世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/18 20:48
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  • Please take out the garlic;I would like it without garlic please

  • No garlic, please.

「ニンニク抜きでお願いします」は英語でこのようは自然です。 No garlic, please. (ニンニクなしでお願いします) I would like it without garlic please.  (ニンニクなしでお願いします) Please take out the garlic.  (ニンニクを抜いてください) ニンニク苦手な方には、上記の一言を覚えておいたら役に立つと思います。:) 英語頑張ってください!
  • Without garlic, please.

  • No garlic, please.

  • Make mine without garlic, please.

他のアンカーの方が回答されている通りです。 3番目の言い方は「通」です(笑) 自分の好み(カスタマイズ)の料理にするために、「~抜きで料理してください」という表現になります。 映画「ミセスダウト」(Mrs. Doubtfire) のワンシーンにこんなセリフがあります。 Make mine not spicy. I'm allergic to pepper. 訳:私のは辛くしないでくれ。胡椒(や唐辛子)アレルギーなんだ。 余談ですが、私はにんにく入りの何か(ラーメンとか)を食べると顔から汗が止まらなくなります。 今もPCの前で回答しているだけでニンニク料理を食べてないのに、想像しただけで顔から汗が噴き出してきて体に熱がこもっています。 I think I'm allergic to stimulus spices.(意訳:思うに私は刺激のある薬味や香辛料が苦手なんだ) 参考になれば幸いです☆
  • Absolutely no garlic Thank you!

  • Please omit the garlic

"Absolutely no garlic." The use of absolutely in this statement makes it a very strong statement, like a command. It indicates that under no circumstances should they include garlic in any of the food. Please omit the garlic. This is a less forceful statement which requests them to omit or leave out the garlic.
"Absolutely no garlic." 必ずにんにく抜きで。 absolutelyという単語は、命令のように強い意味をもたせます。どんな場合であろうとにんにくを使うことはできないという表現です。  Please omit the garlic. にんにくを抜いてください。 この表現は、にんにくを抜いてもらうようにお願いする少し柔らかい表現になります。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • No garlic, please.

  • Without garlic, please.

~なしで=without  否定のnoを頭につけてno ~にしても、~はいらないということが伝わります。 お店の中なのでNo garlic, やWithout garlicだけだとちょっと失礼になるのでpleaseをつけましょう。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • No garlic for me ,thanks.

  • Do you think you could make the dish without any garlic?

  • I'd like the dish to not have any garlic ,please.

"No garlic for me ,thanks." This is the quickest way to let the waiter know that you prefer your dish to not have any garlic. "Do you think you could make the dish without any garlic?" This kind of question serves as a request in most instances.It also clarifies the possibility of ordering the dish with no garlic so that if it is not possible you will be told immediately and can order another meal of your choice instead. "I'd like the dish to not have any garlic ,please." You are letting the waiter know that you prefer to not have any garlic added to the dish you are ordering .
"No garlic for me ,thanks."私にはガーリックなしでお願いします。ありがとう。 一番手っ取り早くウェイターに自分の料理にはにんにくを入れないでと頼む言い方 "Do you think you could make the dish without any garlic?"その料理をにんにくなしでできますか? このようなフレーズは、リクエストする場合に使えます。にんにくなしに対応できるのか明確にして、もしもできないならほかの料理を頼むことになるでしょう。 "I'd like the dish to not have any garlic ,please."この料理をにんにくなしでお願いしたいです。 あなたが注文する良料理にはにんにくを入れてほしくないという意味。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Could I please have this dish without garlic?

  • May I get this without any garlic in it?

  • Please make sure not to have any garlic in it?

When you want to ask a waiter not to include garlic into your dish; then you may ask in the following ways: -Could I please have this dish without garlic? -May I get this without any garlic in it? -Please make sure not to have any garlic in it?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Without garlic please.

  • No garlic please.

Here are two ways that we can say we want a dish without garlic, notice that we can either use the negation, "no," or, "without," when next to a noun phrase like garlic because we are saying that we want it removed from the dish. Example sentences : - I want my dish without garlic please. - No garlic in my soup please, I am allergic. - Can I have my dish with no garlic please?
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have that without garlic please?

Saying:: could I have that without garlic please? Means that you do not want that particular ingredient in your dish that you have ordered. Garlic is normally in that particular dish but due to your taste preferences or dietary requirements you would prefer not having garlic in this dish.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have this dish but without garlic?

