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2017/12/06 12:19
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  • I put on weight during the New Year holidays because I eat too much.

  • I tend to gain weight during the New Year holidays because I eat a lot of delicious food during the New Year holidays.

tend to~する傾向にある eat too much 食べ過ぎる during the New Years holidays 正月の休み期間 New Years holidays = お正月休み I put on weight during the New Year holidays because I eat too much. お正月は食べすぎるから太る。 I tend to gain weight during the New Year holidays because I eat a lot of delicious food during the New Year holidays. お正月はおいしい食べ物をたくさん食べるので、いつも体重が増えがち。
Tomomi I 英語講師
  • I have put on too much weight during the holiday season.

  • I ate to much during the holiday season so gained to much weight.

"Holiday season" Normally refers to the time just before 25th od December and the beginning of January so includes Christmas and New Years. "I have put on to much weight during the holiday season." This explains that you put on a lot of weight during this period of time. "I ate too much during the holiday season so gained to much weight." This explains that you ate too much during this time and because of that you have put on to much weight.
"Holiday season" 通常12月25日の少し前から1月のはじめの頃を指すのでクリスマスと正月を含みます。 "I have put on too much weight during the holiday season." これはあなたがその期間にとても太ったということを説明しています。 "I ate too much during the holiday season so gained to much weight." この文はその期間に食べ過ぎてしまったこと、そしてそのせいで太ってしまったことを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • The New year holiday season is the time when I gain the most weight because of all the food I eat.

  • I call the New years holiday the gaining weight season for me because I eat so much food in this time.

▪ The New year holiday season is the time when I gain the most weight because of all the food I eat. This is saying that in the New year holiday you gain more weight then in other holidays because you so much food in the new year holiday. ▪ I call the New years holiday the gaining weight season for me because I eat so much food in this time. This is saying that the new years holiday for you is gaining weight season because you eat a lot in this time. Example 1 Friend: Are you excited for the New years holiday? You: No, The New year holiday season is the time when I gain the most weight because of all the food I eat. Example 2 Friend: What is your nickname for the New years holiday? You: I call the New years holiday the gaining weight season for me because I eat so much food in this time.
 ‣The New year holiday season is the time when I gain the most weight because of all the food I eat. 正月休みは、たくさん食べるせいで一年で一番体重が増える。   ▪ I call the New years holiday the gaining weight season for me because I eat so much food in this time. 正月休みは、たくさん食べてしまうので、増量休みと呼んでいる。  例 1 Friend: Are you excited for the New years holiday? 友達:お正月休み楽しみにしてる? You: No, The New year holiday season is the time when I gain the most weight because of all the food I eat. あなた:あんまり。たくさん食べてしまうせいで、体重がすごく増えてしまうから。    例 2 Friend: What is your nickname for the New years holiday? 友達:お正月休みのことなんて呼ぶ? You : I call the New years holiday the gaining weight season for me because I eat so much food in this time. あなた:正月休みはたくさん食べてしまうから、増量休みと呼んでいるよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I put on a few pounds during the New Year's holiday because I stuff myself full of food.

  • I always gain a few extra pounds around New Year's because I overeat.

to gain a few pounds / to put on a few pounds - this means to put on some weight. Pounds (lbs.) is the unit we Americans use for weight to stuff oneself full of food - this means to eat so much that you're "stuffed" like a turkey freshman 15 - This isn't applied to New Year's; however, we do have a phrase for the amount of weight you gain during your freshman year of college. Because many students stay in dorms where they have dining halls with unlimited food, they tend to gain weight freshman year. The stress of classes, the transition to adulthood, drinking at frat parties, and the hours spent studying rather than doing physical activity only add to this problem.
to gain a few pounds / to put on a few pounds - これは体重が増えることを意味しています。 Pounds (lbs.)はアメリカ人が体重を計るのに使う単位です。 to stuff oneself full of food - これは食べ過ぎたので、ますで七面鳥のように"stuffed"詰まっているということを意味しています。 freshman 15 - 正月ではありませんが、あなたが大学の新入生の年に増えた体重を表すフレーズがあります。 なぜなら、多くの学生は無制限に食べ物のあるダイニングホールがついた寮で過ごし、新入生の年には体重が増える傾向があるからです。 授業のストレス、成人期への移行、パーティーでの飲酒、身体的な活動よりもむしろ勉強をすることなどがこの問題に追加されるでしょう。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I usually put on weight over the New Year due to over-eating

  • My weight always rockets over New Year due to overindulgence

To rocket/skyrocket = to increase or go up. "The price of oysters this winter has rocketed compared to last year." To put weight = to gain weight. "Mavis put on so much weight in the winter, none of her spring clothes fitted her." To over-eat = to eat more than is usual or necessary. "Arthur has a few eating disorders, one of them being that he regularly over-eats."
To rocket/skyrocket = 増えること、あがること "The price of oysters this winter has rocketed compared to last year." 今年の冬のカキの価格は、去年と比べると値上がりした。 To put weight = 体重が増えること "Mavis put on so much weight in the winter, none of her spring clothes fitted her." メイヴィスは、今年の冬激太りしたので、春物の服がすべて入らなかった。 To over-eat = 普段より、必要以上に食べること "Arthur has a few eating disorders, one of them being that he regularly over-eats." アーサーは、いくつか摂食障害があって、その一つが過食である。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I normally pack on the pounds during the New Year because I eat so much.

  • I tend to become overweight during the New Year because I eat too much.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you normally gain weight during the New Year celebrations because you eat more than you normally do. In the first sentence you will notice the term pack on the pounds. This is an informal phrase that means to gain weight.
上記二つの例文は、お正月は食べ過ぎてしまっていつも体重が増えることを伝える言い方です。 最初の例文では"pack on the pounds"という表現に気が付いたと思います。これは『体重が増える』という意味のインフォーマルな表現です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I gain weight in the new year holidays

  • I tend to gain weight in the new year holidays as i eat too much

  • I always gain weight in the new year holidays as i eat a lot

To say 'I gain eight during the new year holidays' would say this simply meaning you put on weight in the new year holiday period to 'Tend to' means you sometimes gain weight not always 'I always gain weight in the new year holidays as i eat a lot' explains why you put on the weight (eat too much
I gain weight during the new year holidays'はシンプルな言い方です。「正月休みには体重が増える」という意味です。 'tend to'は「いつもではないけど、体重が増える時もある」ということを表します。 'I always gain weight in the new year holidays as I eat a lot'(たくさん食べるから正月休みはいつも太る)は、体重が増える理由(食べ過ぎ)を説明します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I gained weight from eating a lot during the New Year holidays.

  • I ate so much food that I put on weight from the New Year holidays.

If you want to explain that you gained weight from eating a lot of food during the New Year holidays, you can say: "I gained weight from eating a lot during the New Year holidays." "I ate so much food that I put on weight from the New Year holidays."
「年末年始に食べ過ぎて太った」は、次のように言えます。 "I gained weight from eating a lot during the New Year holidays."(年末年始に食べ過ぎて太った) "I ate so much food that I put on weight from the New Year holidays."(年末年始に食べ過ぎて太った)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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