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2018/01/16 10:24
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  • 〇〇 DVD will be released in 3 days.

〇〇 DVD が後3日で発売される。 〇〇 DVD will be released in 3 days. アルバムが来週から発売される。 The album will be launched/released next week. ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Three days till release day.

  • Only three more days until the DVD is released.

"Three days until release day." This explains that it is three more days until the item will be released. "Only three more days until the DVD is released." This explains in more detail that it is only three days till the DVD is available for sale.
"Three days until release day." (発売日まであと三日です) これはその商品が販売されるまで残りあと三日と言う事を説明しています。 "Only three more days until the DVD is released." (残りたったあと三日でDVDの発売日です) これはもう少し詳細に残りあとたった三日でそのDVDが販売される事を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • 3 more days until the dvd is released

  • The dvd is released in 3 days

  • 3 days until the dvd release date

When a new dvd comes out you have to wait until the release date before you can buy it. So you could say " it is only 3 days until the release date of the dvd"" or " the dvd is released in 3 days" both would be fine and would explain what you mean.
新しいDVDが発売される時、購入する前に発売日まで待たなくてはなりません。 従って、下記のように言えます。 It is only 3 days until the release date of the dvd. (DVDの発売日まで、あとたった3日です。) The dvd is released in 3 days (3日後にDVDが発売されます。)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The DVD comes out in three days.

  • The release of the DVD is only three days away now.

When something is 'coming out' it means that it will be available for public consumption within the allotted time span. You can use this phrase for other products too, for example - "The new FIFA game comes out next week" or "Tom Cruise's new movie came out last month." 'Comes out' has the same meaning as 'released' and again can be used for many different things, for example. "Disneys Toy Story was first released in 1995" or "My favourite band's new album is due to be released next autumn."
coming outとは、ある期間内で一般向けに利用(使用)が可能になることを表します。このフレーズは、他の製品にも使えます。 例: The new FIFA game comes out next week. (新しいFIFAのゲームが来週発売されます。) Tom Cruise's new movie came out last month. (トム・クルーズの新しい映画は、先月公開されました。) come outは、releasedと同じ意味です。これも様々なものに使えます。 例: Disneys Toy Story was first released in 1995. (ディズニーのトイストーリーは、1995年に初めて公開されました。) My favourite band's new album is due to be released next autumn. (私の好きなバンドの新しいアルバムが、来秋発売される予定です。)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • release date

  • comes out

The more casual or common way to explain this situation is to use the expression "comes out". When movies arrive at the movie theater or DVDs are being sold in the stores, you can say: The DVD comes out in 3 more days. You can also use the expression "released". For example: Three more days until the DVD is released. or The release date of the DVD is in three more days.
この状況を説明する、よりカジュアルで一般的な言い方は"comes out"(発売する)です。 映画が映画館で公開されたり、DVDがお店で発売されるときは、次のように言えます: The DVD comes out in 3 more days. (DVDが3日後に発売されます) また、"released"(発売された)という表現も使うことが出来ます。 例えば: Three more days until the DVD is released.(DVDが発売されるまであと3日) The release date of the DVD is in three more days.(DVDの発売日は3日後です)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • 3 days and the DVD will be released

"..will be + VERB ed" This is the future passive form and may be used when the person or group carrying out a procedure is unimportant in the communication. Here, the DVD and it's release date is important rather than the manufacturing company.
[..will be + VERB ed]これは未来の受動態で、動作を行っている人またはグループが話の中で重要でない場合に使います。ここでは、製造会社より、DVDやその発売日の方が重要です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Only three days until that DVD comes out.

  • Three more days until the DVD is released.

You could say ‘three more days until the DVD is released’, which is the basic way of saying this phrase. By putting the word ‘only’ in front of the phrase, you are showing that in your opinion three days isn’t very long to wait. You could also say that the DVD ‘comes out’ which literally means it comes out of the shops on that day.
例えば: ‘Three more days until the DVD is released’ 「DVDのリリースまであと三日」 これが基本的ないい方です。このフレーズに「only」を付けて、3日間が短いと思っていることを表しています。 「come out」も使えます。これは、その日に売りに出されることを表します。
Sarah El DMM英会話講師
  • There are three more days until the DVD is released.

  • I'm so excited because the DVD will be released in three days

  • There's only three days left until the DVD is released

When you want express that a DVD you have been looking forward to is being released in three days; then you can say: -There are three more days until the DVD is released. -I'm so excited because the DVD will be released in three days -There's only three days left until the DVD is released
楽しみにしているDVDが3日後にリリースされることを伝えたいときのフレーズです。 -There are three more days until the DVD is released. DVDがリリースされるまであと3日です。 -I'm so excited because the DVD will be released in three days DVDが3日後にリリースされるので、とても楽しみです。 -There's only three days left until the DVD is released DVDがリリースされるまであと3日です。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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