世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/14 14:20
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  • I'll take you for coffee as a thank you.

  • I owe you a coffee for this.

  • I owe you one.

Saying thank you with coffee is a very popular gesture around the world. Here are a few examples on how to offer your thanks using coffee. Example 1 is a simple way of saying that you will say thank you with coffee. "I'll take you for coffee as a thank you." Taking someone for coffee means you will pay for the coffee or beverage when you go out together again. Note, you don't have to say the words "as a thank you"at the end. You could simply say "I'll take you for coffee." Example 2 is a little bit more casual. "I owe you a coffee for this" When we use the word "Owe"we are saying that there is an obligation to pay or repay someone for something they did for us or gave to us. In this example you are saying that you will repay your friend with a coffee. Example 3 is casual. "I owe you one." By saying "one"you are saying a coffee or a favour of some kind to repay your friend.
コーヒーを利用してお礼を伝えるのは、世界中でよく行われている方法ですよね。以下がそのようなお礼の仕方の例です。 1番目の例は、コーヒーを利用してお礼を伝えるシンプルな言い方です。 "I'll take you for coffee as a thank you." コーヒーを飲みに連れていくということは、あなたがコーヒー等の飲み物の支払いをするということになりますよね。文末の"as a thank you"は、入れても入れなくてもどちらでも結構です。シンプルに、"I'll take you for coffee."と言うこともできます。 2番目の例はもう少しカジュアルです。 "I owe you a coffee for this" "Owe"は借りがあるという意味で、誰かがあなたにしてくれたことに対して、お礼として支払う借りがあるということを指しています。この文では、あなたはお礼としてコーヒーを支払うことを言っていますね。 3番目の例はカジュアルです。 "I owe you one." "one"を使うことで、コーヒー等、何らかの方法を使ってお礼したいという意味になります。
Travis S DMM英会話講師
  • I want to buy you a coffee, my treat

  • Please can I take you out for coffee to thank you?

  • I'd love to treat you to a coffee for the great advice you gave me!

I want to buy you a coffee, my treat- We say 'my treat' when we want to treat someone else, by this we mean buy them something, often referring to a coffee or some food out. Please can I take you out for coffee to thank you?- We often say, shall we go out for coffee, this is meaning that we will have the coffee in a cafe
I want to buy you a coffee, my treat. (コーヒーを買ってあげたいんだ。おごりだよ。) 誰かにおごりたいときは、'my treat'(わたしのおごり)という言葉を使います。これは、コーヒーや食べ物など、何かを買ってあげたいということを意味します。 Please can I take you out for coffee to thank you? (お礼としてコーヒーに連れていってもいい?) よくShall we go out for coffee?という表現も使いますが、これは一緒にカフェでコーヒーを飲もうという意味です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • After such brilliant advice, I owe you a coffee!

  • The coffees are on me!

  • Thanks for that! Let me treat you to a coffee!

It is always brilliant if things go well following the application of some well-resourced advice and treating your friend to a coffee - or even something stronger is a pleasant way of showing your appreciation. In context, after having discussed the advice you received and giving your friend details of your success, probably all you need to say is: "The coffees are on me!" A coffee is not an incredibly big or unusual gift and making a 'big thing' out of treating your friend to just a coffee, is not usual. Any offer to buy coffee would normally be low key and spontaneous.
充実したアドバイスを基にして、物事がうまくいったときは、コーヒーをおごってあげたり、さらに感謝の気持ちを伝えてあげると、どんなときでもこの上なく嬉しいですよね。 今回の場合、その友達にもらったアドバイス内容やプレゼントがうまくいったことを伝えた後、"The coffees are on me!"と言うだけでも恐らく十分だと思います。コーヒーは、特別大きくて、並外れたプレゼントというわけではありませんが、友達にコーヒーをおごるよりも、さらに大それたことをするのは、普通ではありません。コーヒーをおごるのを提案してあげることは、普通、いい意味で控えめで、自然な行為です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to take you out for coffee to thank you for the great advice.

