世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/19 01:04
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  • I will work anywhere if someone hires me.

  • I will do anything if the company needs me.

  • I won't be overly critical of any jobs as long as I can work.

この場合の”Will"は、未来の事を言うよりも自分の意思を表します。 ”I will work anywhere if someone hires me. ”(もし誰かが私を雇ってくれるならば、どこででも働きます。)のように〜します。と表現します。*Hire: 〜を(人)を雇う また、"I will do anything if the company needs me." (もし会社が自分を必要としてくれるなら、なんでもしますよ。)  このニュアンスは、会話の中で働くところがだいたい決まっていて、もし働けるなら職種はこだわらない事を伝えています。 *Need me: 私を必要とする。 どうしても働きたい感じを出したい時には、”I won't be overly critical of any jobs as long as I can work..”(働けるなら仕事を選びません!” )のようにwon't be overly critical of(何も選ばない)とも言えます。
  • I am willing to work anywhere that will hire me.

  • I just want a job.

  • I will work just about anywhere.

To express that you will do any kind of job at first you can use words like 'willing' or 'just want' to show that it does not matter so much what the job is as long as they will hire you. For example: -"It doesn't matter what kind of job I get, as long as I have a job." -"I am willing to work anywhere that will hire me." -"I will work just about anywhere." And to help explain that in the future, after improving English little by little, you can use 'eventually' to imply future or use the future tense. For example: -"Eventually, I will look for work that I really like." -"I will look for work I enjoy in the future." -"After a while, and I practice English, I will find a job that I really want."
まず、'willing' または 'just want' などで「雇ってくれるならどこでも構わない」を表せます。 例えば: -"It doesn't matter what kind of job I get, as long as I have a job."(雇ってくれるならどんな仕事でもします) -"I am willing to work anywhere that will hire me."(雇ってくれるならどこでも働く用意はあります) -"I will work just about anywhere."(どこでも働く用意はあります) 「将来英語が上達したら」は、未来時制やあるいは 'eventually' で表せます。 例えば: -"Eventually, I will look for work that I really like."(いずれは、自分の好きな仕事がしたい) -"I will look for work I enjoy in the future."(将来は自分の好きな仕事がしたい) -"After a while, and I practice English, I will find a job that I really want."(しばらくして英語を勉強したら、自分の本当にやりたい仕事をします)
Kayla K DMM英会話講師
  • I'm willing to do any kind of job.

If you are "willing" it means that you are interested and want to do something. "Kind" is another word for "type." I hope that this helps. :)
"I'm willing to do something" は、話し手が興味を持っていて、やりたいと思っている事を表します。 "Kind" は "Type" の別の言い方です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I need to get working, so I'm pretty flexible at to what job I do.

  • I'm happy / willing to fit in with whatever the company needs, as I need to get working.

  • I'm looking to start work as soon as possible, so I'm happy to look at all options available.

The above phrases all highlight two points. Firstly that the person is flexible in what they do, and happy to look at any job offers. "I need to get working... I'm happy / willing to...I'm looking to start asap.... Secondly it shows the person is ready, and keen, to get started working as soon as possible. This is a good thing for a potential employer to see, as it shows the person is committed to finding a job, so will probably stick at it. The language used is not too formal, polite and gets the situation across in a clear way.
上記のフレーズはどれも二つの点について強調しています。 第一に、何をするかについて柔軟で、あらゆる仕事のオファーを検討する用意があるということ。 I need to get working...(仕事を始めないといけない) I'm happy / willing to...(喜んで...する/...する用意がある) I'm looking to start asap....(できるだけ早く始めたい) 第二に、できるだけ早く仕事を始めたいということ。これは、本気で職を探していることが伝わり、「たぶん仕事を続けていけるだろうな」という印象になるので、将来の雇用主に対するアピールになります。 使っている言葉はフォーマルすぎず、丁寧で、また、この状況について明確に伝えています。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • I am willing to do any job that is readily available anywhere in the States.

  • Should any job be available anywhere in the United States, I am willing to start immediately.

  • I am not choosy as to what job it is or where it is located in the States, as long as I get hired.

