When shopping at a store it is always a good idea to save money when you can. At some stores, bags can cost additional money. If you already have a bag from a previous store which you brought along, just notify the clerk at the check out that you already have a bag and would like your item to be placed in the bag which you have. Explain to the clerk that you do not need another bag because you already have one.
例:I already have a bag, thank you.
例:I have a bag already, I don't need another one.
例:I'll just put it in this bad that I already have.
When you're at a store again, and want to re-use the bag that you got the first time you were there; then you can say the following to the cashier:
-You can just put it in here
-I already have a bag. I'll use that.
-I'll use the bag I have here already
You can just put it in here.
I already have a bag. I'll use that.
I'll use the bag I have here already.
In alot of shops nowadays you get charged for using the carrier bags they give out so it is always a good idea to reuse old ones or put your shopping in less bags it saves you money