  • Can I treat you to coffee to thank you for the great advice?

  • To thank you for the great advice you gave me, I'd like to take you out for coffee.

You can ask or say that you would like to take your friend out for coffee to thank them for the good advice they gave you.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I owe you a coffee

  • Thanks for the excellent advice...It all worked out. I owe you a coffee;-D

"I owe you one" an adage that is well used in modern English ;-D In this case we want to take someone for a cofee as a token of thanks. "Thanks for the excellent advice...It all worked out..I owe you a coffee;-D"
"I owe you one"現代英語でよく使われることわざです。 この場合、誰かにお礼の印としてコーヒーをご馳走したいということです。 "Thanks for the excellent advice. It all worked out I owe you a coffee;-D" (素晴らしいアドバイスをありがとうございます。うまくいきました。是非コーヒーでもご馳走させてください。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for the good advice, Ill repay you with a coffee.

  • Coffee on me just because of that great advice.

▪ Thanks for the good advice, Ill repay you with a coffee. This is saying thank you for the advice and that you will take him/her for coffee to return the favor. ▪ Coffee on me just because of that great advice. This is saying that you owe him/her a coffee because of the great advice you received.
▪ Thanks for the good advice, Ill repay you with a coffee. こちらの文は、あなたがアドバイスに対して感謝していて、お礼として、彼/彼女をコーヒーに連れていくと言っています。 ▪ Coffee on me just because of that great advice. こちらの文は、あなたが受け取った素晴らしいアドバイスのおかげで、あなたは彼/彼女にコーヒーの借りがあると言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I owe you a lot. Your advice really helped me with the problem I was facing that time.

  • I owe you coffee for this.

*I owe you a lot. Your advice really helped me with the problem I was facing that time. If you owe someone something its a way to say that you are grateful for what they did and you would like to do something nice for them too . In this case you will buy them a coffee. *I owe you coffee for this. This means that you would like to get them coffee as a thank you for what they have done for you.
*I owe you a lot. Your advice really helped me with the problem I was facing that time. (私はあなたにたくさん借りがあるよ。あの時の問題を対処するときに、あなたのアドバイスがとても役に立ったよ。) owe~は、彼らがやってくれたことを有り難く思っていて、あなたも彼らに何か素敵なことをしてあげたいという意味です。この場合、あなたはコーヒーを買ってあげると言っていますね。 *I owe you coffee for this. (今回のことで、あなたにコーヒーの借りがあるよ。) こちらの文は、彼らがやってくれたことに対するお礼として、あなたがコーヒーをあげたいという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I will buy you a coffee.

  • Shall we go grab a coffee?

  • Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?

1) Buy you+名刺で、あなたに名詞を買ってあげるという意味になります。この文章では、私はあなたにコーヒーをおごってあげるという直訳的な意味になりますが、仲のいい友達などに頻繁に使われます。コーヒーを別の名詞に変えて使う事もできます。I will buy you dinnerだったら、今日のディナーおごってあげるよという表現になります。 2) Shall we danceなどよく聞くフレーズだと思いますが、Shall we~とは一緒に~しませんか?という誘い文句です。この文章の場合は一緒にコーヒーでもいかがでしょうか?というお誘いの文句になります。 3) Would you~は、~しませんか?という丁寧な言葉になります。Joinは参加するという意味ですので、私は今からコーヒーを飲みに行くのですが、ご一緒にコーヒーを飲みにいきませんか?という表現になります。丁寧なお誘いの時に使います。
  • Your advice was so helpful, allow me to buy you a cup of coffee.

  • The least I can do is buy you a cup of coffee for all your help.

Always inform the person that they were of great help to you. And then express your desire to buy them coffee as a thank you. Or simply saying that without their help things would've been much more difficult for you and that you want to thank them with a small token of appreciation.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
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