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2017/12/20 21:50
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  • Japanese people worry about how other people think of them.

If we worry about what other people think of us, we make the conscious effort to act what we think is socially correct in public. We pay close attention to what we look like and how we carry ourselves in public. This is called self conscious.
周りにどう見られているか思われているか心配している状態だと、常識的な行動をしようと心がけたり、自分の[見た目](や[行動](を気にします 。 そういった状態のことを” self conscious.”と言います。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people are very self-conscious

  • Japanese people are very conscious of other people's opinions

self-conscious When you are nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you or your actions. Ex.He looked uncomfortable, like a self-conscious adolescent Japanese people are very conscious of other people's opinions This is another good way of explaining how Japanese people always care about what other people think about them.
“self-conscious”([人目を気にする](内気な) 他人が自分や自分自身の行動に対してどう思うか気にして [緊張していたり](、心地よくなかったりするときのことを表します。 例 “He looked uncomfortable, like a self-conscious adolescent.” (彼はとても心地よくなさそうにみえます。人目を気にする青年のよう。) 日本人はとても他の人がどう思うかについて心配することが多いように思われます。 これは日本人が他の人がどう思うかについてどのくらいいつも気にしているかを 説明する良い方法でもあるかもしれませんね。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people are very aware of how other people see them.

To be aware means that you would care about how others think about you.
"be aware"は周りの人があなたをどう思っているのか気にしているという意味です。
Kirst English teacher
  • Japanese people tend to be very self conscious about what people think of them.

  • Japanese people care too much about the way other people perceive them.

These sentences above will help you to explain that said person believes Japanese people care a lot about what others think and their opinions of them,
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people are overly conscious of how others perceive them.

Japanese people are overly conscious of how others perceive them.' 'overly conscious' is a way to say that someone thinks too much about something, or overly considers something. 'perceive' means view, look at, understand, regard, become aware of.
Japanese people are overly conscious of how others perceive them.' 日本人は、他の人がどう見ているかをとても気にする。 'overly conscious' とは、何かに対して考えすぎるという意味です。   'perceive' とは、見ること、理解すること、気づくという意味です。
Hannah E DMM英会話講師
  • The Japanese are always obsessed with creating an impression

  • Japanese people are preoccupied with keeping up appearances

If someone is always worried about what other people think of them, then that translates into adopting behaviour that creates a favourable impression for others, or 'keeping up appearances.'
他人からどう思われているかばかりを気にしてる人は、人にいい印象を与えようとしている(create an impression)、または体裁を繕っている(keep up appearances)と表せます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Individuals can be self-conscious and think about the views and opinions of others

  • Individuals can be concerned about other people's perception of them

When a person cares too much about what others think, a term often used is self-conscious. A word to describe thinking or thought is perception. So, an individual may be self-conscious about their physical appearance (clothing, shoes, hair style), and have concerns for what someone else thinks or what someone else's perception is of them.
他の人がどう思ってるか気にしすぎる人には「self-conscious(自意識が強い)」という単語がよく使われます。perceptionは「考え、意見」を表します。 自分の外見(洋服、靴、ヘアスタイル)について「self-conscious」で、他の人の自分に対する「perception」を気にする人もいます。
Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people care too much about what other people think about them.

  • Japanese people are too self-conscious.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) 例) Japanese people care too much about what other people think about them. 「日本人は他の人が自分たちについて何を考えているのかについて気にし過ぎだ」 あるいは、 Japanese people are too self-conscious. 「日本人は自意識過剰すぎる」 などのように訳すことも出来ます。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • 1. self-conscious

  • 2. concerned about what others think

  • 3. low self-esteem

1. This means to be extremely aware of your actions, appearance and behavior, and to worry about how others perceive you because of all of these. People who are self-conscious often have low self-esteem. 2. This simple sentence structure is natural and concise. You may use this as it is written. Example) Japanese people are far too concerned about what others think of them. 3. When an individual has low self-esteem, this implies they are unsure of themselves and worry about what others think.
Cammie DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people care too much about what other's think of them.

  • Japanese people care too much about what other people think of them.

  • Japanese people can be very self-conscious.

The first two examples are to show that we can either include the word, "people," to be very clear about who we are talking about, however we can also just use, "other's," to describe the same concept. Using the phrase self-conscious can also help us describe this same idea that they care about what other's think.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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