世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/18 12:55
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  • Whenever I am in Hawaii, I feel at peace.

Starting the sentences with “Whenever” tells the listener that you are talking about the time you spend in Hawaii not your current state or position. You express how you feel in Hawaii by using the word “peace”. This word is pronounced the same as piece, but has an entirely different meaning. People will associate the word peace with a state of calmness, tranquillity and relaxation.
"Whenever"(いつでも)で文章を始めると、ハワイで過ごす時間について話していることを聞き手に伝えます。 “peace(平和)”という言葉を使い、ハワイでどんな風に感じるかを表現しています。 この単語は”piece(ピース、かけら)”と同じように発音されますが、 全く違う意味です。 人は“peace(平和)”という言葉を落ち着いた状態、静けさやリラックスした状態と結び付けます。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm in seventh heaven when I'm in Hawaii

  • In Hawaii, I always feel totally at ease

  • I'm so chilled in Hawaii!

Chilled = very relaxed. "By Sunday evening I'm usually feeling pretty chilled." At ease = If you are at ease, you are feeling confident and relaxed, and are able to talk to people without feeling nervous or anxious. If you put someone at their ease, you make them feel at ease. "It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist." In seventh heaven = If you say that you are in seventh heaven, you mean that you are in a state of complete happiness. "After I was given my first camera I was in seventh heaven."
Chilled =とてもリラックスしている状態. "By Sunday evening I'm usually feeling pretty chilled." (日曜日の夜には、だいたいとてもリラックスした気分です) At ease =もしあなたが at ease なら、 あなたは自信に満ち、リラックスしている状態です。 緊張や不安な気持ち無しで他人と話をする事ができます。 もし誰かを at ease にするのならば、 その人たちをリラックスさせるということです。 "It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist." (セラピストと共にくつろいだ気持ちになることは大事なことです。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I feel so relaxed when I'm in Hawaii.

  • Hawaii is good for the body and the soul.

  • Hawaii is my happy place.

"I feel so relaxed when I'm in Hawaii," explains that you feel at ease and not at all stressed during the time you are in Hawaii. "Good for the body and the soul," is a phrase that expresses something makes someone feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. In this case, Hawaii makes your whole person feel better. "My happy place," is a short colloquial way of saying that being in a certain location (Hawaii) makes you feel joyful.
"I feel so relaxed when I'm in Hawaii"(ハワイにいるとリラックスできる)は、「ハワイにいるとストレスを感じずのんびりできる」という意味です。 "Good for the body and the soul" は、肉体・精神・感情をリラックスさせるものを表すフレーズです。 "My happy place" は、「そこ(ハワイ)にいると幸せな気持ちになれる」を短く口語的に言った形です。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • When I'm in Hawaii I feel rejuvenated physically and mentally.

  • I feel so refreshed from the inside out when I'm in Hawaii.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that your body and soul feel relaxed when you are in Hawaii. In the second sentence you will see the term from the inside out. This means both internally and externally. This term is commonly used in our everyday conversation. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、ハワイにいると心も体も癒やされると伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には、"from the inside out" という表現が使われています。これは「内側も外側も」という意味です。この表現は日常会話でよく使われます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • My whole body feels relaxed when I'm in Hawaii

  • When I'm in Hawaii I feel totally relaxed

When you are 'relaxed' you feel calm and happy, going to a nice sunny place often makes you feel like that . If you say 'your whole body' it means that every part of you is relaxed and you don't feel stressed
relaxed'(リラックスした)は、落ち着いて幸せな気分になることをいいます。天気の良い所に行くと、そのように感じることが多いです。 'my whole body'と言うと、体全体がリラックスしていて、ストレスを感じていないという意味になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I feel at equilibrium whenever I am in Hawaii.

  • I feel totally at peace whenever I am in Hawaii.

