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2017/08/20 14:45
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  • It wasn't how I imagined.

  • The real thing was totally different.

  • In reality, it was totally different.

When you experience something in reality which is different from what you expected, you can say:
It wasn't how I imagined.
If something was not how you imagined it implies that the reality, or the real situation was very different from the idea you had in your head.

You can also say:
The real thing was totally different.
'The real thing' can refer to an event, a situation or an object. It means reality in this sense.
Totally different - Completely different.

You can also say:
In reality, it was totally different.
This has the same meaning as above but you use the word reality instead.

I hope that helps!

It wasn't how I imagined.

The real thing was totally different.
the real thing は出来事、状況、またはモノのことを指します。この場合「現実」ということです。
totally different - まったく違う

In reality, it was totally different.


Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • (but) the reality was different

  • (but) it was different in reality


The trip sounded like fun, but the reality was different.

The dress looked pink on the website, but it was a different color in reality.

David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • What I thought was not real.

  • My thinking was different to the reality.

"What I thought, was not real."
This explains that what you were thinking was not the reality.

"My thinking was different to the reality." This means that your thinking and the reality was not the same.

What I thought, was not real.考えていたことが現実ではなかったということを言います。
My thinking was different to the reality.これは、考えていたことと現実が同じではなかったということを意味します。

Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I was surprised, it was not what I pictured!

  • I was amazed, it was totally different to what I thought!

Things are sometimes different as to how you "pictured", "thought" or "imagined" it, so, when we see the real or actual thing, we are surprised or amazed.

"I was surprised, it was not what I pictured!"
"I was amazed, it was totally different to what I thought!"

"Pictured" and "thought" is the image that we have of something in our mind.


I was surprised, it was not what I pictured!
I was amazed, it was totally different to what I thought!


Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • The reality was different.

  • Realistically though,



Zakiyama バイリンガル自由人
  • It was different from what I expected.

  • It was different from what I thought.

(ex. The expected arrival time is 12:30pm. 予想到着時間は午後12時半です)

  • I assumed something different (about price of the tickets)

  • I was deluded about (the price of tickets)

  • I had a false impression about (the price of tickets)

"John, youi told me that if I went to London and bought a theatre ticket from one of the kiosks around Leicester Square,. I would be able to buy theatre tickets about half the normal price. However, when I went there at the weekend and asked for some tickets for The Lion King, they were actually almost double the usual price!"
"I'm so sorry about that, I had a false impression about the price of tickets in London."

"""John, youi told me that if I went to London and bought a theatre ticket from one of the kiosks around Leicester Square,. I would be able to buy theatre tickets about half the normal price. However, when I went there at the weekend and asked for some tickets for The Lion King, they were actually almost double the usual price!""
""I'm so sorry about that, I had a false impression about the price of tickets in London."""

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This is not how pictured everything.

  • How I imagined it and what happened were two different things.

Sometimes in life things happen in a way we did expect it to.
Instead o saying "what I thought " a better term will be "how I imagined".

This is not how pictured everything.
- This means that you imagine h it will be but it was not the same when it happened.

この場合、what I thoughtよりも、how I imaginedのほが言葉が通ります。
This is not how pictured everything

Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It wasn't what I thought it would be

  • My expectations didn't match reality.

(something) wasn't what I thought it would be - you can use this to mean something didn't match what you were picturing it to be

A. Did you see the newest Avengers movie?
B. Yeah, but it wasn't what I thought it would be.
A. What do you mean?
B. I always expect Marvel movies to be funny, but this one didn't make me laugh so much.

"(something) wasn't what I thought it would be"

A. Did you see the newest Avengers movie?
B. Yeah, but it wasn't what I thought it would be.
A. What do you mean?
B. I always expect Marvel movies to be funny, but this one didn't make me laugh so much.

Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • It did not turn out as I imagined

  • It was different from what I thought it would be

  • It wasn't as I thought it would be

When you want to express that you thought something would be one way but in reality, it was another; then you may explain this in the following ways:
-It did not turn out as I imagined
-It was different from what I thought it would be
-It wasn't as I thought it would be


-It did not turn out as I imagined

-It was different from what I thought it would be

-It wasn't as I thought it would be

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It wasn't what I expected.

  • It wasn't what I imagined.

Both of these sentences can be used interchangeably and have the same meaning. The main difference being the usage of verb, "expected," and, "imagined," which in this describe how you were thinking a situation would unfold.


Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • "It really was not what I was expecting"

  • "What I imagined was very different to the actual reality"

  • "The reality was very different to my thoughts"

If you want to express that what you thought about something and the actual reality was different, you could say any of the following: "It really was not what I was expecting", "What I imagined was very different to the actual reality" or "The reality was very different to my thoughts".


"It really was not what I was expecting"(自分が思っていたのと全然違っていた)
"What I imagined was very different to the actual reality"(現実は想像していたのとは全然違っていた)
"The reality was very different to my thoughts"(現実は自分が思っていたのと全然違っていた)

Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • the reality of the situation was not what I thought it was.

  • In reality it was very different.

If you would like to say that what you thought about something and what it was, was very different in reality, you can say something like "the reality of the situation was not what I thought it was." or "In reality it was very different.".


"the reality of the situation was not what I thought it was."

"In reality it was very different."

Kharina DMM英会話講師
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