世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/18 00:28
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  • whenever I get confused or lost.... he always gives me sound advice and gets me back on track!

When in a state of confusion or when one is unable to make a decision alone ...(in a quandary) there is someone you can rely on, who will give you good, balanced opinion... to help you get focused again.
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • He is always on hand to give advice.

  • He is my rock.

He is always on hand to give advice. - on hand means nearby and available. By saying he is always on hand to give advice you re saying he is always available to help you. When we describe someone as a rock - we mean they are a permanent person who is always in our life and there to offer support and advice to us when we struggle. e.g. When I was a teenager I found life very hard but my mother was my rock and got me through this difficult time. I hope this helps Jane :)
He is always on hand to give advice. - on handというのは近くにいて手があいているという意味です。 he is always on hand to give adviceという表現は、彼はあなたをいつでも助けてくれるということを表しています。 誰かをa rockと表現した場合、困ったときにいつもいてくれて、支えてくれたりアドバイスをくれたりする人のことを意味しています。 【例文】 ティーンエイジャーの頃は人生がとてもつらかったけれど、私の母はいつもそこにいてつらいときを支えてくれた。 お役に立てば幸いです。 Jane :)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • I can always count on my brother for advice when I need it.

  • I can always count on my brother to be there for me

1. I can always count on my brother for advice when I need it. This sentence means that you can always depend on your brother to give you good advice when you need it. 2. I can always count on my brother to be there for me To be able to count on someone means that you can depend on them to be available to spend time with you when you need them.
1. I can always count on my brother for advice when I need it. この文は、アドバイスが必要なときはいつも兄(弟)に頼ることができるという意味です。 2. I can always count on my brother to be there for me to be able to count on (人)は、 必要としているときにその人を頼ることができる、という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My brother is always there when I need him.

*My brother is always there when I need him.- This means he is always supporting you with advice or anything that you need. *My brother always gives me a shoulder to lean on. - If someone gives you shoulder to lean on it means that there are always there to support you and encourage you.
*My brother is always there when I need him. (私の兄はいつも私が彼を必要な時にそばにいてくれる) これは彼がいつもあなたが必要な時にアドバイスをくれたりサポートしてくれたりするとう意味です。 *My brother always gives me a shoulder to lean on. (私の兄はいつも支えてくれる) ”gives you shoulder to lean ” というのはいつも側にいてサポートや応援をしてくれるという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • He's always there when I need him.

  • He's always been very supportive.

  • Whenever I need help my brother is there for me.

You can describe a brother who will help, support, and give you advice; you can say things like: "He's always there for me."
助けてくれたりアドバイスをくれる兄弟のことは、次のように表せます。 He's always there for me. 彼はいつも私を助けてくれます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • My brother always supports and advises me if necessary

  • When I reach out my brother is always there

There seem to be two factors in this communication: advice and support. Both sentences inform the listener of this. The second sentence is less obvious but those two factors would certainly be included if someone is 'there' for a person who is 'reaching out'.
この会話には2つの要素があるようです。助言と支援です。どちらの文もこれを聞き手に伝えます。2例目は明確には言っていませんが、助けを求めた(reach out)時に、そこに(there)いるなら、2つの要素が確実に含まれていると言えるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I trust my brother's advice, he's always there for me.

  • I can count on my brother's advice, he's always there to help me out.

  • I can rely on my brother's advice.

The three sentences you see above are great ways to express to your listener that your brother always gives you good advice. In the second sentence you will see the term count on. When we can count on someone or something that means we can fully rely on someone or something. This is a term we use often in our everyday conversation and would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上の3文は、兄(弟)がいつもいい助言をくれることを表す、素晴らしい言い方です。2文目では、「count on」という単語が使われています。「count on someone/something」は、その人(もの)をすごく信頼していることを表します。この表現は日常会話でよく使われていて、あなたの語彙リストに加えるといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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