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2017/09/09 06:50
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  • Sleeping too much can actually make you tired.

Sleeping too much can actually make you tired. 「寝すぎると実は疲れてしまうことがある」 可能性を表すcanを用いて「~ということがある」という雰囲気にしてみました。 make you tiredは「あなたを疲れさせる」という意味です。 「寝すぎることは実際にはあなたを疲れさせることがある」(直訳) ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • If I sleep to much I'm actually more tired.

  • If I get too much sleep I am very drowsy.

  • I'm very sluggish if I get too much sleep.

The three sentences you see above are great ways to express to someone that if you sleep too much you are more tired than rested. In the second sentence you will see the adjective drowsy and in the third sentence you will see the adjective sluggish. Both of these words mean sleepy and are common in our everyday conversation. They would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上の3文は、眠りすぎると余計に疲れることを表す、素晴らしい言い方です。 2文目には形容詞「drowsy」、3文目には形容詞「sluggish」があります。これらの単語はどちらも「眠い」という意味で、日常会話でよく使われます。あなたの語彙リストに加えるといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • If I oversleep it makes me lethargic

  • It's a vicious circle if I sleep a lot - I just want to sleep more!

  • I get so tired when I have a lot of sleep!

Vicious circle = a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes another problem that then makes the first problem worse: "Many people get caught/trapped in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain." "They were caught in a vicious circle—in low-paid jobs because they were women, while the jobs were low-paid because women did them." To oversleep = sleep longer or later than one intended. "We talked until the early hours and consequently I overslept"
Vicious circle = 一つの問題が他の問題を引き起こして、最初の問題をより悪くするような良くない状況が続いていくこと。: "Many people get caught/trapped in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain." "They were caught in a vicious circle—in low-paid jobs because they were women, while the jobs were low-paid because women did them." To oversleep =予定より長く、または遅くまで寝ること。 "We talked until the early hours and consequently I overslept"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If i sleep too much i get more tired

  • I get more tired when i sleep too much

Sometimes when you have too much sleep it makes you feel more tired than you did before you went to sleep in the first place Sleepy, drowsy are other words that could be used for meaning being tired also you could say you are lethargic which means you have no energy and feel sleepy or tired
たまに、寝すぎると、寝る前よりも疲れて感じることがありますね。 「Sleepy」「drowsy」は、「tired(眠い)」という意味の別の言い方です。 「lethargic」という言い方もあります。エネルギーがなく、眠い(疲れている)ことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have slept so much that I am overtired.

  • Exhausted

When someone says that they are 'overtired' it means that they are more tired than usual. If you sleep too much, especially during day light hours this can make you feel more tired. This then can become a cycle where you do not sleep at night but sleep more in the day time. When you are exhausted it means that you are totally worn out, and have no more energy left. In a sentence it could be used as follows - "I am so exhausted that I can't even stand up straight."
「overtired」は、普通よりも疲れているという意味です。特に日中に寝すぎると、余計に疲れてしまうかもしれません。これは、夜寝ないで昼間寝るというサイクルになってしまうかもしれません。 「exhausted」は、疲れ切っていて、エネルギーが全く残っていないことを表します。 文中では、以下のように言えます。 I am so exhausted that I can't even stand up straight. (疲れすぎて、まっすぐ立つこともできません。)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • groggy

  • sluggish

Groggy is the perfect word to describe the feeling you get when you sleep too much. Sometimes, after sleeping too much, you feel unsteady, dazed, confused, and tired. For example: I felt groggy after waking up from my nap. Sluggish is also another good word. Sluggish means that you are moving very slowly due to lack of energy. You would have to explain that it is due to excessive sleep. Example: I feel sluggish from sleeping too much last night. I slept too long last night and now I feel sluggish.
"groggy"(だるい)は寝過ぎたときの感じを表すのにピッタリの言葉です。時々、寝過ぎると、unsteady(不安定な)で、dazed(ぼーっとした)、confused(混乱した)それに、tired(疲れた)ように感じますね。 (例文) I felt groggy after waking up from my nap.(昼寝から起きた後だるかった) ほかに、"sluggish"も使えます。"sluggish"は、エネルギー不足で動きが鈍いことを指します。その原因が寝過ぎたことだと説明する必要があります。 (例文) I feel sluggish from sleeping too much last night.(昨晩寝すぎてだるい) I slept too long last night and now I feel sluggish.(昨晩長く寝すぎたので、体がだるい)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I overslept last night and now I am so tired!

  • Too much sleep makes me tired.

There are two ways to use the term 'overslept'. When we set an alarm to get up in the morning and it does not wake us up - we can say we overslept the alarm. So we slept in! You can also explain that 'too much sleep' can make you feel tired. Sometimes it is a fine balance between too much and too little sleep. Getting the right amount of sleep is important to feel energised in the morning.
overslept'には2つの使い方があります。朝起きるのにアラームをセットして、気づかなかったら、'oversleep one's alarm'(目覚ましに気づかず寝過ごす)と言えます。 寝過ぎと睡眠不足のバランスは微妙なことがあります。朝スッキリとした気持ちで目覚めるには適切な量の睡眠をとることが大切です。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Sleeping for too long makes me tired

  • I feel tired whenever I sleep for too long

  • I don't like sleeping for a long time because it makes me tired

When you want to explain that you are usually tired when you sleep to much, then you can say: -Sleeping for too long makes me tired -I feel tired whenever I sleep for too long -I don't like sleeping for a long time because it makes me tired
寝過ぎると疲れてしまうことを説明したいなら、以下のように言えます: -Sleeping for too long makes me tired (長時間寝ると疲れる) -I feel tired whenever I sleep for too long (長時間寝るといつも疲れる) -I don't like sleeping for a long time because it makes me tired (疲れるから、長時間寝たくない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • When I sleep too much, I actually get tired.

If you want to tell someone that you get tired when you sleep too much, you can say: "When I sleep too much, I actually get tired."
「寝過ぎると逆に疲れる」は次のように言えます。 "When I sleep too much, I actually get tired." (寝過ぎると逆に疲れる)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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