Any of these statements can be used:- 1. I feel at equilibrium whenever I am in Hawaii. The word "equilibrium" means balance or evenness. When we say that we feel at equilibrium it means that our mind, body and soul are in harmony with each other. 2. I feel totally at peace whenever I am in Hawaii. This means that you are completely at peace and you have no fear, worry or anxiety.
どちらの文も使えます。 1. I feel at equilibrium whenever I am in Hawaii.(ハワイにいると気持ちが落ち着きます) "equilibrium" は「釣り合い」「平衡」という意味です。"to feel at equilibrium" は、心身のバランスが整うことをいいます。 2. I feel totally at peace whenever I am in Hawaii.(ハワイにいるとすごく気持ちが落ち着きます) これは、不安を感じることがなくすごく気持ちが落ち着くという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "Hawaii is the perfect haven to unwind spiritually."

  • "Hawaii, it's a great place to kick back & relax. "

  • "I can really let my hair down in Hawaii."

"Hawaii is the perfect haven to unwind spiritually." - 'Unwind' is to relax & 'spiritually' adds to the statement as if to cleanse your soul. A 'haven' is a safe place. "Hawaii is such an amazing place! It's the perfect haven to unwind spiritually & let my hair down. "Hawaii, it's a great place to kick back & relax. " - To 'kick back' is to do nothing which is great for vacations. "I can really let my hair down in Hawaii." If you 'let your hair down,' you have a great time & possibly reenergize if you're not partying too much. You can also use it to express to party, as in "I like to let my hair down in Hawaii, the beaches & clubs are amazing!".
"Hawaii is the perfect haven to unwind spiritually."(ハワイはゆったり心を解きほぐすのに最高の場所です) - 'Unwind' は「リラックスする」という意味です。'Spiritually' を加えると「精神を浄化する」といった感じになります。'Haven' は「安全な場所」です。 "Hawaii is such an amazing place! It's the perfect haven to unwind spiritually & let my hair down." (ハワイは素晴らしい所です。心を解きほぐしゆったりリラックスするのに最高の場所です) ---- "Hawaii, it's a great place to kick back & relax. "(ハワイはゆったりリラックスするのに最高の場所です) - 'kick back' は、何もしないことをいいます。休暇のときにはこれは最高ですね。 ---- "I can really let my hair down in Hawaii."(ハワイにいると本当にリラックスできます) - 'let your hair down' は楽しい時間を過ごすこと、そして場合によって(パーティーを控えれば)元気を回復することも表します。これを使って、パーティーをすることを表すこともできます。 例えば: "I like to let my hair down in Hawaii, the beaches & clubs are amazing!" (ハワイでリラックスするのが好きです。ビーチとクラブは最高です)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • "My body and soul feel relaxed when I'm in Hawaii"

  • "My body and soul feel so at peace whenever I visit Hawaii"

  • "Hawaii is the one place I go where my body and soul feels relaxed"

If you want to explain that for whatever reason Hawaii makes you feel relaxed, both within your body and your soul, you could say any of the following: "My body and soul feel relaxed when I'm in Hawaii", "My body and soul feel so at peace whenever I visit Hawaii" or "Hawaii is the one place I go where my body and soul feels relaxed". All three of these sentences explain this.
ハワイにいると(どのような理由であれ)心も体もリラックスできると説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "My body and soul feel relaxed when I'm in Hawaii"(ハワイにいると心も体もリラックスできます) "My body and soul feel so at peace whenever I visit Hawaii"(ハワイにいると心も体もリラックスできます) "Hawaii is the one place I go where my body and soul feels relaxed"(ハワイにいると心も体もリラックスできます) 上記どの文でもあなたの気持ちを説明できます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I feel at peace when I'm in Hawaii.

  • Being in Hawaii is always very blissful.

To explain that your body and soul feel relaxed when you are in Hawaii, you can say: "I feel at peace when I'm in Hawaii." "Being in Hawaii is always very blissful."
「ハワイにいると心も体もリラックスできる」は次のように言えます。 "I feel at peace when I'm in Hawaii."(ハワイにいると心が落ち着く) "Being in Hawaii is always very blissful."(ハワイにいるときは最高に幸せな時間)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • My body and soul feel at peace when I'm in Hawaii.

My body and soul feel at peace when I'm in Hawaii. ハワイにいると、身体も心も穏やかになれます。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 body は「身体」、soul は「心」のようなニュアンスです。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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