が横浜駅ですよ!あっています!
  • The stop that you need to get off on is the second stop from now.

  • You need to get off not on the next stop, but the stop after next.

If you would like to explain to someone that they need to get off 2 stops from now, you can say something like "The stop that you need to get off on is the second stop from now." or "You need to get off not on the next stop, but the stop after next.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • You need to get off at not this station but the next one.

Examples: It's the station after the next station. It's not this station coming up, but the one after that. So you want to get off at the station after the next station we pass. Don't get off at this stop, but get off at the stop after that.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • It's the stop after the next

  • In two stops

  • It's not the next stop but the following one.

Here are three different ways that we can explain this concept to tell someone when they should get off the train. I think most commonly we would, "it's the stop after the next," but all of these are perfectly okay to use as well.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • The station that you need to get to is the one right after the next one.

  • The station that you need to stop off at is the one following the next.

If you want to tell someone that to get to a certain station that;s the one right after the next, you can say that in the following ways:- 1. The station that you need to get to is the one right after the next one. 2. The station that you need to stop off at is the one following the next. Both these statements are clear and easy to understand, therefore, the person should understand clearly what you mean. Usually, in most develponed cities, when travelling by train, there is a recording that is audible to all passengers, that indcates the different stops.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It's the stop after the next.

  • It's the station after the next.

  • It's the next next station.

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記はいかがでしょうか: ・It's the stop after the next. ・It's the station after the next. ・It's the next next station. どれも「次の次の駅です」を表す英語フレーズです。 station は「駅」という意味ですが、stop という言葉を使うこともよくあります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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