If you say 'I am willing to do any job', you actually mean that you are not 'choosy' as regards the type of job you would like to do, as long as the job is available immediately. The adjective 'choosy' used in the third statement means 'taking unnecessarily excessive care when making a choice'. At the same time, you are not 'choosy' regarding where the job will be found as long as it will be in the United States. So, you may say: I am willing to do any job that is readily available anywhere in the States. or Should any job be available anywhere in the United States, I am willing to start immediately. or I am not choosy as to what job it is or where it is located in the States, as long as I get hired.
I am willing to do any job' というと、すぐにできる仕事なら職種には「こだわらない」という意味になります。 三つ目の例の 'choosy' は、ものを選ぶときに必要以上に注意を払うことをいいます。 同時に、アメリカ国内であれば場所についてもこだわりはないと伝えています。 次のように言えます。 I am willing to do any job that is readily available anywhere in the States. (アメリカ国内ですぐにできる仕事なら何でも構いません) Should any job be available anywhere in the United States, I am willing to start immediately. (アメリカ国内で何かできる仕事があれば、すぐに始めたいです) I am not choosy as to what job it is or where it is located in the States, as long as I get hired. (アメリカ国内であれば場所や職種にこだわりはありません)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I am not fussy...anything that pays enough!

  • I am really not fussy about the kind of work I do ...As long as it pays well enough.

NOT FUSSY is a very well used expression in Britain;-D This phrase simply means one is "not too bothered" about the kind of work offered. "I am easy" is a more modern expression that is commonly used in the USA. When it comes to my work I am not fussy at all about what I do for a living, as long as I am happy in the job...And it pays enough to live on.
NOT FUSSY' はイギリスでよく使われる表現です。 このフレーズはシンプルに「仕事の種類にはこだわらない」という意味です。 "I am easy" はアメリカでよく使われるよりモダンな言い方です。 When it comes to my work I am not fussy at all about what I do for a living, as long as I am happy in the job...And it pays enough to live on. (私は仕事の種類には全くこだわりません。そこで幸せに働けて、生活できるだけの給料をもらえればそれでいいです)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have a preference.

  • I'm not picky.

  • I'd be happy with anything.

I don't have a preference. - a preference is a greater liking for one thing over another. If you don't have a greater liking then you can say you don't have a preference. I'm not picky. - being picky means that you tend to be concerned about accuracy and detail. If you would take anything, then you are not picky. I'd be happy with anything. - a common expression to say that you are okay with whatever the final decision is.
I don't have a preference.(特に意中のものはありません) → 'preference' はあるものを他のものよりも好きであることをいいます。もし好みのものがないなら、"I don't have a preference" と言えます。 I'm not picky.(えり好みしません) → 'picky' は正確性や細部を気にする人を表します。「何でも受け入れる」ということなら、"I'm not picky." と言えます。 I'd be happy with anything.(何でもいいです) →「最終的にどのように決まっても構わない」の意味の一般的な表現です。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm willing to do any type of work I can find there.

  • I wouldn't be picky about the job, as long as I'm working in the States

When you want to tell someone what you are OK with any kind of job that you could get in the States; then you may express this in the following ways: -I'm willing to do any type of work I can find there. -I wouldn't be picky about the job, as long as I'm working in the States
「アメリカでできるなら、どんな仕事でも構わない」は、次のように言えます。 -I'm willing to do any type of work I can find there.(アメリカでできるなら、どんな職種でも構わない) -I wouldn't be picky about the job, as long as I'm working in the States(アメリカでできるなら、どんな職種でも構わない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I will work anywhere

  • Anywhere that is willing to hire me

When someone is asking yourself where would you like to work, if currently unemployed, you can respond with these phrases, these phrases here are explaining that you will work anywhere, meaning you do not mind where you work. and 'Anywhere willing to hire me' again meaning it doesn't matter where you work, if you get 'hired' (meaning that company want you to work for them) you will be more than happy to work for them.
失業中に、どこで働きたいかと聞かれたら、上記のように返答できます。これらは「どこでも働きに行く」、つまり「どこでも構わない」という意味です。 'Anywhere willing to hire me' も「どこでも働きに行く」、「雇ってくれるならどこでも喜んで行く」を表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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