  • No garlic, please.

  • Please make mine without garlic.

You can use any of these sentences to tell the waiter that you do not want any garlic in your dish. Can I have the Sweet and sour pork but without garlic please? Can I have this (points to menu) but with no garlic please.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Please can you leave out the garlic, I don't like it very much

  • Would you mind preparing it without the garlic?

Everybody has their own tastes. Some people adore a certain type of food, and other people do not like this type of food at all. We are all different. So when it comes to ordering food in a restaurant, if we don't like one of the ingredients in the dish we are going to order, then we must tell the server to omit it. These sentences are very polite ways of communicating with the server that you don't want garlic with your meal. It is good to be very polite in situations like this. The server will respect it.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have no garlic?

  • Can you please hold the garlic?

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you want your meal without any garlic. In the second sentence you will see the word hold. In this sentence it means to not add something. This is a word that is commonly used, especially when cooking, ordering food, or ordering a drink at a restaurant. This would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • No garlic, please.

  • Could I please have that without garlic?

  • Would it be possible to have this without garlic?

If you want to avoid having garlic-breath, it would appropriate and polite to use one of these phrases: "Could I please have that without garlic?" or "Would it be possible to have this without garlic?" Alternatively, you could simply say: "no garlic, please." I hope this helps you to avoid having a strong,, garlicky smell! :)
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • No garlic, please.

  • Please hold the garlic.

"No garlic, please." When ordering a dish at a restaurant and you don't want a specific ingredient on it you just simply ask for "No ______, please." It's the quickest and simplest way to let them know you don't want garlic or another ingredient on your dish. "Please hold the garlic." This is another phrase to tell someone that you don't want a certain ingredient. This expression is not the most common, but I have heard people use this phrase when ordering at fast food restaurants. For example: "I would like a cheeseburger, hold the pickles please."
Leesha DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't add garlic.

  • Without garlic please.

  • No garlic, please.

If you don't want or cannot have garlic in food you can say to the server or cook, "Please don't add garlic." or simply say, "Without garlic please." Adding "please" to the request will help make it sound more polite.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please tell the chef to not put/use garlic in my dish?

  • I do not want any garlic in my dish please.

If you are at a restaurant and want to ask for them to make our dish without garlic, you can say something like "Can you please tell the chef to not put/use garlic in my dish?" or "I do not want any garlic in my dish please.". These are some polite ways to ask for your dish to be cooked without garlic in it.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • No garlic, please.

  • without garlic, please.

"No garlic, please" and "without garlic, please" means that garlic should not be added to the meal. no = not at all without = lacking ------------------------------------- I would like to order a ham and cheese pizza, without garlic please. I want a bun with no garlic, please.
"No garlic, please"と"without garlic, please"は、食事にニンニクを追加しないでほしいことを意味します。 no = not at all(まったくなし) without = lacking(抜きで) ------------------------------------- I would like to order a ham and cheese pizza, without garlic please.(ハムとチーズのピザをニンニク抜きでお願いします) I want a bun with no garlic, please.(ニンニク抜きのパンをお願いします)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • No garlic please!

  • Please make sure that no garlic is added to my food.

No garlic please! The waiter will automatically know that you do not want garlic in your food. Please make sure means that the waiter must let the chef know to omit garlic from your meal.
No garlic please! -ウェイターは自動的に あなたはあなたの食べ物にニンニクは欲しくないことを示していることを認識します。 Please make sure-ウェイターがシェフに必ず知らせなければならないこと(あなたの食事からニンニクを省くこと)を確認します
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I do not want any garlic in my food, thank you.

  • Can you kindly ask the chef/cook not to add garlic in my food.

I do not want any garlic in my food, thank you. - This is telling the waiter in a straight and direct way that you do not want garlic in your food. Can you kindly ask the chef/cook not to add garlic in my food. - This is a kind request that to the chef/ cook that is preparing your food.
I do not want any garlic in my food, thank you. -これはあなたの食べ物にニンニクが欲しくないという直接的な方法でウェイターに伝えています。 Can you kindly ask the chef/cook not to add garlic in my food. - これは、あなたの食べ物を準備しているシェフ/料理人への親切な要求です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • No garlic for me please.

  • Please don't include any garlic in mine.

  • Strictly no garlic! I'm meeting my girlfriend later!

Strictly no garlic! I'm meeting my girlfriend later! This is an attempt at humour if you prefer to make a joke of your request :-)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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