When its time ot go to sleep we can use this little phrase...to suggest a good
night's sleep, dreaming wonderfully sweet dreams!
We all want to have pleasant dreams so why not say it ;-)
"Good night and sweet dreams"
Sweet dreams
I bid you good night and sweet dreams
"Good night and sweet dreams"
"Good night" is the most common phrase to wish someone a 'good' and comfortable sleep.
"Sleep tight" is also popular. It refers to tucking your blanket around yourself and the sides of the blanket under the mattress so that you are kept 'tight' in the covers.
"Sweet dreams" is to wish someone happy and enjoyable dreams and to hope they avoid all nightmares and scary dreams.
The three sentences you see above are expressions we use when we are going to go to sleep. The first sentence would be appropriate in a formal setting. For example if you are leaving the office you can say goodnight to your coworkers. The last two sentences are informal and would be used with family or close friends.
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
"Good night" or "sleep well" are probably most commonly used with people you don't know as well, such as if you are travelling in a group or with work colleagues.
"Sweet dreams" is a nice phrase to use with people you are close to.
"Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" is a nice, fun one to use with close friends or kids. Thought it is less fun if you are staying somewhere with bed bugs!
「Good night」や「Sleep well」はあまり親しくない人に言うことが多いと思います。
親しい人には「Sweet dreams」と言うといいですね。
「Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite (おやすみ、ぐっすり休んでね。トコジラミに食われないように)」、面白いフレーズですね。これも仲のいい友達や子どもに対して使います。
本当に「bed bug」がいる所に泊まっている人がこれを言われたら、全然楽しくないと思いますが。
「お休み・おやすみ」は英語で「goodnight」と言います。省略の「’night!」や子供用語の「night night!」も使われています。他には、「sleep tight!」、「have a good sleep」などの表現も使われています。
A I’m going to bed now.
B Ok! Goodnight!
母 It’s time to go to sleep. Close your eyes. Night night.
子 Night night, mummy.
The most common way to say it is "good night."
You can tell someone "good night, sleep tight and have sweet dreams."
good night (the greeting)
sleep tight (I hope you sleep well)
sweet dreams (I hope you have good dreams)
That is what most native's use when greeting at night.
おやすみは大体 good nightと言います。寝る前の「おやすみ!」は good nightで、相手の「おやすみなさい!」は good nightや sleep well(ゆっくり休んでください)や sweet dreams(良い夢を)などと言えます。何かのイベントなどの解散での「おやすみ!」は good night 又は have a good nightと言えます。
1、Good night / Night! / G'nite!
2、Sweet dreams
3、Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite
1はシンプルに Good night の様々な言い方です。Night と省略して言うこともあれば、G'nite のようにつなげることもあります。Night と G'nite はどちらも少しカジュアル目な表現です。