Ramen noodles are an asian noodle that is used for soups and other asian dishes. It is also popularly referred to just as Ramen and can be eaten by itself or as a part of other dishes.
Ramen is the most common word to describe these noodles and most English speakers would understand what they are. But you could also say Japanese noodles
Ramen is a Japanese dish which usually has Chinese-style noodles coupled with meat or fish. If you're ordering in a restaurant, you may say something like "I'd like some Ramen, please"
"I'd like some Ramen, please"
This dish is quite well known in the UK as 'ramen,' but to describe itb without using the Japanese name, you could say, 'noodles in Japanese stew'.
"I love Ramen noodles!"
これは、UKでは 'ramen’(ラーメン)としてよく知られてい
ます。でも、 'ramen’(ラーメン)と言う言葉を使わずに説
明する際は、 'noodles in Japanese stew'.(和風シチューに
"I love Ramen noodles!"(ラーメン大好き!)
Ramen is Japanese quick-cooking noodles, typically served in a broth with meat and vegetables. We can often find instant ramen in the supermarkets, although this is not exactly the same as traditional
Japanese ramen.
"i fancy some egg noodles today for dinner".
"do you sell noodles?".
"I really love noodles, especially Japanese Ramen noodles".
"I fancy some egg noodles today for dinner"
"Do you sell noodles?"
"I really love noodles, especially Japanese Ramen noodles"
for authentic dishes that are unique to a specific country we don't usually change the name of the dish,Instead we would explain what it is made of so that foreigners can understand what we are talking about or relate to the ingredients.
For Ramen you could say that it is a noodle dish made from fish or meat and different kinds of vegetables or herbs.
「ラーメン」は英語でもそのまま ramen (noodles) と言うことが多いです。
sushi や karaoke のように、そのまま日本語が英語になっています。
Do you want to get some ramen for lunch?
1. ramen
日本の「ラーメン」は英語でもそのまま ramen と呼ばれています。
sushi と同じくらい英語として浸透しているかと思います。
他には Japanese noodles などと説明しても良いでしょう。
noodle は「麺」という意味です。
Do you like ramen?